CodeMeter - wibu-systems ag

CodeMeter - wibu-systems ag CodeMeter - wibu-systems ag

K N O W - H O WWinning new customers withTrial SoftwareNevertheless, we understand your concerns thatyour customers might prefer to download a freeversion of your trial software without needingto buy a <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick first.We <strong>ag</strong>ree, your customer should be able to getyour trial software as fast and easy as possible.You should not rely only on potential customerswho already own a <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick.This could be your strategy to increase your trialsoftware options1) Your potential customers, who alreadyown a <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick, can obtain afull-featured license for a trial period of(for example) 30 days.2) Your customers could get remote accessof your software running on your server.Software and <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick reside atyour server.3) Your customers install your protectedsoftware on their PCs accessing a Code-Meter Stick, connected to a server overthe Internet.4) Your standard trial software can runwithout a <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick, but withlimited or missing features.Integration in your softwareHow much effort will it take to make thesetrial options available? Let’s assume that yoursoftware is already protected by <strong>CodeMeter</strong> oryou plan to use <strong>CodeMeter</strong> for licensing of yoursoftware. The first question to ask is “How doyou want to sell your software?” Let’s use acomputer card game as an example:1) The basic version of your software offersfree sets of demo game cards. If a Code-Meter Stick with Product Code 10,000 isavailable, protected sets of game cardscan be used, too.2) Additional sets of game card are offered.They are licensed using Product Code20,xxx.3) Another feature provides an editor, forcreating game card sets. It can be used,if Product Code 11,000 is available.4) Another feature provides the option toplay <strong>ag</strong>ainst your PC. It runs if ProductCode 12,000 is available.However, you can choose any value for yourmodules; the Product Code is stored in a 32Bit value in the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick.Now you integrate the modular protection intothe software source code using the IxProtector.You define code areas which will be encryptedwith the given Product Code. At runtime, theseprogram functions can be decrypted and usedonly, if the corresponding Product Code is inthe <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick.Additional to this code protection, you integrateencryption and decryption of sets of game cardsin the “Save” and “Load” functions. Pleasedon’t mix that up with the encryption of programcode. You should now use encryption toprotect program code and to protect the dataof the sets of game cards as well.Loading protected sets of game cards is supportedby the basic version of the application. Thefunction to load game cards is not protected,the function to decrypt protected sets of gamecards is using Product Code 10,000. Savingsets of game cards makes sense only with theeditor. So, the complete editor program code isprotected with Product Code 11,000.Define <strong>CodeMeter</strong> trial versionsUp to now, we have defined a modular protectionof your software and did not spend anyspecial thoughts on a trial version. But this isvery easy now as it is already done. The functionsof the software now depend only on the licensein the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick.Expiration Time: ok, no problemRestricted version: okTesting on Terminal Server: okUsing a remote <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick: okThe restricted version can use only free gamecard sets, which has been our goal. The customershould be able to use these restrictedfunctions when running the software without<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick.At this point, you can be satisfied with the easyintegration and you can ship your software. Ifyou want to get the highest level of securityfor your software, using the AxProtector as ashell for your executable is recommended. Itimplements full program encryption and effectiveanti-debugging mechanisms at yourcommand. In this case you abandon the optionto run a trial version of your software withouta <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick.This challenge can be solved, too. In this case, a“lite” version is built using conditional compilation.You can remove all functions which areprotected by IxProtector. This “Player”, the lightversion, is delivered instead of a limited trialversion with the following advant<strong>ag</strong>es:This lite version doesn’t require any<strong>CodeMeter</strong> runtime software.One source code for all versions savingdevelopment time and cost.Highest level of protection for the fullversion using AxProtector.The free distribution of the lite versiongenerates new potential customers.Online License TransferThe last step is to transfer licenses to customerswith a <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick or provide software foronline use. You can do this yourself or WIBU-SYSTEMS can do it for you.Use <strong>CodeMeter</strong>, make it a standard like a computermouse today. You like to know more?Please contact us.When do I use which Integration?Full software with integrated demo version:Full software without demo version:Lite Version (special software version):Full software as online demo version:What is a...IxProtectorIxProtector/AxProtectorno protectionProduct Code: Defines a license stored in a <strong>CodeMeter</strong> StickAxProtector:IxProtector:IxProtector/AxProtectorTool to protect an executable without source code changeTool to protect individual functions within the source code

