Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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Chapter 11. VehiclesWhile the following methods probably don’t cause any instabilities, their behavior may conflict with vehiclesand cause undesired and/or inconsistent results, so use llLookAt, llRotLookAt, llMoveToTarget, andllTargetOmega at your own risk.If you think you have found a bug relating to how vehicle’s work, one way to submit the problem is to give acopy of the vehicle and script to Andrew <strong>Linden</strong> with comments or a notecard describing the problem. Pleasename all submissions "Bugged Vehicle XX" where XX are your Second Life initials. The vehicle and script willbe examined at the earliest convenience.11.3. DefinitionsThe terms "roll", "pitch", and "yaw" are often used to describe the modes of rotations that can happen to aairplane or boat. They correspond to rotations about the local x-, y-, and z-axis respectively.z-axis .yaw-axis /|\| __. y-axis._ ___| /| pitch-axis_||\ \\ |\. /\|| \_______\_|__\_/_______| _ _ o o o o o o o |\_ ______\ x-axis// ./_______,----,__________) / roll-axis/_,/ // .//__,/The right-hand-rule, often introduced in beginning physics courses, is used to define the direction of positiverotation about any axis. As an example of how to use the right hand rule, consider a positive rotation about theroll axis. To help visualize how such a rotation would move the airplane, place your right thumb parallel to theplane’s roll-axis such that the thumb points in the positive x-direction, then curl the four fingers into a fist. Yourfingers will be pointing in the direction that the plane will spin..-.--.--.--. __/ / / / _ \ / \(-(- (- (- ( | _________|______\ axis of\.\._\._\._) | | / rotation| \:__,---. \|/| | + positive\ .,_.___.’ rotation\_ ^ ‘.__,/| /| |27

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