Presentation Alejandro Martin-Hobdey - B·Debate

Presentation Alejandro Martin-Hobdey - B·Debate

Presentation Alejandro Martin-Hobdey - B·Debate


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Main pointsEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission• Some Background on the ERC• Types of grants• Evaluation process• The “structuring effect” in Europe• Some conclusions : what is special aboutthe ERC?

FP7 budget € 50.5 billionERC budget € 7.5 billion; Increase by € 250 M/yearEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean CommissionCo-operation(65 %)JRC nonnuclear(3 %)Capacities(8 %)People(9 %)Ideas(15 %)

European Research CouncilERC: a radical new approach tofunding research at EU levelEstablished by theEuropean Commission• Pan-European competition between individual teams.• Open to any researcher in the world based on the solecriterion of excellence.• Support investigator-driven or ‘bottom-up’ research projectsin all fields of science, engineering and scholarship.• Encourage creativity, risk-taking and ambition.• Raise the status, attractiveness and visibility of frontierresearch in Europe and its top scientists of today andtomorrow.

European Research CouncilCreative freedom for the individual granteeEstablished by theEuropean CommissionERC offers independence, recognition & visibility‣ to work on a research topic of own choice, with a team ofown choice‣ to gain true financial autonomy for 5 years‣ to negotiate with the host institution the best conditions ofwork‣ to move with the grant to any place in Europe if necessary(portability of grants)‣ recognition: ERC has become the ‘gold standard’• 6

European Research CouncilAchievements of the ERC - so farEstablished by theEuropean Commission‣ more than 2.600 funded proposals, 58% of them StG‣ in more than 480 different host institutions in 26 countries,total 4 billion‣ but “excellence attracts excellence”: 50% of PIs in 50institutions‣ highly competitive: average success rate 12 %‣ strong structuring effects: competition between Europeanuniversities for first time ever, EU value added‣ strengthening merit-based evaluation systems in Europe• 7

European Research CouncilERC Grant schemesEstablished by theEuropean CommissionStarting and Consolidator GrantsStarters (2-7 years after PhD) up to € 2.0 Mio for 5 yearsConsolidators (7-12 years after PhD) up to € 2.75 Mio for 5 yearsAdvanced Grantstrack-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 yearsup to € 3.5 Mio for 5 yearsSynergy Grants2 – 4 Principal Investigatorsup to € 15.0 Mio for 6 yearsProof-of-Conceptbridging gap between research - earlieststage of marketable innovationup to €150,000 for ERC grant holders

European Research CouncilResearchers Career developmentand complementary funding schemesEstablished by theEuropean CommissionERC AdvancedERC SyG– SynergyERC StG – ConsolidatorsSeniorProfessorERC StG - StartersMarie CurieJunior Professor/Junior ResearcherAssociated ProfessorFull ProfessorErasmusPost-docsStudentsPostGraduates

Call for proposalsTwo callsEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean CommissionNumber of successful proposalsNumber of grantees9080706050403020Starting Grants• Attract/retain next-generationleaders• Establish independent researchteam & programStG 2007/2009Advanced Grants• Attract/retain current world-leaders• Stimulate investigator-driven,breakthrough researchAdG 2008/200910024 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76AgeAge of grantees

ERC Grant schemes:Who can apply?European Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission• Excellent Researchers (PIs)‣ Any nationality, any age or any current placeof work• In conjunction with a Host Institution‣ Based in EU or associated countries• 11

Host institutionEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean CommissionNot evaluated during evaluation process!Applicant legal entity: institution that engages and hosts the PI for theduration of the projectAny type of legal entity: universities, research centres, businessresearch units … as long as it is in MS or ACCommitment of HI: to ensure that the PI may- apply for funding independently- manage research and funding for the project- publish independently as senior author- have access to reasonable space and facilities• 12

ERC Grant Schemes (StG, CoG, AdG)Panel structure : 3 domains and 25 panelsEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean CommissionLife SciencesEach panel :Panel Chair and10-15 Panel Members• LS1 Molecular & Structural Biology &Biochemistry• LS2 Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics &Systems Biology• LS3 Cellular and Developmental Biology• LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology &Endocrinology• LS5 Neurosciences & neural disorders• LS6 Immunity & infection• LS7 Diagnostic tools, therapies & public health• LS8 Evolutionary, population & environmentalbiology• LS9 Applied life sciences & biotechnologySocial Sciences and Humanities• SH1 Individuals, institutions & markets• SH2 Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour• SH3 Environment & society• SH4 The Human Mind and its complexity• SH5 Cultures & cultural production• SH6 The study of the human pastPhysical Sciences & Engineering• PE1 Mathematical foundations• PE2 Fundamental constituents of matter• PE3 Condensed matter physics• PE4 Physical & Analytical Chemical sciences• PE5 Materials & Synthesis• PE6 Computer science & informatics• PE7 Systems & communication engineering• PE8 Products & process engineering• PE9 Universe sciences• PE10 Earth system science• 13