<strong>CodeMeter</strong>: Pay-Per-ChangeThe most economical wayDo you want a dongle for all purposes? Then<strong>CodeMeter</strong> is your choice! You only need toorder one product to protect single licenses,network licenses, modular licenses and timelimitedlicenses.This simplifies your inventory man<strong>ag</strong>ement – nodifferent SKUs with different prices and youalways have the right dongle ready to sendto your customer. But the best of all: you caneven convert a single license to multiple usernetwork licenses after shipping to a customerby remote control.The standard situationThe price for <strong>CodeMeter</strong> is the sum of thehardware cost and the license it protects. It isthen up to you to program your licenses intothe <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick. This is comparable witha license for a software product: not about CD-ROM product cost but intellectual properties.But why telling you this? You as the softwaredeveloper are familiar with this.Independent of the CmStick variant, you receivea cover product in different colors or, for themetal variant, a cap. Usually you have three (ortwo) positions on your calculation:Finally you calculate with the whole price forthe dongle. The only other option which influencesthe price of the hardware is the size ofthe optional flash memory.Inexpensive StartIn some cases you have the requirement“I have only a single software pack<strong>ag</strong>e which isactivated once and for this I need a simple, verycheap dongle. Do you have a light variant?”.Technically spoken, no.From the price, yes!We provide you the complete hardware – includingnetwork licenses and internal clock – as apay-per-use variant for inexpensive introductoryconditions: You buy the CmStick for about 60%off the standard price.And now the best part: You can later use thesame <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick for additional applicationsor even network licenses by just buyingfurther licenses. Such licenses cost about 6% ofthe full <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick price and include theright to reprogram the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick for asingle time. It is simply called a transaction.Examples for such transactions are:Adding a new Product ItemModification of the Expiration Time of anexisting Product ItemDeleting an Expiration TimeIncreasing the number of licensesYou don’t need a transaction for the followingoperations:Deleting a Product ItemReactivating a CmStick after freezing bydetecting an illegal debugging attemptChanging the item textWhen I Should Use which model?You decide between use of the Standard orthe Pay-Per-Change model. Usually the Standardmodel is cheaper after reprogramming the<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick more than 6 or 7 times. Thishappens if you plan to activate many more fea-

P R O D U C Ttures or you update your licenses in short timeintervals, for example every six months.If you have only a few products and you do notneed additional activation of licenses in the<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick, the Pay-Per-Change modelis much cheaper.Mixing is ImpossibleA mix of the Standard and the Pay-Per-ChangeLicenseHardware<strong>CodeMeter</strong> StandardmoretransactionTransactionHardware<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Pay-Per-Usemodel is impossible. Each Firm Code has alicensing variant which is a fixed value. But ifyou discover for example after a year that youhave originally chosen the wrong variant orwish to change it, then it is possible to switchthe variant by replacing the Master <strong>CodeMeter</strong>Stick (the Firm Security Box).How it WorksHow does the Firm Security Box know whichCmStick you have bought? It does not haveto know!You buy 100 empty <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Sticks along withthe rights to program them in any of the twomodels. After that you receive a Field Activationfile that increases the Unit Counter in the FirmSecurity Box by 100.The programming of an empty <strong>CodeMeter</strong>Stick is realized in two steps: First your “FirmItem” will be created. After that you create thedesired “Product Item” within this Firm Item.The Firm Item can be created only once in asingle <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick and is never deleted.The Unit Counter in your Firm Security Box isreduced with each creation of a Firm Item, byone. Because this happens exactly once per<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick, the Firm Security Box countsthe number of programmed CmSticks.You can also program 100 other <strong>CodeMeter</strong>Sticks instead the 100 empty sticks you bought,but the number of sticks you can program doesnot change. When you finally have your FirmItem in the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick, you can create,modify or delete Product Items without restrictions.This is the Standard model.But with the Pay-Per-Change model, you buythe licenses per “change” (transactions). Thecounter in the Firm Security Box is reduced withthe creation or modification of Product Items.You can create Firm Items and delete ProductItems without restrictions.In this case you buy for example 100 <strong>CodeMeter</strong>Sticks and 100 licenses per transaction.You can then program each <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stickwith exactly one Product Item:You can also buy 200 licenses at once. Thenyou can program each of your 100 <strong>CodeMeter</strong>Sticks exactly twice or 99 <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Sticksonce and modify the last <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick 101times differently – or any other combinationwith a sum of 200.If you need many options in your license solutions,we provide a Reserve Firm Security withthe desired number of reserve transactions.Use of Any CmStickIf your customer already owns a <strong>CodeMeter</strong>Stick, you can reuse it: In this case you just buythe license (transaction) and you save the costof the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> hardware.<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick Metal EditionThe <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick/M, 1 GB and2 GB, are now available with a newchromium-plated metal case, in thewell-known <strong>CodeMeter</strong> award-winningdesign.It combines a flash disk and smartcard chip for user friendly licenseman<strong>ag</strong>ement and personal securityfunctions like password man<strong>ag</strong>er,virtual encrypted drive and securelogin.Users benefit from a new level ofreliability and stability. The look andfeel is strong and fits our securitywith top quality.Laser engraving is highly flexible,adoptable and guarantees durablemarking. The material is environmentfriendly, conforms to RoHSand is recyclable.

