Issue 134 Sept 2013 - Nailsworth News

Issue 134 Sept 2013 - Nailsworth News

Issue 134 Sept 2013 - Nailsworth News


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Brownrigg DecorativeAntiquesis exactly as it says! Now situated onFountain Street (where Gordon was).The establishment houses a wonderfulcollection of “lifestyle antiques andcollectables with minimal stuffiness.”English, French, Swedish and morehas been sought in all styles to suitall tastes - bleached furniture, oaktables, fine occasional chairs andtables, lamps, lights, mirrors and somuch more! There is a collection thatscans the C17th to the 1970s. Pop inand browse over the two floors packedwith wonderful goods.George Perez-Martin has a successful business in Tetbury, butwants to expand here ... “I now live in <strong>Nailsworth</strong> and know from mytime here that it is an ‘electric’ town - full of buzz, independent shops,In February we told you that Ursula Woolls washaving to close ‘Fandango’ while she underwentankle surgery. The good news is that the shop hasreopened. It is ‘PHENOMENAL’ and not justbecause Ursula is back up and running, but becauseFandango is relaunched as ‘PHENOMENAL’.“It is 10 years since I opened the shop and it is timefor a new change - we are still very much the same asbefore, but with a few quirky differences.”It is a great place to browse and you are alwayswelcomed by the sheep (they continually sell well andare always being photographed!). There is an eclecticmix of giftware, fashion accessories, jewellery, and awide variety of cards - especially the more quirky andoffbeat!! Pop in and see for yourself.Fair Trade goods are available and many handmadeitems aswell - there issomething foreveryone. Ursula is still in the original shop atThe Cross - you can’t miss it!Open: Tuesday - Saturday 10 - 5pm. (01453836826)Family Dentistry You Can Rely Oncafes,restaurants Minding our own businessand loadsof wonderful shops selling all sorts.Everyone has been very welcoming - bothnew customers and local shopkeepersas well as customers coming over fromTetbury!”The shop is clearly a wonderful placeto visit - George will try to source whatyou want (within reason), but only if helikes what he is searching for! He willwork with you for the style and set youdesire. He has the knowledge!The website is informative and alldetails can be found there as well as onFaceBook etc!Open Monday - Saturday: 10 - 5pm.01453 836525 / e: brownrigg@mac.com /www.brownrigg-interiors.co.uk / Facebook: Brownrigg at Home Ltd.Faster Broadband ProjectFastershire is a project aiming to bring fibrebroadband to around 90% of homes andbusinesses in Gloucestershire and Herefordshireby the end of 2016.The Fastershire website contains informationabout the project’s aims and the Fastershirepostcode checker is now live on the website.Find out if your location is ‘accepting orders’(ie infrastructure is there), ‘coming soon’(infrastructure there within a year) or is a ‘futureexchange’ / ‘under evaluation’.Work has already started in Cinderford,Coleford, Lydbrook, Longhope and Drybrookand there was a recent announcement that workwill begin in late summer to connect Lechlade,Fairford, and South Cerney.The GRCC website page sums up the story sofar in moving towards better broadband for ruralGloucestershire.www.grcc.org.uk/rural-services/ruralbroadbandwww.fastershire.comwww.familysmiles.co.ukQuote ‘NN’ to get a 50% discount on a full New Patient Examinationwith x-rays for just £39.50. Telephone us on 01453 827474Satisfaction rating:more than 99%100% of patientsasked wouldrecommendus to family& friendsDONATIONS PLEASE!Clothes - Bric a brac - Bags - Shoes - Books - CDs - DVDsWe’re open from 9am - 5pm Monday - Saturday and it’s easy to pull upoutside the door to drop off your donationsVisit us at 2 Market Street or get updateson shop news via our Facebook pagewww.facebook.com/rspcaretailnailsworthwould like to say a huge thank you to some localI businesses for helping me pull off a great surprisefor my husband on our 10th wedding anniversary.Wild Garlic for a pre anniversary meal to tell himwhat we were doing, 4 days in Paris. Their tastingmenu is just exquisite.Williams Kitchen for providing an excellentpicnic for the Eurostar, Louise and Clobber teamfor choosing an outfit for him to wear on the dayalthough none of us expected 32 degrees so thejumper was a bit overkill! And finally to EmmieMiles, www.etsy.com/shop/EmmieMiles, a reallyskilled dressmaker who transformed my weddingskirt in both colour and design into a summer dressand bolero.Even though we went to Paris for the celebrationsit was such a success, I believe, with the ‘keeping itlocal’ mindset it made it perfect.Kate (and Simon) Barnard11

<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Town Information Centre has Moved . . .Opened in 2002 by the Town Council at No.4 The Old George, the Town Information Centre has moved tothe building which housed the former Police Station next to the Library in Old Market.<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Town Council purchased the building last year and a modest refurbishment has beenundertaken to bring the building up to meet modern regulations and adapt it for its new purpose.The rent saved from the former location will pay the mortgage on the new one, which once paid off, willthen be fully owned by the town.We are currently open Monday to Friday and Saturdaymornings, but would like to open also on Saturdayafternoons and Sunday mornings in the summer months.However we would need extra volunteers who could coverthese shifts. If you would like to help, please call or pop in.

the TIC provides information for residents and visitorsThe TIC is staffed by a merry band of volunteers who each do a half day shift. Itis open for business from Monday to Friday 9.30 - 5pm and Saturday till 1pm. Thevolunteers are mostly long-term local residents who bring a wealth of personalknowledge to complement the collection of leaflets and information on offer. Thebureau sells a few maps and walking guides essential to this type of operation, butmakes every effort not to stock items that might take business from the town’s retailers.Footfall is fairly steady throughout the year, consisting of both local people andvisitors to the town, and adds up to over 7000 people a year. Bus timetables andgreen garden sacks are the hot favourites, along with ideas on how to entertain thegrandchildren or where to take Auntie Sue who’s coming over from Canada.The Volunteering :<strong>Nailsworth</strong> initiativeoperates from theTIC. The specialnotice board displaysthe latest volunteeringopportunities and thefolder is regularlyupdated with all relevantinformation on theorganisations seekinghelp, with contact detailsfor you to follow up.The front window isregularly used to promotelocal organisations andevents, and has enjoyed somepretty fine displays over theyears, such as those from theFlower Arrangement Society- a particular highlight beingthe amazing coach made forthe Queen’s Jubilee last year.come in and see what we have . . .<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Town Information CentreOld Market, <strong>Nailsworth</strong> GL6 0DU(01453) 839222tic@nailsworthtowncouncil.gov.uk