Submission is to PanelsEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission• Proposals are submitted to a Target Panel• This panel is “responsible” and takes ownershipfor the evaluation of the particular proposal• Proposals only switched between panels only ifclear mistake on part of applicant• In case of cross-panel or cross-domain proposals(ID), evaluation by also by members of otherpanels• 14

Review Process: two stepsEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean CommissionSTEP 1Remote assessment by Panel membersof Part 1 of proposalSTEP 2Remote assessment of all parts ofproposal by Panel members and otherreviewersPanel meetingPanel meeting + interview (StG)Some proposalsselectedfor step 2Consolidating Panelchairs meetingFeedback toapplicantsRanked list ofproposals

European Research CouncilInterdisciplinary (ID) ResearchEstablished by theEuropean Commission• We refer to ID proposals as “cross panel, cross domain”proposals• ERC approach for Interdisciplinarity: “Main Streaming”• Large panels with generalist approach takes care of“short range” interdisciplinarity• Had for several years a specific fund or domain forfunding ID proposals• By 2011, only 3% of funded proposals were via the IDbudget• 16

Interdisciplinary proposals –importance of cross panel reviewsEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission• Step 1, need use one or two Panel members from otherpanels (or shadow panels) for ID proposals• Do not leave this to Step 2.• StG 2012: 15-20% of proposals have cross panel reviews• In Step 2,• again use one or two PMs from other panels (or shadow panels);• use any Remote Referee needed in the world!• We continue to keep an eye on this issue….

ERC Evaluation: Scientific Excellence isthe sole criterion (keep it simple)European Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean CommissionEvaluation of Excellence at twolevels:• Quality of the Principal Investigator• Quality of the Research ProjectPanel Members and Referees evaluate and score criterianumerically;Panels rank the proposals and propose for funding

European Research CouncilEvaluation CriteriaEstablished by theEuropean CommissionExcellence as sole criterion, to apply to:1. Research Project (RP)• Ground breaking nature• Potential impact• Scientific Approach• Added value of the Group (only SyG)2. Principle Investigator (PI)• Intelectual capacity• Creativity• Commitemnet• 19

Important feature of StartingEuropean Research CouncilGrant: StreamingEstablished by theEuropean Commission• StG 2010 was first time implemented• Starters: 2-6 years past Ph.D• Consolidators 7-12 years past Ph.D• Allows to run “two calls in parallel” with a flexible (nonbureaucratic)separation between them.• Non-conventional careers can be taken into account• A priori, success rate needs to be kept “comparable” betweenthe two streams• Funding by stream within a panel according to demand (likefunding distribution between panels)• Unlike “eligibility”, ultimate decision on streaming is withthe panels• 20

ERC Starting Grant: 2011 CallSuccess Rate Vs Years Passed PhDEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean CommissionERC STG 2011 Results Of CallFunded Proposals and Success rate by Years passed PhD# Proposals funded908070605040302010success rate %# funded25%20%15%10%5%02 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 140%# Years passed PhD

ERC Synergy Grants:new pilot scheme in 2012European Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission• Small groups of 2-4 researchers (not networks!)• No thematic priorities• Researchers can be in same country, even sameinstitution• Unique configuration of scientists with complementaryskills• High risk/high gain research• Possible requested amount:• max. € 15,000,000 for up to 6 years

European Research CouncilERC Synergy EvaluationEstablished by theEuropean CommissionSTEP 1 (5 panels)Remote evaluation of fullproposals by panel members andexternal referees*STEP 2 (new panel)Step 2a: Panel members meet andexamine retained proposals andtheir reportsStep 1 Panel meetingSelect proposals forinterviewProposals retained forStep 2Step 2b: Panel meetingand interviewsSelect proposals up toavailable budget*In the event of heavy oversubscription at step 1, panels may identify the less competitive applications by assessing theproposals on the basis of the extended synopsis and the Principal Investigators' track records and CVs.

Frontier research and innovation:ERC Proof of conceptEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission‣ Initiated to help ERC grant-holder to bridge the gapbetween their research and the earliest stage of amarketable innovation‣ Supporting grant-holders during the predemonstration‣ Up to 150.000 Euro per grant‣ One step evaluation‣ First call in 2011 with 2 deadlines‣ Next call in 2012 (deadlines: 3 May and 3 October2012)

ERC Proof of Concept 2011European Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission2011Total applications 151302511FundedNon-fundedEvaluated* 13920Funded 511512* withdrawn and ineligibleproposals not taken into account105025 11734 3 110 10927 74 5 6 24 22 1 11 2 1 1 1UK NL ES IL FR IT CH DE FI SE BE AT HU IE PL EL CY CZ