<strong>CodeMeter</strong>: One for AllDoes one universal dongle with allfunctions makes sense? What arethe benefits? Do you pay too muchfor functions you do not need? Whydo our competitors offer many differentdongle types: for networkfloating licenses, with clocks or withlarger memory? These are importantquestions to ask if you are currentlyevaluating software protectionsolutions.The WIBU-SYSTEMS philosophy (since 1989)is offering the most universal dongle. Onlyyou, the software vendor, define the type ofthe license you place in the dongle. Even thefirst WibuBox supports added data stor<strong>ag</strong>e,expiration dates, modular licenses and networkfloating licenses.Our concept, to integrate the protection once inyour software and deliver the same executableto all your customers is self-evident. Further, thesame executable can be a demo version, includeoptional modules, include pay-per-use schemes,time limited licenses and network floating licenses.Our competitors call this “Protect Once,Deliver Many”, 18 years later.Network Floating LicensesFlexible license man<strong>ag</strong>ement with only onesoftware-protection hardware, a dongle, in thenetwork, makes sense in all business applications.Customers start often with a single userlicense and upgrade later to a multi-user floatinglicense. In this case, it’s easy and convenient foryou: You simply program the network licensequantity into the WibuBox or <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick atyour customer site, i.e. by using a remote updatefile, without replacement of the dongle.Time Limited LicensesWibuKey supports an expiration date in thedongle, <strong>CodeMeter</strong> improves on this approachwith an internal clock but without a battery.The clock is running with crystal precision andis put forward by the PCs system time, but onlyforward. To set the time backwards, you need toget a time certificate, provided by the Internet ina manipulation safe way. <strong>CodeMeter</strong> also takesadvant<strong>ag</strong>e of “certified time servers”.Pay-Per-UseWibuKey has up to 5 Limit Counters. <strong>CodeMeter</strong>tops this <strong>ag</strong>ain with hundreds of Unit Counters.They can be decremented by 1 to 10,000 inone step so that you can realize even the mostcomplex requirements and create benefits foryour customers.

P R O D U C TLicense Memory & Flash MemoryWibuKey can store licenses for up to 240 differentapplications or modules from up to 10vendors; <strong>CodeMeter</strong> offers almost unlimitedlicense stor<strong>ag</strong>e. WibuKey offers 16 kByte ofmemory, <strong>CodeMeter</strong> reserves about 60 kByteof secure stor<strong>ag</strong>e on a smart card chip to storethis information. Additionally, there are up to2 GByte of flash memory available.Driverless Use, Multiple PlatformsYou plan to run your application directly from a<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick? Great idea! This really workswith <strong>CodeMeter</strong>. You put your application on<strong>CodeMeter</strong>’s flash memory, the license in the<strong>CodeMeter</strong> chip and that’s it. No need for driverinstallation, no need for administrative rights,everything is mobile. You can use it on multipleplatforms as well, of course.Benefits for your customerUp to now, dongles only protected the vendor’ssoftware. Today <strong>CodeMeter</strong> offers benefits foryour customers. Your customer gets personal PCsecurity functions like a mobile password man<strong>ag</strong>er,file encryption, authentication and more.Further, he/she can buy software and eBooks atlower prices at solutions pay off many times.You get the best return on your investmentusing WIBU-SYSTEMS solutions. Initial costsmight look more expensive but you get multiplereturns due to highest flexibility, lower inventorycosts, highest reliability and longest us<strong>ag</strong>e time.Our customers say that their sales have beenincreased since they began using WibuKey or<strong>CodeMeter</strong>. Pirated copies have more or lessdisappeared.Please compare for yourself the most importantfeatures in the following table.The most important features at a glanceFeature WibuBox/U+ WibuBox/RU+ CmStick CmStick (PpU)* Your SolutionSingle Station x x x xNetwork Floating Licenses x - x xUSB / PCCard / ExpressCard x/x/- x/-/- x/x/x x/x/xLPT / COM x/x x/- -/- -/-License Entries up to 10 1 > 1,000 > 1,000Modules per Key up to 240 1 > 32,000 > 32,000Internal Clock - - x xLicense Memory 16 kByte 16 kByte 60 kByte 60 kByteUnlimited combination of license options limited - x xWindows 32-bit Runtime/API/Wrapper x/x/x x/x/x x/x/x x/x/xWindows 64-bit Runtime/API/Wrapper x/x/x x/x/x x/x/x x/x/xLinux 32-bit Runtime/API/Wrapper x/x/- x/x/- x/x/- x/x/-Linux 64-bit Runtime/API/Wrapper x/x/- x/x/- x/x/- x/x/-Mac OS X Runtime/API/Wrapper x/x/x x/x/x x/x/x x/x/xSun Solaris 10 Runtime/API/Wrapper x**/x**/- x**/x**/- x/x/- x/x/-Java API/Wrapper x/x x/x x/x x/x.NET 1.1 + 2.0 API/Wrapper -/- -/- x/x