Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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Appendix C. ConstantsAgent Info ConstantsAGENT_FLYINGThe agent is flying.AGENT_ATTACHMENTSThe agent has attachments.AGENT_SCRIPTEDThe agent has scripted attachments.C.13. Texture Animation ConstantsThese constants are used in the llSetTextureAnim api to control the animation mode.Texture Animation ConstantsANIM_ONTexture animation is on.LOOPLoop the texture animation.REVERSEPlay animation in reverse direction.PING_PONGplay animation going forwards, then backwards.SMOOTHslide in the X direction, instead of playing separate frames.ROTATEAnimate texture rotation.SCALEAnimate the texture scale.C.14. Particle System ConstantsThese constants are used in calls to the llParticleSystem api to specify parameters.105

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