Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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Appendix B. EventsThis event is raised whenever a chat message matching the constraints passed in the llListen command is heard.The name and id of the speaker as well as the message are passed in as parameters. Channel 0 is the publicchat channel that all avatars see as chat text. Channels 1 through 2,147,483,648 are private channels that are notsent to avatars but other scripts can listen on those channels.B.15. moneymoney(key giver, integer amount);This event is triggered when user giver has given an amount of <strong>Linden</strong> dollars to the object.B.16. moving_endmoving_end(void);Triggered whenever a object with this script stops moving.B.17. moving_startmoving_start(void);Triggered whenever a object with this script starts moving.B.18. no_sensorno_sensor(void);This event is raised when sensors are active (via the llSensor library call) but are not sensing anything.B.19. not_at_rot_targetnot_at_rot_target(void);93

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