Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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Appendix C. ConstantsDATA_RATINGReturns the agent ratings as a comma separated string of six integers. They are:1. Positive rated behavior2. Negative rated behavior3. Positive rated appearance4. Negative rated appearance5. Positive rated building6. Negative rated buildingC.16. Float ConstantsLSL provides a small collection of floating point constants for use in float arithmetic. These constants are usuallyemployed while performing trigonometric calculations, but are sometimes useful for other applications such asspecifying arc radians to sensor or particle system functions.Float ConstantsPI3.14159265 - The radians of a hemicircle.TWO_PI6.28318530 - The radians of a circle.PI_BY_TWO1.57079633 - The radians of a quarter circle.DEG_TO_RAD0.01745329 - Number of radians per degree. You can use this to convert degrees to radians by multiplyingthe degrees by this number.RAD_TO_DEGSQRT257.2957795 - Number of degrees per radian. You can use this number to convert radians to degrees bymultiplying the radians by this number.1.41421356 - The square root of 2.C.17. Key ConstantThere is only one key constant which acts as an invalid key: NULL_KEY.109

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