x/xDriver in Source Code x*** x*** - -No Kernel Driver necessary - - x xBenefits for End User - - x xFile based Remote Update x x x xInternet based Remote Update - - x xFlash Disk Option - - up to 2 GByte up to 2 GByteEncryption Algorithms FEAL FEAL AES, RSA, ECC AES, RSA, ECCEncrypted Communication - - x xCertificates and ApprovalsUL (Underwriter Laboratories), VDE, FCC, VCCI, CEIndividual Color/Print x x x xNoble Chromium-plated Metal Case - - x xPrice/pcs (net, for quantities > 100 pcs) 49,00 € 30,00 € 56,90 € 32,70 €*CmStick with one license, see article p<strong>ag</strong>e 6 **With driver in source code ***Allows implementation and use on any operating system, i.e. HPUX, AIX, Windows CE and realtime operating <strong>systems</strong>, subset of functions, available for WibuBox/ST

<strong>CodeMeter</strong> ServicesIf you choose <strong>CodeMeter</strong>, you get adongle and a complete service packwith it. Our service starts with theevaluation of your software protectionand is also continued beyondthe purchase of the <strong>CodeMeter</strong>license.Seminars for the First StartGet the chance to learn more about <strong>CodeMeter</strong>on our spring road show across Germany, freeand without any obligations. The focus of thespring road show is on license man<strong>ag</strong>ementand network licenses.In our <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Starter Seminar you get adeeper view into the technical details and all theknowledge for a secure, easy to implement softwareprotection scheme. Until end of June 2007,we offer the starter kit – a combination of the<strong>CodeMeter</strong> SDK and license and this Seminarfor a very special price: You save 50%. And: forany other attendee, a price of 199 Euro.Starter Pack<strong>ag</strong>e<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Starter Seminar 399,00 €<strong>CodeMeter</strong> SDK 100,00 €Firm Security Box with ownFirm Code100,00 €Normal Price 599,00 €Special Price(until end of June 2007)299,00 €(ask your local distributor for similar offers)Custom-Made SolutionsBeyond the Starter Seminar WibuConcepts offersyou a complete consulting seminar about the<strong>CodeMeter</strong> concepts in your office.You develop your protection strategy with oursecurity experts and we support you directly withthe implementation of the protection.Lost DonglesFrequently we receive questions from ourusers about lost dongles. From free-of-chargereplacement or requiring another purchase ofthe software license – each software companyhas its own strategy. With <strong>CodeMeter</strong> you willhave totally new possibilities.You can deactivate the “lost” <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stickand send a replacement secure in the knowledgethat the “lost” dongle cannot be usedillegally. How is this possible? We use a combinationof time algorithms and the Internet.Each <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick has an internal clock.This can be adjusted only via a time server atWIBU-SYSTEMS, if the time is running behind.In addition to the clock, the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stickalso stores a time stamp of the last “certified”adjustment. You can read both values into yoursoftware and compare both time stamps. If the10

S E R V I C Edifference is too large a readjustment is requiredand this can be done by your customer online.You can also deactivate this feature if yourcustomer does not have an online access. Butthe time will always be activated if the customerbuys additional software online, a backup file ofthe <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick is done, or further onlinerelatedfunctions are executed.If a <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick gets lost, you can sendthe serial number of this stick to us and weput this serial number into a “freeze-stick” list.This list is also known by the time server – Ifthe customer tries to update his time with his“lost or broken” <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick, the latter isautomatically frozen instead of receiving thetime adjustment.In many cases just the announcement “weset your <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick on the freezing list”is enough. The “lost” <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick suddenlyreappears or the “broken” <strong>CodeMeter</strong>just works <strong>ag</strong>ain. The recommended phrase is“for your security we set the CM-Stick on the“black” list, so anyone who finds your CM-Stickcannot use your licenses illegally”.If you have registered the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stickonline, you get an automatic notification viaemail when your <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick is frozen. Theconnection between you and the <strong>CodeMeter</strong>Stick is done by the unique serial number.Activation of Demo VersionsDo you want to supply a demonstration versionof your software to a potential