write myFaith and Service I final piece for<strong>Nailsworth</strong> <strong>News</strong> (in my official capacity?!) as Forest Green Rovershave recorded an 8-0 win in their first match and Ricky Lambert(ex Bristol Rovers striker ) has scored on his debut for Englandwithin less than 3 minutes of coming on – are these omens for ahappy retirement which begins on October 1st?! I have been Vicarof <strong>Nailsworth</strong> (and Horsley and Kingscote) for just over 11 years– and the time has flown. I am reminded of the old TV adverts foran electric razor and Victor Kiam who enjoyed his shave so muchthat he bought the company - we have enjoyed <strong>Nailsworth</strong> so muchthat we have bought a home to retire to in the town! I have reallyappreciated NN giving me the opportunity to share a few thoughtseach month and the kind feedback I have received.My aim in writing has always been to share experiences thatpeople could relate to and smile about and also use the platformthat I have been generously given to let people know about thingshappening in St George’s Church as well as and sharing insightsof my faith in God. My first church job application asked, “Howwould a friend describe you?” and I wrote, “Agood bloke” and the next question asked, “HowSt George’s website has recentlybeen updated, and has a new teamin place keeping up to date with thelatest Church information and photographsand forthcoming events for one and all!The monthly the calendar lays out Churchledevents around the Parish.If you want to read the Church newsletter,published weekly, this is available on the frontpage of the website.We have leapt into the modern age witha new Facebook page!! You can read ourFacebook news on the website. There is noneed to have a Facebook account, but if youdo, you can comment and get in touch with usthat way.We hope that the website will becomea useful resource for letting everyone in<strong>Nailsworth</strong> and beyond know what ishappening in our Church and how welcomeeveryone is to join in.www.stgeorgesnailsworth.org.ukFacebook: St. George’s <strong>Nailsworth</strong>Churches Togetherin <strong>Nailsworth</strong>MAIN SUNDAY SERVICES9.30 am St George, Church St10.30 am Christ Church,Newmarket Road10.30 am Quakers’ Meeting House,Chestnut Hill11.00 am Priory Church, InchbrookEveryone welcome.Children’s activitiesincluded at all these services.would a penetrating critic describe you?” and I wrote “ A very goodbloke!” – I didn’t get an interview! I do consider myself an ordinaryperson who has been given this gift of faith in God and taskedto share it with others, which I have tried to do to the best of myability.My vision for the churches in the Benefice has always been forthem to be filled with people of all ages worshipping God. We willhave many special times to remember and my prayer is that thechurches will grow from strength to strength. Revd. Canon MichaelIrving –retired Rector of Minchinhampton – has been appointedtemporary Minister initially and in due course a new Vicar willbe appointed. My final service for the Benefice is at St George’sChurch on the 29th <strong>Sept</strong>ember at 10.30am, which is nominally aHarvest Service, but will be filled with some of our favourite hymnsand a few home truths that everyone needs to know!? What can thismean? I really hope everyone (of all ages) will come to this service– there are drinks and a ploughman’s after – and share in a specialmoment before I shuffle off into retirement. May God bless all ourReaders and those whom you love. Revd. Stephen EarleyOPEN THE BOOK ... Never heard of it? It is a scheme that has beenrunning in <strong>Nailsworth</strong> and Horsley Primary schools for the past ten years. The book is,of course, the Bible and a combined team of people drawn from St Georges’ Church andChrist Church visit each school once a week to enacta bible story for their Assembly.Everybody loves it: children because it bringsthe bible alive for them; teachers because beingOFSTED approved it fulfils part of their RE syllabus;and we, the OtB team, love doing it because, asseveral pupils have told us, “It shows us that Godloves us all and forgives us when we get it wrong”.All our material for a three year programme comesready prepared with different themes for each termand season, and is mostly taken from Bob Hartman’s‘The Lion Storyteller Bible’. Our task, throughpreparation at home and a rehearsal in school beforeeach performance, is to present this material in aslively and interesting a way as possible. One personnarrates the story while the rest, dressed in biblicalcostume, act out their parts. We usually do ten storiesa term with an extra one for Christmas or Easter.Open the Book is now a national organisationand if you want to find out more visit our website:openthebook.netDying without a Will. Now that’s a real tragedy.My name is David Martin and I’m the localconsultant for one of the UK’s premier professionalHome Visit Will Writers. I have 28 years’experience advising clients on personal financialmatters and specialising in Wills.Writing a Will is easier and cheaper than youthink and ensures that your wishes are carriedout efficiently. If you would like to redraft anexisting Will, discuss your Will arrangements,Lasting Powers of Attorney or other associatedlegal services, at a mutually convenient timein the comfort and privacy of your own home,please contact me.David Martin, local consultant,Steele Rose & Co01453 836699 07973 405997dcmartin@hotmail.co.ukwww.steelerose.co.ukMembers of the Society of Will Writers14

Lucky Gardener wins £1,000 of ToolsThe draw, by outdoor power tool brand STIHL – is one of aseries running this springand summer, and thelocal Cotswold winnerentered in her localDealership : <strong>Nailsworth</strong>Garden Machinery.The winner has goneback to the Dealershipthis week to collect herprize and chose a STIHLpetrol hedge trimmerand a grass trimmer, plus a powerful garden shredder from thecompany’s VIKING range. She will also be taking home a sawhorse and accessories for her current chain saw – all ready tocut up logs for winter fires.Commenting about their winning customer, Richard Baileyof <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Garden Machinery said, “We’ve been runningthe Prize Draws since spring of this year, and it’s great that oneof our customers has been a lucky winner.”<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Garden Machinery is an independent, family-runbusiness. With over 50 years experience in the sales, servicingand repair of garden machinery, the team offers sound, friendlyadvice and guidance on product selection with full after-salesservicing and repairs by in-house workshop technicians.Woods End Flooring<strong>Nailsworth</strong>“THE HAMLEYSOF THE COTSWOLDS”was just one comment from a customer asI popped in today (writes Martin Stone),and I couldn’t disagree! ENCHANTEDCHILDHOOD has moved from Day’s Mill intothe old HSBC Bank in George Street and hascertainly made a major statement. A huge floorarea with a light and spacious feel complementsthe toy shop in every way.Toys and accessories are available for childrenfrom nursery to early primary ages (and a fewthings for us older ones too!). Castles, dressingupgear, pirates, craft kits, toys, jigsaws, gamesgalore, tool and garden kits, creativemodels and educational kits is just asmall selection of what is on offer,including the big name brands - Brio,Lego and Papo.Space here does not give justice tothe range available of the colourfulimages, so pop in!Angharad James (prop.) and LilyArmstrong will be pleased to help youin any way and it is certainly childfriendly!Open : Mon - Saturday 9.30 - 5.00pm(Sunday: 11 - 3pm)01453 835827Solid Oak Floor BoardsEngineered Oak Floor Boards for under floor heatingRange of finishes, unfinished, bespoke finishesAdhesives and oak skirtingGreen Oak SleepersFitting serviceTrade and Public enquiries all welcomeDaniel DaviesMob: 07775707804Email: Woodsendwoodflooring@virginmedia.comWeb: www.woodsendwoodflooring.co.ukMinding our own businessBring your jobs toschoolWould you like to help inspireyoung people and give themCHIROPODY &PODIATRY ATPERSONAL BESTCLINIC“Whether you have a specifi c health issue toaddress or just want to ensure you remain as fi t asyou can - the team at Personal Best will always dotheir utmost to help you achieve your goal”Do you suffer from any of the following?• Difficulty cutting toe nails • Corns, callus, itchy, flaky or• Fungal infected, discoloured dry skinor yellow nails• Cracked heels• Painful or thick toe nails • Blisters• In-growing toe nails • Painful foot joints, arches,• Bunionsshins or knees• VerrucaeFIND OUT WHY 96% OF OUR CLIENTS HAVE RECOMMENDEDOUR SERVICES TO THEIR FRIENDS AND FAMILYVisit www.personalbeststudio.co.uk orcall 01453 873811 to book your placeEnail info@personalbeststudio.co.uka valuable insight into their future careers? An initiative which bringsemployees into the classroom to talk about their jobs, is seeking morevolunteers.Inspiring the Future is a free service in which employees from anysector or profession can volunteer to go into their local state secondaryschools and colleges to talk about their work, their career paths and theeducation routes they took.This national initiative is a year old and was launched by the charity theEducation and Employers Taskforce. It is supported by the UK’s mainteacher and employer organisations.Anyone from a chief executive to an apprentice can volunteer to visitschools.Inspiring the Future is also announcing a new partnership with theNational Apprenticeship Service.The initiative’s website www.inspiringthefuture.org offers a secureservice, matching employee volunteers with schools and colleges.Volunteers agree to make just one visit a year to a local school or college,and to spend an hour talking to students about their job.Giving talks to pupils offers employees excellent personal developmentopportunities, while it gives employers a good way of supportingcorporate social responsibility and long-term recruitment objectives.David Owen, Chief Executive of GFirst, Gloucestershire’s LocalEnterprise Partnership welcomed Inspiring the Future. The LEP runs theGrowing Gloucestershire campaign, which works closely with educationand business to identify skill needs and to helpyoung people gain those skills.“By encouraging employers to go into schools andtalk to pupils about career paths, apprenticeshipsand job opportunities, young people inGloucestershire can be enthused to follow avocation they would not otherwise be aware of,”said Mr Owen.“This has worked particularly well with ourproject, encouraging young people to follow acareer in engineering by getting them interestedin Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths atschool.”If you’re an employee wishing to volunteer, or aschool or college wishing to sign up, visitwww.inspiringthefuture.org15

