Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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Appendix C. ConstantsVEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALEThe timescale for exponential approach to full angular motor velocity.VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALEThe timescale for exponential decay of the angular motor’s magnitude.VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHTThe height (above the terrain or water, or global) at which the vehicle will try to hover.VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT_EFFICIENCYA slider between minimum (0.0 = bouncy) and maximum (1.0 = fast as possible) damped motion of thehover behavior.VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT_TIMESCALEThe period of bounce (or timescale of exponential approach, depending on the hover efficiency) for thevehicle to hover to the proper height.VEHICLE_BUOYANCYA slider between minimum (0.0) and maximum anti-gravity (1.0).VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCYA slider between minimum (0.0) and maximum (1.0) deflection of linear velocity. That is, it’s a simplescalar for modulating the strength of linear deflection.VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALEThe timescale for exponential success of linear deflection deflection. It is another way to specify how muchtime it takes for the vehicle’s linear velocity to be redirected to it’s preferred axis of motion.VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCYA slider between minimum (0.0) and maximum (1.0) deflection of angular orientation. That is, it’s a simplescalar for modulating the strength of angular deflection such that the vehicle’s preferred axis of motionpoints toward it’s real velocity.VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALEThe timescale for exponential success of linear deflection deflection. It’s another way to specify the strengthof the vehicle’s tendency to reorient itself so that it’s preferred axis of motion agrees with it’s true velocity.VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCYA slider between minimum (0.0 = wobbly) and maximum (1.0 = firm as possible) stability of the vehicle tokeep itself upright.VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALEThe period of wobble, or timescale for exponential approach, of the vehicle to rotate such that it’s preferred"up" axis is oriented along the world’s "up" axis.VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCYA slider between anti (-1.0), none (0.0), and maxmum (1.0) banking strength.111

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