customer? Youcan do this with a time-limited license in the<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick (via the Expiration Time). Weoffer a complete service to do this: We sendthe <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick to your customer and heactivates his demonstration version for a limitedtime via the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> portal ( of <strong>CodeMeter</strong>-protectedSoftwareBeyond the activation of demonstration versionswe can also provide the complete online salesof your products to you. For this we add yourproduct to the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> portal ( PortabilityIf your customer has a <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick withyour license and he or she wants to move thislicense into another <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick, we cansupport your customer in this license moving:You simply define the conditions and we do therest. Or, even better for your customer, he caninstall your software on his office computer,his laptop and home computer and “move”the license by attaching the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stickto the system he wants to work on.Backup and RestoreYour customers have the ability to create abackup file of all the licenses which are storedin their <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Sticks. These can be storedtogether with the last online-adjusted timestamp on the customers’ PC.The customers themselves cannot restore theirbackups into a new <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick – becausethey do not have the Firm Security Box (evenWIBU-SYSTEMS cannot do this because wedon’t know your Firm Key). But the customerscan send their backup files to you and you candecide which parts of the backup should berestored. In this case, the adjusted-time stampcan be especially useful for the restoration ofpay-per-use information in Unit Counters.Do you think that this manual method is toodifficult? Just define your rules for the licenserestoration and we organize this process foryour products in our <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Portal. Suchcentralized restoration also guarantees that the<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Sticks that contained the originallicenses are put on the freeze list.Mr. Maier‘s software is protected by dongle A,Mr. Schulz is more clever.Mr. Li owns a big factory.Maier and Schulz sell their software to Mr. Li.3 months later.Mr. Li says, the dongles has been stolen.Mr. Maier sends a new onefor free.Mr. Schulz locks the stolen dongle.Mr. Li has found the lost dongle <strong>ag</strong>ain.Mr. Li orders an additional license from Mr. Schulz.11

P R O D U C T<strong>CodeMeter</strong> at theTerminal Server?Are your customers using yoursoftware at a Microsoft TerminalServer? Are you concerned that sucha use can duplicate your licensesillegally?To avoid this situation you have two choices:(1) you can check in your software if a TerminalServer is running and if so, stop your softwareor (2) you can use the automatic handlingof <strong>CodeMeter</strong>. The same mechanism is alsoimplemented in WibuKey version 5.20 or later.Automatic Session HandlingIf your software runs on a Terminal Server, <strong>CodeMeter</strong>assumes each single session is runningon its own computer. If you use UserLimit orNoUserLimit as the access method, the behavioris as expected – the number of concurrent runsis limited to the number of “network” users or,with NoUserLimit, all copies are running.When using the StationShare access mode on aTerminal Server, one license is used per session,independent from the situation where applicationsare running on the same computer. Withthe Exclusive Mode, the customer can start thesoftware exactly once per session.All these features are easy to use: You just selectthe desired access mode in the AxProtector orIxProtector and set the minimal driver versionto 3.20.The behavior of WibuKey version 5.20 or higheris nearly identical, with the exception that onlyWkLAN supports the Terminal Server. The localaccess always permits unrestricted use bycompatibility. Please note this if you use theWibuKey API directly. Using AxProtector 6.10 orlater, the local access of WibuKey is no longerpermitted on a Terminal Server.Future DevelopmentBeyond the case “software on a Terminal Serverwith a limited number of users… like in anetwork” is also the case of “software on theTerminal Server but the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick is onthe user’s local PC”. This is a very relevant orcommon practice. We will provide a programminginterface to realize this with the usualTerminal Servers (Microsoft, Citrix) later in 2007.If you are interested in a pre-release, please sendan email to our support (support@<strong>wibu</strong>.com).12