Charity & BusinessThe name Allsortsseems to captureexactly who they are- allsorts of children,allsorts of grown ups and most of all allsorts ofactivities and events.Based in the Stroud Valleys and coveringthe whole of Gloucestershire, they welcomeany family with a child or young person withadditional needs or disabilities, with or withouta diagnosis.They provide a wide range of activites andservices for all family members includingfamily outings, youth clubs, specialist toylibrary, trips for siblings and support for parents.Please check out their website atwww.allsortsglos.org.ukor find them on facebook to find out more aboutwhat’s on offer.Email info@allsortsglos.org.uk or ring Sheila(parent & carer support coordinator) on07794 009663and she will be happy to chat to you aboutAllsorts and your family.Staff from Coventry Building Society raisedover £1,600 for Race for Life.The Ladies from the Coventry BuildingSociety in <strong>Nailsworth</strong>, were joined by some oftheir Colleagues to take part in the “Race forLife” in July. They raised £800 in sponsorshipbetween them for this worthy cause and theywould like to say a “big thank you” to alltheir customers and friends who helped themAre You Marie Curie’s MissingSecretary?The Stroud & District fundraising group for Marie CurieCancer Care is looking for a volunteer Secretary to jointhem.The group meets locally once a month to plan events and activities to raise money andawareness for the network of Marie Curie Nurses living and working in Gloucestershire.This support is vital to ensure that these Marie Curie Nurses can continue providingthe free hands-on quality nursing care for terminally ill patients and their families intheir own homes.The Secretary will attend these monthly meetings, take minutes and help the grouporganise future events. Computer and email access is essential.If you are interested in this volunteer role, please contact Catherine in theGloucestershire fundraising office01179 427132 / email Catherine.butt@mariecurie.org.uk<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Library - During the summer holidays, Sahaya James from theLibrary ran a Reading Challenge which is a national event to encourage children to keepreading through the long holidays. This year the theme was ‘Creepy House’ and Sahayawould like to thank NTC for supplying the clay for the Gargoyle’ event which also tookplace.Such was the success, a similar event isproposed for the <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Noel Eveninglater in the year. Contact the Library for moreinfo.to do this. The CoventryBuilding Society will alsomatch this donation!One of the runners was<strong>Nailsworth</strong>’s branchmanager, Jackie Harriswho said, “We aredelighted to have raised£1,600 for such a worthwhile cause.The Race for Life is afantastic event, it’s agreat way to rememberloved ones who we havelost to Cancer, but it’salso a celebration of life.And what better way tocelebrate than with a well deserved post racepicnic in the beautiful Cirencester Park.We are all thrilled to have raised such afantastic amount for Race for Life and had abrilliant day out in the sunshine. Thank you toeveryone who helped and also donated to thecause.”Charming holiday cottagein MinchinhamptonPerfect Cotswold locationl Grade II Listed l Sleeps 4For more info & bookingscall 07989 931913www.cotswoldsholidaylet.co.ukNEWLYAVAILABLEBancroft & GreenBathrooms16A great place to work ...Shops, offices, factory units sometimes availableGive us a call on 01453 832754email: james@eachamberlain.co.ukD. Stainer-Hutchins Architects Ltd5 Bridge Street, <strong>Nailsworth</strong>, GL6 OAAdsharchitects.co.ukT: 01453 839121Sustainable & ecological design, feasibility studies, planning applications and conservationwww.eachamberlain.co.uk<strong>Nailsworth</strong>Mills EstateCURTAINS ~ BLINDS ~ SOFT FURNISHINGSLOOSE COVERS ~ REUPHOLSTERY SERVICEFor advice and estimate ring Jenny PowellWright Interiors ~ 01453 768899Specialists in NaturalStone Tiling.Free QuotationsMob: 07973 820 708Mob: 07825 986 932info@bancroftandgreen.co.ukwww.bancroftandgreen.co.uk

AUTUMN AT THE ARKELL - As the holidays draw to a closeand nights begin to draw in, the Arkell Centre gears up to an exciting autumn ofactivities - with established favourites resuming, and new activities starting.The <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Health Partnership continues with its quest to keep you fit andhealthy, with weekly Gentle Exercise sessions for older residents every Mondaybetween 10 and 12, re-starting 2 <strong>Sept</strong>ember. The Friendship Club for olderresidents will be back on Thursday afternoons.Also on the ‘fit and healthy’ theme, why not try Pilates which resumes its weeklysessions on Wednesday evenings, re-starting 4 <strong>Sept</strong>ember?On Wednesdays, there are after-school martial arts sessions for children.And new for the Autumn - Croc n Roll music sessions for toddlers withStephanie Urquhart will be held at the Arkell at 9.45-10.30 every Wednesday andThursday morning, starting 4 <strong>Sept</strong>ember.On 6 <strong>Sept</strong>ember, parents and toddlers will resume their weekly Friday morningslot (9 - 11 am) whilst another block of 6 art classes for over 50s of all abilitiesstarts on the same date (1.30-4pm).The popular <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Film Club is moving to the Arkell Centre for its monthlyscreenings - the lights go down for the first of this year’s season’s films on theevening of 6 <strong>Sept</strong>ember.And the weekly CAB and Credit Union surgeries will of course continue,together with the Children’s Centre and the monthly drop-in sessions with theVillage Agent, the PCSO/Neighbourhood Warden, and SDC Housing.Could you be a “helper” with any of the activities at the Centre or have an ideafor something new - it is fun and a great way to get involved in communityactivities.For more information www.arkellcommunitycentre.org.uk/diary.htmlor contact Sue Nicholson on 01453 833467GOLDEN STONESARDENINGGarden Maintenanceand LandscapingTrees, Hedges, Patios, Paving,Decking, Turfing & FencingFor a free estimate contactChris Blackwellon 07939 101520 or 01453 835032www.goldenstonesgardening.co.ukCAB Bits & PiecesAdviceon Paying tax under PAYE if there is an underpaymentor overpayment.At the end of every tax year, employers and pensionpayers are required to send HM Revenue and Customs(HMRC) details of income received and tax paid foreach taxpayer under PAYE. If the wrong amount of taxhas been paid, HMRC will send the taxpayer a P800tax calculation form, with explanatory notes, showingwhether a refund or a further payment of tax is due.This is known as the end of year reconciliation processand HMRC expects this automated process to becompleted by October.Those who have paid too much tax will be sent acheque. For taxpayers who have paid too little tax,the underpayment will in most cases be automaticallycollected through their 2014-15 annual tax code over12 months. Where this is not possible, HMRC willwrite to the taxpayer and let them know what optionsare available to pay the tax outstanding. Furtherinformation on how to check a tax calculation can befound at www.hmrc.gov.uk/P800. If you need helpwith how to check and challenge a tax calculation forthe 2012-13 tax year you can contact Stroud & DistrictCAB on 08444 111444 or from mobiles 0300 3300650.Advice opening times for the office nearest you can befound on www.strouddistrictcab.org.ukUpdate on Spring Hill House - following on from the July Centre Spread (architectural gems) we reported a piece about Spring HillHouse where Ruth Evans (one of our local dentists) holds her practice.It is C 17th not C 18th as we first advised and the lions heads were a contribution from the former owner, who fancied them at a garden centre- they were of moulded concrete - and were removed after they found old folk using them to help them up the steps. It is a very beautifulgrade 2 listed building, much neglected, but still with many interesting features.PETER RUSHTONLANDSCAPES LTDNAILSWORTHEST 1980Celebrating 30 years of tradingDOMESTIC & COMMERCIALLANDSCAPING & DESIGN SERVICE* Modern & Traditional Water Features* Garden Lighting * Patios & retaining walls* Decking & Pergolas * Low Maintenance Gardens* Planting & Lawns * Large & small groundwork projects* Video Library * Competitive Prices* Driveways * Free EstimatesTel.: 01453 832576Mob.: 07887 841076Brentmoor House, Newmarket Rd, <strong>Nailsworth</strong>, Glos. GL6 0DQSee our display boards at<strong>Nailsworth</strong> & Highfield Garden CentresNAILSWORTHCOMPUTERSYOUR LOCALCOMPUTER STOCKISTLAPTOPS & PCS FROM £100BRAND NEW FROM £350VIRUS REMOVAL, COMPUTERUPGRADES, DATA RECOVERYCOME AND TALK TO US FOR DETAILSNO COMPUTER JARGONNO FIX NO FEE GUARANTEE01453 832151OPPOSITE MORRISONS SUPERMARKETwww.nailsworthcomputers.comnailsworthpcs@aol.com17

