Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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Appendix A. <strong>Linden</strong> Library FunctionsReturns the start parameter passed to llRezObject. If the object was created from agent inventory, this functionreturns 0.A.89. llGetScriptStateinteger llGetScriptState(string name);Resets TRUE if script name is runningA.90. llGetStatusinteger llGetStatus(integer status);Returns the value of status. The value will be one of the status constants.A.91. llGetSubStringstring llGetSubString(string src, integer start, integer end);Returns the indicated substring from src. The start and end are inclusive, so 0,length-1 would capture theentire string and 0,0 would capture the first character. Using negative numbers for start and/or end causes theindex to count backwards from the length of the string, so 0,-1 would capture the entire string. If start is largerthan end the sub string is the exclusion of the entries, so 6,4 would give the entire string except for the 5 thcharacter.A.92. llGetSunDirectionvector llGetSunDirection(void);Returns the sun direction on the simulator.53

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