B I L L B O A R DBriefly PresentedAxProtector for .NETThe next AxProtector for .NET totally disassemblesyour software, protects it with <strong>CodeMeter</strong>and rebuilds it <strong>ag</strong>ain. The former release hadprotected the file as a black box totally. Beyondthe increase of protection <strong>ag</strong>ainst cracking thenew method is also more universal in use.“Remoting” or “Reflection” can be used togetherwith the new AxProtector.The AxProtector for .NET can be used for Executablesas well as for DLLs. We support .NETversion 1.1 and 2.0. A .NET 1.1 version is automaticallyconverted into a 2.0 version.The AxProtector for .NET supports <strong>CodeMeter</strong> ona local PC and also on the network. All knownnetwork man<strong>ag</strong>ement implementations of <strong>CodeMeter</strong>are available. These are StationShare,UserLimit, Exclusive, NoUserLimit, server searchlist and access limits of the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> networkserver itself.AxProtector for .NET also supports the configurablerun-time check, which permits thedetection of the removal of a <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stickduring the software use.Protected assemblies can be strongly named byAxProtector for .NET, so they can be used in theGlobal Assembly Cache of .NET.Security AnalysisWith the 4th Hacker’s Contest, we want to publiclyshow that cracking a live program with a“dongle” will be very difficult. You already havea protected software application? Our securityanalysis can show you how secure your currentimplementation is. Just contact us; we will alsohelp you enhance your current protection andlicensing strategy.<strong>CodeMeter</strong> under the Sun<strong>CodeMeter</strong> in thenewest version 3.20is also available forSun Solaris 10 onSPARC processors.We support almost the complete functionalityof <strong>CodeMeter</strong> on this platform.The only limitations are the end user tools like<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Password Man<strong>ag</strong>er. But who is usinga Sun Workstation in a private home?<strong>CodeMeter</strong> architecture showed its high flexibilityduring migration to Sun Solaris. The Web-Admin, which is already available on Windows,Mac OS, and Linux, is also fully available onSun Solaris.You can alternatively use a Linux PC with a SunWorkstation as a centralized license server. Youcan also protect your local software products forSun Solaris <strong>ag</strong>ainst software piracy. We supply ashared object which can be used to integrate the<strong>CodeMeter</strong> API into your source code.The runtime library for applications, which areprotected by AxProtector for Java, is availablefor Sun Solaris 10. Encrypted Java applicationsrun immediately on Sun Workstations – as longa suitable <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick is available.Mittelstandsprogramm 2007(Small Business in Germany)Also, this year WIBU-SYSTEMS will be providing,as a premium sponsor, more valuable awards.They permit SMEs to have secure protection andadditional sales channelsfor digital productswith a risk-free deploymentof the <strong>CodeMeter</strong>DRM technology.VitaBIT: Consortium awarded byBundeswirtschaftsministeriumOn November 22, 2006, Dr. Walter Otremba,the state secretary of BMWi, presented an awardto Oliver Winzenried, CEO of WIBU-SYSTEMSAG, for the project “VitaBIT“. Together withthe consortium partner CAS Software AG,Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI), PTV AG andthe Sozial and Diakoniestation Weinstadt. Weearned the award during the “SimoBIT” technologycompetition. The focus on this competition isabout secure application of mobile informationtechnology in business and government.<strong>CodeMeter</strong> Password Man<strong>ag</strong>erThe <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Password Man<strong>ag</strong>er is enhancedwith some unique features. Automatic learningand filling of passwords is available for FireFoxon Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, on InternetExplorer for Windows and on Safari for Mac OS.A new look and feel with different “themes” andan enhanced intuitive us<strong>ag</strong>e complete the newrelease. The <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Password Man<strong>ag</strong>er canbe used in a mobile and secure way directly fromthe <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick without software installationon the “borrowed” PC (like at a friend’shouse or wireless hotspot). For evaluationpurposes without <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick there is afile-based demo version for Windows available(but having less security than the <strong>CodeMeter</strong>Stick version).13

