The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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THE CURTAIN 337place in time, for fear of doing mymuscles aninjury."That afternoon Mary noticed that somethingnew had happened in Colin's room. She had noticedit the day before but had said nothing becauseshe thought the change might have been made bychance. She said nothing to-day but she sat andlooked fixedly at the picture over the mantel. Shecould look at it because the curtain had been drawnaside. That was the change she noticed." I know what you want me to tell you," saidColin, after she had stared a few minutes.always know when you want me to tellyou something.You are wondering why the curtain isdrawn back. I am going to keepit like that.""Why?" asked Mary." Because it doesn't make me angry any moreto see her laughing. I wakened when it wasbright moonlight two nights ago and felt as if theMagic was filling the room and making everythingso splendid that L wouldn't lie still. I gotup and looked out of the window. <strong>The</strong> room wasquite light and there was a patch of moonlight onthe curtain and somehow that made me go andpull the cord. She looked right down at me asif she were laughing because she was glad I wasstanding there. It made me like to look at her.I want to see her laughing like that all the time. I'I

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