Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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A.158. llRequestInventoryDataAppendix A. <strong>Linden</strong> Library Functionskey llRequestInventoryData(string name);Requests data from object inventory item name. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised withthe key returned from this function in the requested parameter. The only request currently implemented is torequest data from landmarks, where the data returned is in the form "" which can be cast to avector. This position is in region local coordinates.A.159. llRequestPermissionsinteger llRequestPermissions(key avatar, iteger perm);Ask avatar to allow the script to do perm. The perm parameter should be a permission constant. Multiplepermissions can be requested simultaneously by or’ing the constants together. Many of the permissions requestscan only go to object owner. This call will not stop script execution - if the specified avatar grants the requestedpermissions, the run_time_permissions event will be called.A.160. llResetScriptllResetScript(void);Resets this script.A.161. llResetOtherScriptllResetOtherScript(string name);Resets the script name.A.162. llResetTimellResetTime(void);68

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