Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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A.140. llMoveToTargetAppendix A. <strong>Linden</strong> Library FunctionsllMoveToTarget(vector target, float float tau);Critically damp to position target in tau seconds if the script is physical. Good tau values are greater than0.2. A tau of 0.0 stops the critical damping.A.141. llOffsetTexturellOffsetTexture(float offset_s, float offset_t, integer face);Sets the texture s and t offsets of face. If face is ALL_SIDES this function sets the texture offsets for all faces.A.142. llOverMyLandinteger llOverMyLand(key id);Returns TRUE if id is over land owned by the object owner, FALSE otherwise.A.143. llParseString2Listlist llParseString2List(string src, list separators, list spacers);Breaks src into a list, discarding anything in separators, keeping any entry in spacers. Theseparators and spacers must be lists of strings with a maximum of 8 entries each. So, if you had made thecall:llParseString2List("Parsethisnow! I dare:you to.", ["this", "!", " "], [":"]);You would get the list:["Parse", "now", "I", "dare", ":", "you", "to"]64

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