The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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52 THE SECRET GARDENhad flown on to one of itsbranches and had burstout into a scrap of a song. Ben Weatherstafflaughed outright." What did he do that for? " asked Mary." He's made up his mind to make friends withthee," replied Ben. 'aDang me ifhe hasn't tookfancy to thee."To me? " said Mary, and she moved towardthe little tree softly and looked up." Would you make friends with me? " she saidto the robin just as if she was speaking to a person.'And she did not sayit either in" Would you?her hard little voice or in her imperious Indianvoice, but in a tone so soft and eager and coaxingthat Ben Weatherstaff was as surprised as she hadbeen when she heard him whistle."Why," he cried u out, tha' said that as nicean' human as if tha' was a real child instead of asharp old woman. Tha' said it almost like Dickontalks to his wild things on th' moor."" Do you know Dickon? 'Mary asked, turninground rather in a hurry.Everybody knows him. Dickon's wanderin''about everywhere. Th' very blackberries an'heather-bells knows him. I warrant th' foxesshows him where their cubs lies an' th' skylarksdoesn't hide their nests from him."Mary would have liked to ask some more ques-

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