Local HistoryThe Fabulous Baker SistersTwo sisters who were born and brought up in<strong>Nailsworth</strong> have visited the house they lived in atWindsoredge for the first time in over 65 years.Mary and Jean (nee Baker) left <strong>Nailsworth</strong> in1948 after their parents had both died. There were norelatives who could look after them and they wentto an orphanage in Eastington where they have fondmemories of the nuns. They later married and movedaway to Gloucester and Somerset.Mary was by this time working in the umbrella factoryat Dunkirk Mill where her father and some of heraunts also worked. Their father, Bill, had lost an armin an accident at the mill but, he was still able to use ascythe to cut the grass. Bill became a night watchmanat Newman Henders after his accident and the ladiesremember when it was reported in the local press thatthe one armed night watchman had apprehended a burglar.They were fascinated to look round the house and recollect how it was in their day, the rooms seemed to have shrunk from their memories!They recalled walking across the fields to St Dominic’s school which in those days was just one room. A pig was kept in a sty right upagainst the wall of the next cottage as well as chickens. There was a large orchard which provided plums, apples and pears and one room wasput aside to store the fruit, they were not allowed to go into this room! In those days their father owned the main house as well as the cottagesnext door and the land stretched up the north side of the road where two houses were built in the 1960s.If anyone has any memories of the Bakers they will be visiting again and I am sure would be delighted to meet friends from their youth.Overcome your dental &needle phobiaFor some people going to thedentist causes great anxiety andfear leaving them unable to havedental treatment.Fear of visiting the dentist couldbe due to concerns about:• needles• pain• keeping your mouth open• the dental drill noise• feeling powerlessWhat can help?As a qualified and registered CBT and EMDRtherapist, I have helped many people overcometheir phobias.To find out more, please call me on 07525 442418or email claire@cbtcotswold.co.ukI am registered with major healthcare providers18Francis Newman waskind enough to send usthis photograph and theaccompanying information.“I came across a photo I took asan 11/12 year old in 1961/62 of the(by then) once or twice weekly smallfreight train to <strong>Nailsworth</strong>.I remember taking it on my brother’sIlford 127 camera. Rather bad quality,but it might interest someone.The shunter/charge-hand, whateverhe would have been called, got thewagons rolling from the goods shedusing a “pinch bar” between the wheeland the rail and then once he had gotsome momentum going he pushed itwith a large wooden stake jammed intothe frame of the wagon. I was mostimpressed that a man could move sucha large thing all by himself. So he had the two or three wagons assembled into a traineven before the loco arrived. I’ve no idea what goods would have been transported inthose final days. I probably spent an hour or so watching the whole thing. I was a madkeen train-spotter back then. Still am actually!”Professional craftsmanshipSpecialists in:www.burleighparkconstruction.co.ukCall now to discuss your projectMeet The WorldwideTouring ExpertsMiles Morgan Travel are delighted to invite youto meet Titan, and learn more about their hugerange of worldwide escorted tours, coastal andriver cruises plus iconic rail journeysAll with a VIP home departure service.Wednesday 25th <strong>Sept</strong>ember <strong>2013</strong>The Bear of Rodborough, Stroudat 7pmAn eventnot tobe missedbarn conversionscommerciallisted buildingsrestaurantsextensionsshopsrenovationsnew buildsCall us today for your complimentary ticketsThe Old Stamp Office,George Streetwww.milesmorgantravel.co.uk <strong>Nailsworth</strong>, GL6 0AGTel: 01453 836186

<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Festival 2014The committee are already busy working on next year’s Festival.The 2014 Festival will start with Festival Saturday on 17th Maywith events running through to Saturday 24th May. Look out formore information in subsequent issues of the paper.Craft and Chat – <strong>Nailsworth</strong>The Over 50’s art project now has a new name! Craft and Chat!Due to the success of the <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Project in June <strong>2013</strong>,Craft and Chat will be visiting the area again for 6 weeks across<strong>Sept</strong>ember and October <strong>2013</strong>.The project welcomes local residents around the age of 50 andabove to visit the Arkell Centre, to meet other residents in the areaand try out various forms of basic arts and crafts. You do not needto be a budding artist; the project welcomes individuals from allwalks of life.Where - <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Arkell CentreWhen - every Friday for 6 weeks starting from 6th <strong>Sept</strong>ember<strong>2013</strong>Time: 2-4pmCost - free! No need to pre book just simply turn up!Activities - Arts and crafts to suit individual needs, tea andbiscuits!For more information please do not hesitate to contactCommunity Development Officer, Charlotte Galling01453 754304 / c.galling@stroud.gov.ukTheShortwoodUnited FC GolfClassicThis will take place onFriday 6th <strong>Sept</strong>ember atStinchcombe Golf Club,Dursley.The match will beplayed over 18 holesby teams of 4 withnumerous prizes to bewon. First tee at 10.30am with the final playersreturning around 6.30 pm.Presentation at 7.30 pm approximately.Tea / Coffee and bacon rolls on arrival and as teams finish arolling buffet will be provided.The total cost of the day will be £200 per team of 4.The number of teams will be limited to 25 on a firstcome, first served basis.We are also looking for sponsors (eg. sponsor ahole, competition prizes, raffle prizes).To enter your team, please supply your team name,a contact name and address, telephone number andnames of your four players, together with your feeNo call out fee,minor jobs taken!07779 09471401453 872299to Roger Grant, 8 Point Road, Avening, Tetbury,Glos GL8 8LYFor further information or to be a sponsor contactRoger on07790 932979email gkjoinery@googlemail.comComing eventsHorsley FeteSaturday 14th <strong>Sept</strong>ember12-4pmHorsley Playing FieldsHorsley Fete organisers are delighted to announce the upcomingannual Horsley Fete, this event is in a field of its own, with funand games for all ages this year it promises to be more like a greatsummer festival.The village fete is a true celebration of Horsley with localproduce and people at the heart of the day.Horsley Craft and Produce ShowFor the third year running there will be a produce show in theaward wining 3 in 1 church. There is a category for everyone, withunder 5’s, 12’s ,16’s and adult prizes. So whether you can grow thebiggest marrow or sunflower head, make a creature crafted fromvegetables, or fancy your chances baking a legendary Victoriasponge you all have the chance to go home with a grin on yourface, satisfaction in your heart and your lapel covered in rosettes.FoodAs always, local homebakers will be baking the finest cream teafor you and if that’s not enough, there will be hot dogs made withthe famous Horsley sausages.The cherry on the cake, for one lucky winner (and perhaps theirfamily and friends) is the indulgent prize of a Matildaesque Hobbshouse chocolate cake, fancy your chances?The brilliant community shop will be showcasing its localproducers and if its all too much you can wash it all down with apint of local ale pulled from the bus bar.DogsIf you’ve a four legged friend, this day doesn’t have to be justabout you, bring them along for tail-wagging frolics. There will bethe fete’s first ever dog show. There will be prizes including onesfor the ‘most handsome dog’ and ‘dog most like its owner’.ChildrenIf you are wondering about the small people in your life and howthey can be kept occupied, there will be pony rides, story telling,drumming workshops, junk modeling, face painting, a pinholecamera workshop and much more for them too.Finally in the main arena there will be entertainment fromtraditional Morris dancers, local bands and surely some wanderingminstrels too.All details and entry forms can be found on a sparkling newwebsitewww.horsleyfete.co.ukROB GAZZARDCOMPLETE BUILDING SOLUTIONSMaintenance & repairs · Extensions and alterationsHard & soft landscaping · Free estimates and advice01453 860112www.robgazzard.co.ukPierre H. SchneiderPlumbing and HeatingGeneral maintenance, repairand new installations.Tel: 0795052626419

