Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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B.24. sensorAppendix B. Eventssensor(integer total_number);This event is raised whenever objects matching the constraints of the llSensor command are detected. Thenumber of detected objects is passed to the script in the total_number parameter. Information on thoseobjects may be gathered via the llDetected* library functions.B.25. state_entrystate_entry(void);The state_entry event occurs whenever a new state is entered, including program start, and is always the firstevent handled.B.26. state_exitstate_exit(void);The state_exit event occurs whenever the state command is used to transition to another state. It is handledbefore the new state’s state_entry event.B.27. timertimer(void);This event is raised at regular intervals set by the llSetTimerEvent library function.B.28. touchtouch(integer total_number);95

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