European Research CouncilERC Starting Grant: 2011 CallGrantees by country of host Institution, 21 countriesSource: 486 proposalsEstablished by theEuropean Commission140# Funded Proposals120100806040124645849Social Sciences and HumantitiesPhysical Sciences and EngineeringLife Sciences29 2722 22 2120014 13 10 10 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1UK DE FR NL IT ES CH IL BE SE AT DK FI IE NO EL HU PL CZ EE SICountry of Host Institution• 26

ERC Starting Grant: 2010 callMobility: Incoming & staying candidatesSource: 427 proposalsEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission8070Grantees moving to another country ("European" & "non-European" nationals)Grantees staying in the country: "Non-European" nationalsGrantees staying in the country: other "European" nationalsGrantees staying in the country: nationals of that country60Number of Grantees50403020100UK FR DE CH IL NL ES IT SE BE AT PT DK FI HU IE CZ EL NO PL CYCountry of host institutionERC 2010: StG-10-427

Success ratesERC Starting & Advanced grant calls 2007 - 2011European Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean CommissionSuccess rates per country of HI2522awarded/evaluated proposals (%)2015105015 14 14 13FranceAustriaThe NetherlandsUK12Germany10 9 98BelgiumDenmarkSwedenSpain8Hungary7Estonia6 6 6FinlandIrelandCyprus5 4PortugalItaly3 3Czech RepublicGreece3Bulgaria2Poland1SloveniaSwitzerland16Israel8Norway4Iceland1Turkey

European Research CouncilInternational exchange of researchersERC Starting & Advanced grant calls 2007 - 2011Established by theEuropean Commission240190Nationals abroadNon-nationals in the country140number ERC grantees9040-10UK CH DE FR NL AT ES SE IT DK BE NO FI IE IL PT HU CZ CY BG SI EL RO PL TR HR EE LU LT MT RS SK-60-110-160

General profile of ERC grants’ teammembers (result of survey)European Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission• Distribution by nationality:US; 2,4India; 2,3CN; 2,9Others Associated; 1,7CH; 2,4Others non Associated; 9,3 Unknow n/Double; 3,3BE; 2,4DE; 10,8ES; 4,9FR; 9,7IL; 8,4FI; 3,0Others EU; 11,3IT; 13,0UK; 4,4SE; 2,5PL; 1,8NL; 3,7

Country Higher-Education Institution No StG AdG TotalEuropean Research CouncilUK Universityof Cambridge 1 44 32 76UK Universityof Oxford 2 38 34 72CH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne 3 27 25 52IL Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem 4 28 17 45CH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) 5 14 29 43UK UniversityCollege London 6 23 19 42UK Imperial College 6 22 20 42IL Weizmann Institute 7 21 18 39BE Universityof Leuven 8 19 7 26UK Universityof Bristol 9 9 15 24DE Universityof Munich 10 8 15 23NL Leiden University 10 12 11 23CH Universityof Zurich 10 10 13 23UK Universityof Edinburgh 10 11 12 23FI Universityof Helsinki 11 12 9 21NL Universityof Amsterdam 11 13 8 21IL Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 12 17 3 20SE Karolinska Institute 12 11 9 20Country Research Organisation No StG AdG TotalFR National Centrefor ScientificResearch (CNRS) 1 86 38 124DE Max Planck Society 2 33 29 62FR French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission 3 23 6 29FR National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) 4 18 10 28FR National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automatic Control (INRIA) 5 12 8 20ES Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) 5 14 6 20TopEuropeanInstitutionshostingEstablished by theEuropean at Commission least 20ERC Granteesby fundingSchemesStG 2007-2011AdG 2008-2011Legal signatories of thefirst grant agreementData as of 10/04/2012

ERC Starting Grant: 2011 CallGrantees by nationality – 38 nationalitiesSource: 486 proposalsEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission18%16%ERC STG 2011 Results Of Call% Funded proposals, and # proposals, by Applicant Nationality8390% Funded Proposals14%12%10%8%6%4%2%5750 4843312521141010 9 8 8 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 10%DEUKITFRNLESILBEUSDKFISECHIEELPTCAHUNOATRUCZHRINROUAAUBGEEJPMXPLBYCLTNZRSTRApplicant Nationality0• 32

ERC STG 2011 Success Rate Vs HICountryEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission# Submissions800700600500400300200100PTROCY0TRISERC STG 2011 Results Of Call - # Submissions VsOverall Success rate by Country of Host InstitutionPLSIITELCZESFISENOHUDKIEDEUKSuccess rate ~ 12 %BEATFRNLCHIL0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%Success rate

