Port of Helsingborg Magazine Winter/Spring 2006 - Helsingborgs ...

Port of Helsingborg Magazine Winter/Spring 2006 - Helsingborgs ...

Port of Helsingborg Magazine Winter/Spring 2006 - Helsingborgs ...


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for household purposes alone, 400,000tonnes are needed annually. The rest<strong>of</strong> Europe has now realised the needto wholly or partly convert coal-firedplants to ones using bi<strong>of</strong>uel instead.‘The price <strong>of</strong> pellets is probably startingto stabilise,’ says Christer Olsson. ‘Weimport 50 per cent <strong>of</strong> our requirementsfrom the Baltic and North America.We buy the rest in Sweden.’Shipping principal means <strong>of</strong>transportL ocally produced pellets arrive bytruck but about 8 5 per cent come bysea. L oad siz es vary between 3 ,000 and1 5,000 tonnes. Considering that thestorage capacity is 3 0,000 tonnes, manyshiploads are needed each month,particularly during the peak season.The P ort <strong>of</strong> H elsingborg unloads theships and ensures that the products arestored. The P ort is also responsible forseeing to it that the material comesfrom storage into the plant and formaintenance <strong>of</strong> the outer conveyorbelt. H aving entered the plant, thecentimetre-long pellets are ground intoa fi ne powder that is blown into theboiler. The temperature is high, in thefurnace 1 , 1 00-1 , 2 00° C, with a steamtemperature <strong>of</strong> 540° C. Appro x imately3 0 per cent <strong>of</strong> the energy is transformedinto electricity and 6 0 per cent intodistrict heating. The district heatingis released into a network that coversthe centre <strong>of</strong> H elsingborg it´ s outlyingdisticts <strong>of</strong> Råå, Ö d åkra, L arö d andH ittarp. The majority <strong>of</strong> families k eptwarm by this heating when the winterwinds are howling live in apartmentsin the centre <strong>of</strong> H elsingborg.The transfer to using pellets has notbeen simple. Bi<strong>of</strong>uel contains corrosivesubstances that produce a coating whenfi red, but the requirement was thateffective power as well as boiler efficiencyshould be maintained. F inding asolution has tak en time, so the transferfrom coal has been gradual, even if twothirds <strong>of</strong> the coal was able to be phasedout as far back as 1998. But a solutiondid e x ist and now Västhamnsverk et isa fully modern bi<strong>of</strong>uel plant.N e w crane, new land markM ore changes are in the pipeline.The most stri k ing is <strong>of</strong> course “ R e fl ek -tion ” , architect Anders Wilhelmson’swinning entry for the embellishment<strong>of</strong> the pellets warehouse in the WestH arbour. An enormous mirror will“ bring the s k y down” to the sloping ro<strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong> the warehouse. This eye-catcher willbe in place in the middle <strong>of</strong> this year.Closer to earth, but still significant, isthe new mobile crane that the P ort <strong>of</strong>H elsingborg has ordered. The cranewill be delivered during the spring.The scoop in crane 15“Star Opal” unloads pellets from CanadaFACT BOX, Ö res u n d s k raft• Ö resundsk raft, with its headquarters in H elsingborg, has about 3 7 0 employees.• The company supplies almost 230,000 customers with electricity, district heating, natural gas and district cooling.I t is the six th largest company on the Swedish electricity mark et.• The organisation was founded in 185 9 , when H elsingborg’s G asverk was established. I ts job was to produce anddeliver gas to central H elsingborg.• The group now includes six wholly owned subsidiaries and four half-owned companies. The Nordic countriesma k e up the area <strong>of</strong> operation.• Turnover in 2 004 was appro x . SEK 2 .5 billion.• Västhamnsverk et is the largest production plant and was tak en into commercialoperation in 1982. About 7 0 people work there.www.oresundsk raft.se

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