The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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MARTHA 49wall he was too weak to flyback for a few daysan' we got friendly. When he went over th' wallagain th' rest of th' brood was gone an' he waslonely an' he come back to me."" What kind of a bird is he? " Mary asked." Doesn't tha' know? He's a robin redbreastan' they're th' friendliest, curiousest birds alive.<strong>The</strong>y're almost as friendly as dogshow to get on with 'em. Watch him peckin' aboutifyou knowthere an' lookin' round at us now an' again.knows we're talkin' about him.' 3HeIt was the queerest thing in the world to seethe old fellow. He looked at the plump littlescarlet-waistcoated bird as if he were both proudand fond of him." 5He's a conceited one/ he chuckled." Helikes to hear folk talk about him. An' curiousbless me, there never was his like for curiosity an'meddlin'. He's always comin' to see what I'mplantin'.He knows all th' things M ester Cravennever troubles hissel' to find out. He's th' headhe is."<strong>garden</strong>er,<strong>The</strong> robin hopped about busily pecking the soiland now and then stopped and looked at them alittle. Mary thought his black dewdrop eyesgazed at her with great curiosity. It reallyseemed as if he were finding out all about her.<strong>The</strong> gueer feeling in her heart increased.

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