Coming eventsJoin CotswoldCamerata fortheir next concertwhich takes placeon Saturday 14th<strong>Sept</strong>ember.ProgrammeThis will include Mozart’s Marriage ofFigaro Overture, Ralph Vaughn Williams’Prelude on Rhosymedre, Haydn’s The ClockSymphony and Valse Triste by Sibelius.Time: 7.30pmVenue: Christ Church, Newmarket Road,<strong>Nailsworth</strong>, GL6 0DQ.Parking: Available opposite the Church atthe Doctor’s Surgery.Tickets: Available on the door. Adults: £10Concessions: £8.Retiring Collection in aid of: Grippers andFriends of Kampala Music School20<strong>Nailsworth</strong> TheatregoersAll at Bristol Hippodrome :-CATS by Andrew Lloyd Webber onWednesday October 16 at 2.30pm. Cost£37. Depart <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Bus Station at12.30pm. Payment due in August butif interested ring as soon as paper isavailable.TOSCA Opera by Verdi on SaturdayNovember 9 at 7.15pm. Cost £49. Depart<strong>Nailsworth</strong> bus Station at 5.30pm. Pay by<strong>Sept</strong>ember 28th not October date on notice.WHITE CHRISTMAS by Irving Berlinon Saturday November 23 at 2.30pm. Cost£32. Depart <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Bus Station at12.30pm. Pay by <strong>Sept</strong>ember 13th.WEST SIDE STORY by Bernstein andSondheim on Saturday February 8th 2014at 2.30pm. Cost £59. Depart <strong>Nailsworth</strong>Bus Station at 12.30pm. Pay by <strong>Sept</strong>ember16th <strong>2013</strong>.The Health Fair information and booking TASTER THERAPIESThe White Practice will be offering osteopathy for performers, Nikki and Kelly will berunning baby massage classes and the practice will be open for advice and questions. Forfurther information please call Nick White 07974 911592.Booking www.bookwhen.com/nhphealthfairThe <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Natural Health Centre will be offering taster sessions of Buqi healing;Alexander technique; Bowen Therapy; Homeopathy; chiropractic and reflexology. As wellas organising a hall for massage and other therapies - See ‘What’s On’ for details.CARPENTER AND JOINERA COMPLETE CARPENTRY & JOINERY SERVICE, INCLUDING ALLIED BUILDINGRENOVATIONS, AND ALTERATIONS WORKS.PHONE: 07966 431869SASH WINDOW SERVICE LTDWe have been repairing, draught proofingand servicing <strong>Nailsworth</strong>’s sash windowsfor over 20 years. Contact us for a free, noobligation assessment of how to makeyour windows work and look beautiful again.Phone: 01453 861025or visit: www.simplysashwindows.co.ukYour local tree expertsfor over 25 yearsSurgery, Felling & Stump RemovalPruning and Hedge TrimmingDebris RecyclingFull Consultancy Service, Free QuotationsTel: 01285 760466 Aston Down, Stroud GL6 8GA<strong>Nailsworth</strong> HealthPartnership Health Fair28th <strong>Sept</strong>ember<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Health Partnershipstretches out to make<strong>Nailsworth</strong> the healthiest townin the Cotswolds!From Yoga to Acupuncture avariety of health professionalswill stretch out around<strong>Nailsworth</strong> presenting informative talks,stalls, taster sessions and workshops.For those of you with energy left tospare why not take part in a 10 mile or 30mile bike ride. There will also be healthwalks around the <strong>Nailsworth</strong> valleys, ordance the day away in one of the danceworkshops.A central information stall will be foundin the Mortimer Gardens Farmers Market,guiding you to the various events aroundthe town. The organisers of this event hopeto raise awareness about the many positiveand beneficial services available to peopleof all ages in and around <strong>Nailsworth</strong>.The First <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Health Fairwill take place on Saturday the 28th of<strong>Sept</strong>ember from 9 am onwards. Whynot book your workshop or taster sessiononline by visitingwww.bookwhen.com/nhphealthfairThey look forward to seeing you! Formore information please contactSimon Andrews 01453 836483NAILSWORTH ACCOUNTANCYTown Hall, Old Bristol Road, <strong>Nailsworth</strong>01453 835050Small Practice For Small Clients = Small FeesAnnual Sales Annual Fee FromUp to £15,000 £190.00Up to £30,000 £250.00Up to £40,000 £280.00Over £40,000 By AgreementTax Return Completion From £100 -Free Initial ConsultationMichael Jefferies FMAAT ICPA & Emma MillsSing out with QuakersQuakers believe a world without war ispossible - seeing peace work as work tobe done every day. As part of their annual‘awareness week’, they offer differentactivities round the country. This year, in<strong>Nailsworth</strong>, they invite you to drop by at oneor both of these events:Saturday morning 28th <strong>Sept</strong>ember outsideLibrary, Old Market,9.00am-1.00pmStall and display about fair trade in Palestine- promoting trade justice and selling oliveoil and other products. Delicious tastes andinformation combined.Saturday evening 5th October, FriendsMeeting House, Chestnut Hill,7.00-9.30pm(including break and refreshments)Songs of peace and protest: all abilitieswelcome at this free singing workshop led bywell-known local choir leader and composerSophie Sterckx. Sing out for peace - andenjoy the harmonies.