S E R V I C EWIBU-SYSTEMS on TourSell Software easier!With new licensing strategiesAfter the huge success of our Software Protection Days in 2006 we will continue this series inBelgium, Germany, Ireland, UK and the The Netherlands during the second quarter of 2007. Themesof the first tour will be licensing strategies that will help you sell more software and to reach additionalcustomers by using flexible models and sales channelsDates and Locations in Germany:Monday, April 16: KarlsruheTuesday, April 17: DarmstadtThursday, April 19: DortmundFriday, April 20: BonnMonday, May 7: StuttgartWednesday, May 9: UlmThursday, May 10: MünchenFriday, May 11: BambergMonday, June 4: LeipzigTuesday, June 5: BraunschweigWednesday, June 6: BremenPlease call +49-721-931720or register at www.<strong>wibu</strong>.com/protdaysDates and Locations in B, IE, NL, UK:Wednesday, March 28: Dublin (IE)Thursday, March 29: Gand (B)Wednesday, April 4: Glasgow (UK)Wednesday, April 11: Utrecht (NL)Tuesday, April 17: Brussels (B)Friday, April 20: Eindhoven (NL)Tuesday, April 24: London (UK)Please call your local office or register onlineBelgium: +32-3747 0347Ireland: +353-1440 4497United Kingdom: +44-1279 8881 30The Netherlands: +31-747 501 495www.<strong>wibu</strong>-<strong>systems</strong>.nl/securecodeupdateSupport at WIBU-SYSTEMSNearly every computer vendor supplies support for their own products with online documentation and interactive APIs. Butfrequently there is a gap between concept and reality. We are sure you know the waiting lines in many support call centersare not always a real help. At WIBU-SYSTEMS, competent consulting and technical support are highly ranked. This includesthe support during the conception planning phase and during the technical implementation. And even your customers – theend users with licensed copies of your protected software and the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick or WibuBox – can use our free-of chargeend-user support. Just read some of the feedback we received from our customers:Customer CitationsBayer Technologies Services GmbH,Michael Sevestre: “Many thanks for thevery good and detailed information.”.Track Test GmbH, Mr. Uwe Trier:“Many thanks for the competent helpwhile switching from V 3.01 to V 4.10c.You immediately gave me a good tip. Ihad StationShare only at WkbAccess2, butnot at WkbOpen2. And now everythingworks fine. Thank you very much <strong>ag</strong>ain.Big praise <strong>ag</strong>ain! This is support at thehigh-end. Many thanks.”.Frank Beckers IT + Service, FrankBeckers: “At first, many thanks for yoursupport. There are only few companieswho help their customers like you do.”.VNG - Verbundnetz Gas AG, AlexanderZiehe: “Problem solved, computerdetects WibuBox. Software runs well!Many, many thanks.”.cui bono - soft GbR, Axel Gutzler:“Many thanks for your quick answer ona Saturday (!). We really appreciate thatquick answer.”.Grafik & More, Alexander W<strong>ag</strong>ner:“you are always very fast! I don’t needyour support frequently, but when I did,everything worked fine.”.Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG,Frank Adaschak: “many thanks for thequick answer and the acceptance of a requestfor a product change. We also likedthe idea with the additional parameter.”.14

C A S E S T U D YManuals directly fromthe CmStickDo you know that your sales man<strong>ag</strong>erand your partners can securelysend you the newest sales manuals,price lists, and any other proprietaryinformation anywhere andanytime?On the other hand, you don’t want your customersseeing the price list including the marginflexibility. Or even worse: Your direct competitorreceives the documents with all your secretinformation!If you find yourself in this situation,then we have the right solution for you:SmartShelter|PDF.As usual with a good software protection strategyyou should have a plan before you implementit: “Which persons get access rights?” isthe question to ask. After you have defineddifferent groups, you provide Product Codes:PC*Feature1 price list for external sales staff2 price list for internal sales staff3 price list for partners4 technical documentation*Product CodeAfter that you convert all documents into PDF (ifthey are not already in this format) and protectthem with the Product Codes from the tableabove. You can also open linked Excel tablesor movies, but they are not encrypted.In the next step you program the <strong>CodeMeter</strong>Sticks for your employees and partners. Eachof your employees can have more than oneProduct Code on his or her <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick andthen use different types of documents withoutchanging the dongle. For programming youcan use the CmBoxPgm command line tool orwith <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Producer you have a databaseapplication with a graphic user interface.An item in the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick can also optionallyreceive an Expiration Time. Then theemployee has to extend his access rights aftera specific time or he or she loses the readingcapabilities for that document. Such an extensioncan be done via Field Activation – theemployees do not need to come back to theoffice with their <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Sticks.The file location