The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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44 THE SECRET GARDENsaw Mary, and then touched his cap. He hada surly old face, and did not seem at all pleased tosee her- -but then she was displeased with his<strong>garden</strong> and wore her u quite contrary " expression,and certainly did not seem at all pleased to see him." What is this place? " she asked.One o' th' kitchen-<strong>garden</strong>s," he answered.What is that? " said Mary, pointing through*the other green door.1Another of 'em," shortly." <strong>The</strong>re's anotheron t'other side o' th' wall an' there's th' orchardt'other side o' that."'Can Igo in them? " asked Mary.'If tha' likes. But there's nowt to see."Mary made no response. She went down thepath and through the second green door. <strong>The</strong>reshe found more walls and winter vegetables andglass frames, but in the second wall there was anothergreen door and it was not open. Perhapsit led into the <strong>garden</strong> which no one had seen forten years. As she was not at all a timid child andalways did what she wanted to do, Mary went tothe green door and turned the handle. She hopedthe door would not open because she wanted tobe sure she had found the mysterious <strong>garden</strong>but it did open quite easily and she walked throughit and found herself in an orchard. <strong>The</strong>re werewalls all round it also and trees trained against

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