The COMMONERS EIGHTS tournament alwaysrounds off the cricket season for our local and rather special cricketteam. A wet Saturday did not deter the groundsman from his usualworries over the wicketand all was perfect for theSunday … I told him notto worry! He was out atdawn as per normal andthe wicket was in finecondition.“I have never scored98 in one day,” was anoverheard comment. To theconnoisseur, this wasn’t‘Test Match cricket’, but it wascertainly just as riveting! Where canyou see 12 scored with one strike?More runs than you could imaginefrom hitting a boundary throughsquare leg and more wickets andruns in a day than you could everdream of?It didn’t matter who wonthe contest in reality. It was atremendous afternoon of sport andentertainment. Many thanks to allthose who organised the day andagain to that wonderful BBQ food… worth every penny! MSSportswallow does not make a summer ...’ so it will be foolishto get too excited about the thrashing of Hyde on the‘Oneopening day of the season. If there had been 11 players toplay against, would the score have been so emphatic? We will neverknow, but theThe BIG Wednesday Bike Ridehosted by Luke at Black8Bikes is increasinglypopular. Every Wednesday from 6.30pm (arrive 6 -6.15pm) he and the group set off for a pre-planned‘magical mystery tour’ often with different peopleeach time and new friends as well. This is goodstuff!It is NOT a race and is available for anyonewho has a bike (no age limit and all levels ofexperience) and the ride goes off road (XC)as much as possible. If you want to see thecountryside from a very different perspective - thisis ideal for you - bring your camera!! Luke mapsout a new route each time.Routes are normally about 12 - 20 miles longand usually finish up with a glass of something atThe Brit - sounds perfect!For more info, contact Luke: 01453 298487team made themost of thingsand playedbrilliantly. Itwas a real joyto watch for thelarge openingday crowd.The bookieshave made FGRfavourites to gainpromotion, so thatwill be interestingto see whathappens as theseason unfolds, butit is an unforgivingleague with manyquality teams. Oneweek FGR willtrounce someone,the next time bestruggling. The name of the game is always consistency of standards,keeping the momentum going and scoring more goalsthan are let in! Dave Hockaday will ensure this happensafter the disappointing run-in at the end of last season.A huge amount of money has been spent on the teamand the players must meet their responsibilities as well.The crowds will help to boost the atmosphere, but only ifthe play is of quality will they turn up! A 40% increase ingates last season is good news, but even maintaining thatwill not be enough to keep FGR free of financial supportfrom a 3rd party. Maybe buying tickets online is the wayforward and helps make ‘matchdays an experience’, aswe are constantly told! I thought it was about the football,but I am obviously from a different generation! MSPhotos - courtesy Bruce Fenn.NAILSWORTH AERIAL SERVICESS M PLUMBINGMark Webb wins two awardsMany people know how much work Mark Webbputs into the football ground at Shortwood and,in August, he was rewarded by being named“Southern League Groundsman of the Year”and also “National Groundsman of the Year” forclubs at Step 3 and Step 4.It is a great achievement for Mark and his willinghelpers (in particular Bill Stratford and and KeithWilliams) and for Shortwood Football Club.Face in theCrowd.Is this YOU?If so, you qualify for aFREE ground pass toFGR’s next Home match.Just call in at the ClubOffice with a copy ofthis paper. (Brought toyou by NN in associationwith FGRFC)(TIME SERVED ENGINEER WITH 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE)FOR FAST & EFFICIENT SERVICEDigital FreeviewTelephone ExtensionsStorm DamageSky FaultsBBC FreesatExtra TV Points Fitted7 Day ServiceOAP DiscountCONTACT:01453 833293 or 0775 9144979Free Estimatesworking for youFamily Law SpecialistsFrom the moment you enter a relationship to themoment you leave it, WSP are here to offer practical andprofessional advice. We provide services from Resolutionand Collaborative Law accredited specialists, encouragingsolutions that consider the needs of the whole family andthe best interests of any children.To see our full list of services, visit our website. All your plumbing needs Emergency Repairs Reliable & Professional NVQ Qualified WRAS Registered ExperiencedT: 07917 540020E: shanemccallum@icloud.comW: www.s-m-plumbing.co.ukWe offer:fixed feesand pay asyou gooptionsCossack Square, <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Tel: 01453 832566 www.wspsolicitors.com21““We really listen towhat our clients say.Judi Bonham - Matrimonial Partner

SportTENNISThanks to Jane Butler for informingus that <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Tennis Club has secured £35,000 from OlympicLegacy funding from Sport England’s Inspired Facilities fund.<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Tennis Club, established in 1989, and a successfulone too, will receive more than £35,000 of National Lotteryfunding to develop a derelict piece of land to provide a floodlitthird court andpractice wall.SportEngland’sChairman,Nick Bitel,said, “A yearon from theOlympics,this NationalLotteryinvestmentis helping usdeliver a lasting sporting legacy in <strong>Nailsworth</strong>. With investmentnow on offer from our Inspired Facilities Fund until 2017, we lookforward to supporting many more sports clubs in Gloucestershirewho play such a vital role in grassroots sport.”Club Chairman, Mark Peer, said, “We are delighted to have beenawarded this funding, which means we will now be able to providemore opportunities for those new to tennis as well as extra spacefor social tennis.Local MP, Neil Carmichael said, “This investment by SportEngland into <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Tennis Club is just what we need to helpcreate better sporting provision in the area. We are very gratefulfor their support.”If anyone wants to contact the Tennis Club in the future theyshould phone or email the Secretary, Sarah Rind - 832964 /Asrind84620@aol.comor use the tennis club website - just Google <strong>Nailsworth</strong> TennisClub.The applause was loud and long on the last day of Woodchester Football Club’s summerfootball camp as over 30 children received their certificates from Forest Green PlayersSteve Brogan and Kieron Forbes.Over two days children of all standards between the ages of 6 and 11 were taught footballingskills under the tutorage of the F.A. qualified team from “Kick off Stroud” whose teamleader Will Mansell stated “ A wonderful setting in Woodchester, fantastic weather and lotsof happy children”Reece Styche & Aaran Racine from FGR presented certificates to starry eyed children andthe children enjoyed a question and answer session with their heroes.Stuart Harrison, Chairman, Woodchester F.C. who organised this event, wishes to expresshis thanks to the FGR Players, KickoffStroud, both Woodchester Schools,Bottlegreen for kindly donating thecordial for the children and everyonewho volunteered their time.The camp was such a success that thiswill now become a regular summerevent with possibly another campduring October half-term. The childrenhad such a good time that they arealso forming a junior team to play thiscoming season – everyone welcome– Stuart can be contacted on 07977455350 / stuart@theaviationgroup.euHave The Phoenix Reached Their Limit?!The new season has now started and <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Phoenix now haveeight teams playing in the Stroud Table Tennis league. When theyformed back in 2009 it was only to make use of the old ‘Boys Club’building. They would never have guessed that four years later theywould be the biggest club in the Stroud league accounting for nearlya quarter of its teams.Unfortunately their top team could not hold on to its place in thefirst division so they are now competing in three divisions, but at leastthere should be a good number of local derbies!Their nextobjective is toget more juniorsplaying thegame, readyto take overfrom the oldermembers in afew years time.So they arelooking for boysand especiallygirls to comealong to their sessions which will now be Monday evenings andSaturday mornings.League matches will take place on Tuesday and Thursday eveningsthroughout the winter.They are situated in the <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Subscription Rooms (nextto The Village). If youwould like any moreinformation please ringAndy Hammond on01453 885393 or visit ourwebsite:www.nailsworthphoenix.co.ukArchitectural Services including:• Planning Applications• Building Regulation Applications• Working DrawingsFor hints & tips for building regulationand planning applications scan the qr codewith your smartphone.Phone 01453 836511Mobile 07825 050944www.anderson-architecture.co.ukSM4RT MOVEONEThe environmentally friendly single passenger seatSmart Car Taxi service covering the Stroud Valleys& beyond. Up to 20% cheaper than regular StroudLicensed taxi’s.Now thatreally is the‘Smart’ wayto travel!Smart Move 4 OneMonday to Friday 0700 - 1830Call us on 07799 78899722• SALES • LETTINGS• LAND & NEW HOMES7 Fountain Street, <strong>Nailsworth</strong>,Glos. GL6 0BLwww.perrybishop.co.ukTel: 01453 836736Email: nailsworth@perrybishop.co.ukPARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPECome and join me for the Latin-inspired, easy tofollow, calorie-burning, dance fitness party,ALL fitness levels welcome:Monday: 6 - 7 pm<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Primary SchoolALL CLASSES £5 PAY AS YOU GOfor more information please call Ruth King on07734 886275. For all other class times and venues,please visit www.pts4u.org.uk