in general is not a security risk:There are no security differences if you store theencrypted documents on the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stickor on the local hard disk.To further simplify the us<strong>ag</strong>e, we supply a startprogram for the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick: This programsearches for all PDF files, which are stored onthe stick, and shows these files if the requiredlicense (the suitable Product Code) is found. Asimple double-click opens then the documentin the PDF viewer.If you copy the freely available Acrobat Readeron the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick then our start programopens this reader on the stick insteadof the (possibly) installed reader on the localPC hard disk. As a result, nothing has to beinstalled on a temporary or borrowed computer.The protected documents can be usedanywhere, anytime (until the Expiration Timestops it).15

E V E N T4th Hacker‘s Contest32,728 Euro or 40,000 US-$ “real” money for cracking of an application, protected by Code-Meter! This attractive amount of money will be received by the first person, who can executethe complete application without a <strong>CodeMeter</strong> Stick attached.What is unique about thisHacker’s Contest?Kügler: We take on the international hacker community forforth time. But this time, everything is different. For the firstthree challenges we shipped a protected software applicationwithout the suitable protection hardware. This time thehacker also receives the suitable CmStick.What were the results of the past threecontests?Kügler: Not one of over 1,000 hackers could bypass theprotection. So far, these challenges are unique in our industry.Our competitors always complained our contest wasnot realistic because the hacker didn’t receive the suitablehardware. But besides this criticism, not one of the competitorstried to imitate us. And this time, the hacker also receivesa suitable CmStick.What is the advant<strong>ag</strong>e of a hardwareprotection?Kügler: Since 1989 WIBU-SYSTEMS delivers secure solutionsto protect software <strong>ag</strong>ainst piracy. The user receivesa so-named dongle, which is “married” with the protectedsoftware. The software can be freely copied, but runs onlyif the suitable dongle is plugged into the user’s computer.Security backups are no problem. The user has additionallythe advant<strong>ag</strong>e of license portability (he or she can move thesoftware immediately from one computer to another).What is distinctive at <strong>CodeMeter</strong>?Kügler: A classic dongle has two drawbacks: The user needsa separate dongle for each software product and this donglemust be sent to the user. We have solved both problemswith the <strong>CodeMeter</strong> technology. The user needs only oneCmStick and can activate many licenses from many differentsoftware providers – online, 24x7. And as with shareware, a<strong>CodeMeter</strong>-protected application can be tested before thebuy, but the test interval – for example 30 days – is validatedby the internal clock on each CmStick.How flexible are your license models?Kügler: So far we can adapt any exotic license model to<strong>CodeMeter</strong>. Beyond time-limited licenses we can supplypay-per-use, downgrade, network or single-licenses butalso variants like “if you are student, you get the softwarecheaper” model.<strong>CodeMeter</strong> – The most secure protection system!Smart Card Chip for hardware encryption withAES 128-bit and ECC 224-bit.Encrypted Communication.Locking features with crack detection.Polymorphic Encryption (changing keys at runtime)Interview with Rüdiger Kügler,Director of salesAnti-Debug and Obfuscator mechanisms.Private Key for each vendor.Multiple times Finalist in the category “Best DRMSolution“ at SIIA Codie Awards.ImprintKEYnote13th edition, spring 2007Publisher:WIBU-SYSTEMS AGRueppurrer Strasse 52-5476137 Karlsruhe, GermanyTel. +49-721-93172-0Fax +49-721-93172-22info@<strong>wibu</strong>.comwww.<strong>wibu</strong>.comResponsible for thecontents:Oliver WinzenriedEditors:Rüdiger KüglerIris MelcherJürgen OckertRainer OpitzWolfgang VölkerOliver WinzenriedDesign and ProductionManuel KünstlerGunnar PetersohnLetters are welcome at anytime. They are protected bythe press secret. Articles identifiedby name do not necessarilyreflect the opinion ofthe editors.WIBU, <strong>CodeMeter</strong> and Smart-Shelter are international trademarksof WIBU-SYSTEMS. Allother trademarks belong totheir respective holders.© 2007 WIBU-SYSTEMS.All rights reserved.Learn more about the Hacker´s Contest and the unique features of <strong>CodeMeter</strong> like flexible licenseman<strong>ag</strong>ement, easy logistics, simple integration and user benefits. Visit us at the following events:Visit us at CeBIT2007.Hall 7 A 35Join the SPD2007. See p<strong>ag</strong>e14.Seminars at manydifferent cities.See p<strong>ag</strong>e 14.

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