ERC STG 2011 Success Rate VsApplicant NationalityEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean CommissionERC STG 2011 Results Of Call - # Submissions VsOverall Success rate by Nationality# Submissions700600500400ITSuccess rate ~ 12 %DEUK300ESFR200NLFIATELBE100SEILRU PT HU DKCHUSRO IN CZ IE NO0CA HR UA0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%Final Success rate

ERC Starting Grant: 2011 Call – Mobility :changing country at time of applicationEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission20ERC STG 2011 Results Of Call # Main list ProposalsChanging Country (total 34)1510# Proposals50-5AT BE CH DE DK EE EL ES FR HU IL IT NL NO SE TR UK USGainLoss-10-15-20Country at time of Application or Host Institution

European Research CouncilERC panel members by country of HI and genderERC Starting and Advanced grant calls 2007 - 2011Established by theEuropean CommissionNumber of assignments*350300250200150100321308266194Averaged over the first eightERC calls 34% of the ERCpanel members were women.114 10510185 81 7766 655541 3627219 5 5 5 4 3 3125196MenWomen5044 37166 4 315 11 6 5 3 3 3 1 1 10UK DE FR IT ES NL SE BE AT DK FI PL HU CZ PT ELIE RO BG CY SK LT EE SI CH IL NO TR RS HR IS US JP CA AU TW CL HK RU UA AR MXEU Member States Associated C. InternationalCountry of Panel Member's Host Institution* no of instances that experts of a certain country of origin are being used

ERC STG 2011 Step 1 rankEuropeanvsResearch CouncilStep 2 rankEstablished by theEuropean Commission3530ERC STG 2011 Step 1 rank vs Step 2 rankfor 486 funded proposals (absolute rank)Series1Linear (Series1)Step 2 Rank25201510500 10 20 30 40 50 60Step 1 Rank

ERC STG 2011 and ADG 2010 pre vs.post meeting rankingsEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission

European Research CouncilStG 2011 - Plot of proportion of Female main listproposals vs. Female Panel MembersEstablished by theEuropean Commission60%ERC STG 2011 % F Panel Members Vs % F on Main List% Females on Main List50%40%30%20%10%0%SH2PE10LS9SH5LS3PE8LS5SH4SH6SH3LS1LS8LS7PE9 PE6LS4PE5PE4LS6LS2PE3PE7 PE2PE1SH10% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%% Female Panel Members

STG 2011 F Panel Members Vs FSuccess rateEuropean Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean CommissionERC STG 2011 % F Panel Members vs F Success rate25%% F Success Rate20%15%10%5%PE8PE10 PE9PE2LS1LS5SH2PE4 LS8LS3PE3 PE7PE1LS2LS9PE6SH4LS4SH5LS6R 2 = 0.1232LS7PE5SH6 SH30%SH10% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%% F Panel Members

European Research CouncilNationalinitiativessupportingthe ERC schemesA new partnership betweenResearch Institutes -National Funding Councils -ERCIE: Top-up awards wereavailable as incentivesfor the first Starting GrantNO: The Research CouncilSupports unfunded ERC StG candidateswith a Norwegian host institutionFR: ANR launched aninitiative to supportunfunded StG 07 finalists.Flanders: ResearchFoundation offers to thebest ranked PI on theERC-StG reserve list aresearch projectLU: Support forunfunded finalistsequalto the amountavailable at theERCSE: The ResearchCouncil fundsthe six unfundedSwedish StG 07finalistsCH: SNSF launchedan initiativeto back unfundedStG 07 finalists.FI: Call opento finalistsin reservelistsPL: New research agency –National Centre of Researchwill start initiativeHU: Call published forunfundedERC finalists of thefirst and the secondStarting Grant.SI: The Research Agencystarted a complementaryscheme for unfundedfinalists (StG + AdG)Established by theEuropean CommissionTR: TUBITAK gives5000 € incentive forERC applicantswho passes 2nd stepevaluationThe Spanish Ministry of EducationandScience launched a call forbridging grants (StG 07)IT: Call forproposalsopen to allunfundedStG 07 finalistsCY: ResearchPromotionFoundationsupportsunfunded ERCStG 09finalists.

Some conclusions: what is specialabout the ERC in terms of frontierresearch? (1/2)European Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission• It is a young organisation: it has not aged (much) yet• Simple approach• Simple rules• Simple evaluation• We have a (very) independent Scientific Council with considerableautonomy• The time was right for the EU• Completely bottom up with no priorities• Few and “large” panels• Strong reliance on personal interviews• Simple evaluation criteria

Some conclusions: what isspecial about the ERC in terms offrontier research? (2/2)European Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission• We have a structuring” or “leverage effect” in the EU• ERC-like funding programmes• New funding agencies set up modelled on the ERC• “Transforming” transformative research in the EU• Constantly learning and adapting• Synergy• Proof of Concept• Streaming• Monitoring and analysis of results• etc

European Research CouncilEstablished by theEuropean Commission• Thank You !

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