What’s On - <strong>Sept</strong>ember <strong>2013</strong>To include events, contact Jemmawhatson@nailsworthnews.org.ukDeadline for October <strong>2013</strong>,15th <strong>Sept</strong>ember <strong>2013</strong>Arts & CraftsArt class for the over 50’s (block of 6) starts Friday 6th <strong>Sept</strong>ember1.30pm. All abilities welcome. Info: Sue 833467Creative textiles course, Mondays 1pm, 3.30pm & 6pm, SubscriptionRooms, £50 for 5 week block. Info: Grace 07872 633956 or Patricia07891 456095<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Art Festival, Friday 6th - Sunday 8th <strong>Sept</strong>ember at St.George’s Church. Info: 833132<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Knitters, Monday 9th <strong>Sept</strong>ember. Info: Margaret 834996Tinkers Knitting Group, Thursdays 10am and Saturdays 2.30pm,Mother Goose. Info: 298725Woolly Crafters, Tuesdays 8pm, Mother Goose. Info: 298725Children & Family1st <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Brownies (7-10 yrs) &1st <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Guides (10-14 yrs) on Mondays.1st <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Rainbows (5-7 yrs) &1st <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Senior Section (14-25 yrs) on Tuesdays. www.girlguidingnailsworth.wordpress.comArkell Toddlers (0-4 yrs), Fridays 9.-11am, Arkell Centre, £2 (term time only).Info: Laura 07795 693821Autumn Fete at Shortwood Football Club 29th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 1-5pm, ciderfestival and tug o warBaby Bounce & Rhyme, Mondays 11.30am, Library (term time only)Community workshops for home-educated children (7+ yrs), Fridays 9am &11.30am, £10. Info: Pam 07971 737626Croc ‘n’ Roll (6 mths-4 yrs), Wednesdays and Thursdays 10am, FGR, £3.95(term time only). Info: Stephanie 07957 235413 or Stephanie@crocnroll.co.uk.Family Drop-In, Tuesdays 10-11.30am, Arkell Centre. Info: 755373Horsley Fete, Saturday 14th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 12-4pm, Horsley playing fieldsLittle Angels Singing and Music for Parents & Toddlers, Fridays 9.30am, St.Georges Church‘<strong>Nailsworth</strong>’s Got Talent’ auditions start Friday 27th <strong>Sept</strong>ember (grand final16th November). Info: Charlie 07502416240 or nailsworthtalent@gmail.comNCT Bumps & Babies, Wednesdays 10am-12 noon, Tubby’s Cafe (Waterside).Info: 0844 2436286Phoenix Martial Arts for children, Wednesdays 3.30pm, Arkell Centre. Info:07921 298445Phoenix Playmates Mother & Toddler Group, Tuesdays 9-11am, PrimarySchool Gym (term time only), £1.50 per child. Info: 833511Playcircle (0-3 yrs), Fridays 10.30-11.30am & 11am-12 noon, Christ ChurchRooms, £4.50 (term time only). Info: 07930 136075.Story Time at <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Library (0-6yrs), Fridays 11amChurchChurches Together Service, Sunday 8th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 6.30pm, Arkell CentreCommunion Service, Sundays 9.30am, St.George’sStephen Earley’s last service at St. George’s Church, Sunday 29th <strong>Sept</strong>ember10.30am. All welcomeCommunityAlzheimer Cafe, Wednesday 25h <strong>Sept</strong>ember 2-4pm, Christ Church Rooms.Info: 834714Archive Office open Mondays and Fridays 10am-12 noon, Town HallBingo, Saturdays 8pm, Shortwood FCBritish Royal Legion, Wednesday 19th <strong>Sept</strong>ember, Social ClubCitizen’s Advice Bureau drop-in, Tuesdays 1-3.30pm, Arkell CentreCredit Union, Wednesdays 2.30-4pm, Arkell Centre. Info: 298785Drop-in with Tracey Young, Community Development Worker,Fridays 10am-12 noon, Arkell CentreIT for beginners, Fridays 1pm, Arkell Centre. Info: karen.ashley@sgscol.ac.ukForest Green Senior Citizens Thursdays 2-4pm, Arkell Centre. Info:David 833411Library club for older people, Wednesday 11th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 11am-12.00 noon,transport can be provided. Info: 832747Macular Society, Wednesday 18th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 10.30am-12.30pm, ChristChurch Hall. Info: Sandra 833614ME Support Group, Monday 2nd <strong>Sept</strong>ember 11am, Scrumptious Cafe. Info:Richard 07814 223567Men’s Shed community workshop, Tuesdays 1.30pm, Subscription Rooms.Mobile Police Station, 12th and 27th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 1.30-2.15pm, Old PoliceStation car park.Neighbourhood Warden, Local Police & Dog Warden drop-in, Wednesday26th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 2-3pm, Arkell CentreRotary Club, every other Thursday 7pm, Egypt Mill. Info: Joan, 885373SDC tenants’ drop-in advice session, Tuesday 3rd <strong>Sept</strong>ember 9.30-11.30am,Arkell CentreSenior Citizens’ Club, Thursdays 2pm, Arkell Centre, £1.50. Info: Dave833411Tea and Cake at Shortwood Football Club, 2nd <strong>Sept</strong>ember 2-4pm. £2 entry,bingo, skittles and a raffle.Town Council meeting, Tuesday 17th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 7pm, Town HallDanceBarn Dance, Saturday 14th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 7.30pm, <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Tennis Club. £10with ploughman’s supper, call Judith on 833547 for ticketsDance classes, Wednesdays 7.45pm (intermediate collegiate shag) and 9pm(intermediate lindy hop), Comrades Club. Info: Nicky 07728 600056Hip Hop and Cheerleading Class (11+ years), Saturdays 10.45am, FGRDance Studio. Info: alisonholding@hotmail.co.ukJive classes, Thursdays at 7.30pm (beginners) and 8.30pm (intermediate),Comrades Club. Info: Nicky 07728 600056Nia Dance, Wednesdays 1.45pm, Sawyer Hall and Saturdays at 9.30am FGRGym. Info: Yael 07545 372077Health & WellbeingAwareness through Movement – Feldenkrais Method, Fridays 11am, SawyerHall. Info: Iraina 832027Buddhist Meditation, Mondays and 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 7.30pm, suggesteddonation £3. Info: James 07867 767605Health Walk (30-60mins), Tuesdays 2pm, meet at Library. Info: 832907Mindfulness Course, Thursdays 7.30pm, Arkell Centre. Info: Dario 836597<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Health Fair, Saturday 28th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 9am onwards. Book yourplace at www.bookwhen.com/nhphealthfair. Info: Simon 836483Taiji Wuxigong (Chi gong), Thursdays 9.30am, Christ Church Hall. Info: Poh-Eng San 836425.Music and Film<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Community Choir, Wednesdays from 18th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 7.30pm,Quaker Meeting House. Info: 07885 275681 or nailsworthcommunitychoir@gmail.com<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Film Club ‘The Angel’s Share’ Friday 6th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 8pm,<strong>Nailsworth</strong> School Hall. Info: www.nailsworthfilmclub.co.uk<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Film Club (film TBC) Friday 27th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 8pm, <strong>Nailsworth</strong>School Hall. Info: www.nailsworthfilmclub.co.uk<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Silver Band, Mondays (beginners 5.30pm, training band 6pm,band rehearsal 7.15pm), Band Room Brewery LaneQuakers Saturday 28th <strong>Sept</strong>ember outside library, Market Street,9.00am-1.00pm Stall and display. Rebecca Stapleford, Warden 832684 /nailsworthwarden@btinternet.comQuakers Songs of peace and protest - 5th October, Friends Meeting House,7.00-9.30pm. Rebecca Stapleford, Warden 832684 / nailsworthwarden@btinternet.com‘The Strollers’ - local cabaret group, Friday 20th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 7.30pm,Horsley Church. Tickets £8, all profits to raise money for water inTanzania. Info: 832734ShoppingCountry Market, Fridays 8.45-11am, Mortimer Room.Farmers’ Market, Saturday 28th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 10am-1pm, MortimerGardensMarket Street Market, Saturday 28th <strong>Sept</strong>ember – all the shops spillinto the street with food, music and entertainment.Vintage & Collectors’ Fayre, Friday 6th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 10am-3pm, TownHall. Free entry. Sellers’ tables available. Info: 07800 95196423

