Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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Chapter 3. BasicsOperatorMeaning/ Division% Modulo (remainder)^Exclusive ORWhere noted, each type may have a special interpretation of a binary arithmetic operator. See the lsl typessection for more details.3.2.3. Boolean OperatorsTable 3-2. Boolean OperatorsOperatorMeaning< Operator returns TRUE if the left hand side is less thanthe right hand side.> Operator returns TRUE if the left hand side is greaterthan the right hand side.= Operator returns TRUE if the left hand side is greaterthan or equal to the right hand sid.&&Operator returns TRUE if the left hand side and righthand side are both true.|| Operator returns TRUE if either the left hand or righthand side are true.! Unary operator returns the logical negation of theexpression to the right.3.2.4. Bitwise OperatorsTable 3-3. Bitwise OperatorsOperator&MeaningReturns the bitwise and of the left and right hand side.| Returns the bitwise or of the left and right hand side.~ Unary operator returns the bitwise complement of theexpression to the right.7

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