Our strategy and objectives (88kb pdf) - British Airways

Our strategy and objectives (88kb pdf) - British Airways

Our strategy and objectives (88kb pdf) - British Airways


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24 / <strong>British</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> 2008/09 Annual Report <strong>and</strong> Accounts<strong>Our</strong> <strong>strategy</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>objectives</strong>In an incredibly tough tradingenvironment we have to focus hardon pulling ourselves through theimmediate crisis, while preparing thebusiness for better economic times.This year we have mapped out along-term vision for our business.It is to be the world’s leading globalpremium airline.

26 / <strong>British</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> 2008/09 Annual Report <strong>and</strong> AccountsAs discussed in the Chief Executive’s review on page 10, we have set our sights on being the world’s leading globalpremium airline.The decisions we are taking now will determine how strongly we emerge from the downturn. The airline industryis in a period of unprecedented change <strong>and</strong> we have developed a clear vision for our business.This vision is guiding us in how we deal with current market conditions <strong>and</strong> in how we go about building a sustainablefuture for our business.Global Premium AirlineWhat we offer will appeal tocustomers across the globe.Wherever we operate, individuals<strong>and</strong> business travellers alike willwant to fly with us wheneverthey can.We will make sure all our customersenjoy a unique premium servicewhenever <strong>and</strong> wherever they comeinto contact with us. <strong>Our</strong> customerswill recognise that the service weoffer is worth paying that little bitmore for.We will remain focused on aviation,moving people <strong>and</strong> cargo is ourcore business. We will develop newproducts <strong>and</strong> services tocomplement this.Five Key Goals – the steps we will take to achieve our vision:Be the airline of choicefor longhaul premiumcustomers……so that people will want to fly with us whenever they can. We will continueto introduce great products such as the new business class seat on longhaul<strong>and</strong> a restyled First cabin. To complement our Heathrow home – Terminal 5– we will redevelop premium facilities in New York JFK <strong>and</strong> continue toinvest in lounges in other key cities.Deliver an outst<strong>and</strong>ingservice for customers atevery touch point……by training our colleagues, on the ground <strong>and</strong> in the air, in world-classhospitality <strong>and</strong> customer service. Customers can already check-in from theirmobile or PDA, <strong>and</strong> we will continue to enhance ba.com. A new in-flightentertainment system will be launched later this year.Grow our presencein key global cities……to provide the best global connectivity for our customers. In addition toour new longhaul service from London City to New York JFK, our networkdepth will be strengthened with more flights to Dubai <strong>and</strong> Johannesburg <strong>and</strong>a return to Saudi Arabia.Build on our leadingposition in London……the world’s biggest aviation market. Ensuring Heathrow remains a worldclasshub is vital to give us a strong London base to serve the largestinternational longhaul markets. We will acquire new slots, support plans for athird runway <strong>and</strong> work with BAA to improve baggage <strong>and</strong> terminal facilitiesat Heathrow.Meet our customers’needs <strong>and</strong> improvemargins through newrevenue streams……by building profitable ancillary services that offer customers great value<strong>and</strong> re-enforce our br<strong>and</strong>. <strong>Our</strong> aim is to grow our mileage business <strong>and</strong>boost revenues from third-party engineering, in-flight sales <strong>and</strong> a new onlineretail website. On ba.com we have now launched a range of great valuehotel <strong>and</strong> car hire options packaged with our flights.

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> 2008/09 Annual Report <strong>and</strong> Accounts / 27Partnersposition in Londonthrough new<strong>and</strong> improve marginsMeet our customers’ needsBuild on our leadingExcellencerevenue streamsGlobalpremiumairlineCustomersFinanciallyfitGrow our presencein key global citiesBe the airlineof choice forlonghaul premiumcustomersoutst<strong>and</strong>ing serviceDeliver anfor all customers atevery touch pointPerformanceColleaguesIn order to become the leading global premium airline, we need to look at the way wework as well as what we are doing as a business.For that reason, along with our five key goals, we have launched a three-year changeprogramme – Compete 2012 – linked to our sponsorship of the London 2012 Olympics.This programme is being progressively rolled out across our business to refresh ourculture <strong>and</strong> will revolutionise the way we work.Overview <strong>Our</strong> business Corporate governance Financial statements

28 / <strong>British</strong> <strong>Airways</strong> 2008/09 Annual Report <strong>and</strong> Accounts<strong>Our</strong> <strong>strategy</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>objectives</strong> continued<strong>Our</strong> employees arecentral to our ambitionsto be the world’s leadingglobal premium airline.Compete 2012<strong>Our</strong> Compete 2012 programme aimsto instil the drive <strong>and</strong> competition of theOlympic spirit into the way we work <strong>and</strong>perform as a team, <strong>and</strong> it puts ourcustomers at the heart of our culture.CustomerWe think customer<strong>Our</strong> people will set the st<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>and</strong>through them we will deliver world-leadingcustomer service.To continue our success, we need to beclear about what sets us apart.• We keep promises – always doing whatwe say we will do;• We look the part – our style iscontemporary <strong>and</strong> understated;• We do things properly – doing theright things for the right reasons <strong>and</strong>to a high st<strong>and</strong>ard;• We find solutions – solving any problemsinventively <strong>and</strong> working flexibly within aframework; <strong>and</strong>• We treat everyone as an individual –respecting differences <strong>and</strong> adding a personaltouch to make everyone feel valued.We are using a comprehensivecommunications <strong>and</strong> training programmeto help put these principles into practicein everything we do.ColleaguesI am proud to give moreWe expect great things of everyone whoworks for <strong>British</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>. <strong>Our</strong> colleaguesare central to our ambitions to be theworld’s leading global premium airline. Inreturn, they have the right to expect us toprovide them with a great place to work –one which they can really feel proud of.To achieve this we are:• Investing in new leadership training;• Implementing clear communicationprogrammes;• Improving the way we manageperformance in all areas of our businessthrough training <strong>and</strong> systems solutions;• Re-enforcing the new organisationstructure with clear accountabilitieslinked to our overall Company goals; <strong>and</strong>• Innovating <strong>and</strong> improving our ways ofworking, using e-tools.PerformanceWe make it happenTo be the world’s leading global premiumairline, we need to sustain our improvingoperational performance <strong>and</strong> be financiallyfit. That way we can both invest in ourfuture <strong>and</strong> deliver a healthy return toour shareholders.To achieve these goals we need to beable to measure our performance acrossthe business <strong>and</strong> to make our managersaccountable for delivery of our targets.ExcellenceWe set st<strong>and</strong>ards that others aspire toWe developed a number of keyoperational processes ahead of our moveinto Terminal 5 which have helped us tobecome more efficient. Building on thesewe are now rolling out what we call the‘Lean’ Continuous Improvement approachacross our business.PartnersWe win togetherThe modern airline business is highlyinterconnected. We rely on a network ofboth airline <strong>and</strong> non-airline partnerships todeliver a complete service to our customers.So to be the world’s leading globalpremium airline, we also need our partnersto see us as a great company to dobusiness with. We are working hard todevelop better <strong>and</strong> more sustainablerelationships with our partners, particularlysome 500 key businesses to whom wehave given formal preferred supplier status.

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