Sport & ExerciseAerobics & Body Conditioning, Mondays 9.30am & 7.15pm, ChristChurch Hall. Info: Tina 753895Cotswold Allrunners, Mondays and Wednesdays 6.30pm, KingGeorge V Playing Fields. Info: 07939 102102Gentle Exercise Class, Mondays 10am, Arkell CentreKung Fu, Thursdays 7.30pm, Recreation Centre, £4.50. Info: 07922873934 or kixxglos@hotmail.co.uk‘Lightwaves’ Shintaido, Tuesdays 1.30pm, Christ Church Hall, firstsession free. Info: David & Nagako 750598<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Mills Bowling Club taster sessions, Fridays 6.30-9.00pm.Coaching given. Info: 836500 or email julia.stannard1@sky.comNHP Longer Health Walk, Wednesday 4th Sep Bus and Walk – meetbus station 9.55am Info: Ros 834485NSoc Rambling Group, Thursday 26th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 9.30am. Info:Angela 832911Pacerpole walking for posture (1-1½ hrs), Mondays 7pm, meet atLibrary, £4. Pacerpoles provided. Info: Pam 832907Pilates (beginners), Wednesdays 11am, Youth Club. Info: Helen07799 620117Pilates, Thursdays 6.30pm & 8pm, Mortimer Room. Info: Bea 07717472129Pilates, Fridays 10am, Christ Church. Info: Jo 873229Pilates on the Ball, Wednesdays 9.30am, Christ Church Hall. Info:Tina 753895SDC Shorter Health Walk, Tuesdays 17th <strong>Sept</strong>ember - meet outsideLibrary 2pm. Info: Ros 834485Table Tennis, Tuesdays and Thursdays 7pm, Subscription Rooms, firstsession freeTae-Kwon-Do, Tuesdays and Thursdays 6.30pm, Primary School.Info: 07715 445729Taiji & Qi Gong, Mondays 9.30am, 10.45am & 12 noon, Town Hall,£6. Info: Jeff 07970 303694X-biking, 7.30pm, FGR Gym. Info: 835680X-biking, Tuesdays 6pm, FGR Gym. Info: 832268Ashtanga (Power) Yoga, Thursdays 1-2pm, Subscription Rooms. £36for 6 week block. Info: Stuart 07986 003602 or stuart@pulse4life.co.ukIyengar Yoga, Wednesdays 7.30pm, Mortimer Room. Info: Alison752249Yoga, Tuesdays 10am, Wednesdays 7pm and Thursdays 5.45pm &7.30pm, Christ Church Hall. Info: Sally 751937Yoga, Tuesdays 6.30pm, Christ Church Hall. Info: Chris 834304Zumba, Mondays 10.30am, Youth Club, £5. Info: Helen 07799 620117Zumba, Mondays 6pm, Recreation Centre, £5. Info: 07734 886275 oremail ruth.king123@btopenworld.comSports FixturesFGR vs Halifax Saturday 14th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 3pmFGR vs Tamworth Tuesday 24th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 7.45pmFGR vs Gateshead Saturday 28th <strong>Sept</strong>ember 3pmTalks & ClubsW.I. meeting ‘The Musical’ - Malcolm Lewis, 7.30pm Parish Rooms.Info: 833966NSoc Arts, Crafts & Music Group musical evening 7.30pm. Info:Janet 835540NSoc Local Studies Group ‘Gloucester Churches for the Curious’ -Aylwin Sampson, 7.30pm. Info: Dave 832034<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Health Partnership Health Fair 28th <strong>Sept</strong>emberAll Bookings www.bookwhen.com/nhphealthfairFriends Meeting House - Main room. Activities limited to 10people, please book early to avoid disappointment9.00am Gentle Yoga - Sally Deacon10.00am Qigong – Jeff Docherty will take this gentle harmonising andholistic exercise class11.00am Taijiwuxigong – Poh-Eng teaches this powerful self-healingsystem12.00 Nia danceFriends Meeting House- Garden room Sam Pereira sjpereira@gmail.com mobile: 07939 1739049.15am Exercise and Socialise class for the over 60’s.10.15am How Food Effects us - Jo Hofman11.15am Raw food teacher and life coach Judy Barber12.15pm Local Hypnotherapist Liane Ulbricht-KazanFriends Meeting House- Upstairs room (Sam Pereira as above)9.30am Alexander Technique - Rachel Stevens10.30am Simple meditation. All are welcome11.30am Pregnancy yoga class12.30pm Feldenkrais – Develop an intelligent body throughawareness through movement.Town Hall Helen Luther befit@live.co.uk mobile: 07799 6201179.30am X-bike is a totally immersive and full on fun workout.10.30am Learn to Jive, a great way to have fun and exercise.11.30am Pilates. Becky Lane will take this introductory class. Max 1012.30pm Ashtanga (power) YogaOutdoor sessions- Tennis court behind <strong>Nailsworth</strong> Sub Room. NickWhite enquiries@thewhitepractice.co.uk 07974 9115929.30am Bikeability Level 19.30am Bikeability Level 2/310.30am Fresh Air Fitness11.30am Zumba Gold1.00pm Jive demonstration1.00pm Health walk starting from Mortimer Gardens1.00pm Stroud Valleys Cycling Club invite all go for a bike ride.1.30pm Zumba dance demoThe list above right is just an overview of available activities. Tobook any of these events go towww.bookwhen.com/nhphealthfairor call the numbers as stated above. There will be more detail on thewebsite so do investigate - please visitwww.nailsworthhealthpartnership.orgfor more and have a healthy start to your autumn!Commoners below - courtesy of Jonathan DuckworthAD-HOC ADMIN<strong>Nailsworth</strong> Based Secretarial Services,Book Keeping, Data Entryand Database ManagementTel: 07951 211 880Email: adhoc0413@yahoo.comSusan Ingram24LEOPARDPRESS.comFormerly Hathaway Press & Vale PressStroud 01453 832259stroud@leopardpress.comOld Market Place, <strong>Nailsworth</strong>, Glos. GL6 0DU• Private & Trade Printers• litho & digital print• graphic design• books & magazines• brochures• 35 years experience

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