The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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:IN THE GARDEN 355there was nothing weird about it at all. Muchmore surprising things can happen to any one who,when a disagreeable or discouraged thought comesinto his mind, just has the sense to remember intime and pushit out by putting in an agreeabledeterminedly courageous one. Two things cannotbe in one place.Where you tend a rose,A thistle cannot grow."my lad,While the <strong>secret</strong> <strong>garden</strong> was coming alive andtwo children were coming alive with it, there was aman wandering about certain far-away beautifulplaces in the Norwegian fiords and the valleys andmountains of Switzerland and he was a man whofor ten years had kept his mind filled with darkand heart-broken thinking. He had not beencourageous; he had never tried to put any otherthoughts in the place of the dark ones. He hadwandered by blue lakes and thought them; hehad lain on mountain-sides with sheets of deep bluegentians blooming all about him and flower breathsfilling all the air and he had thought them. Aterrible sorrow had fallen upon him when he hadbeen happy and he had let his soul fill itself withblackness and had refused obstinately to allow anyrift of light to pierce through. He had forgottenand deserted his home and his duties.When he

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