The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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326 THE SECRET GARDENthing," he said. " That will not do. You willlose allyou have gained and you have gainedamazingly. You ate so well a short time ago."" I told you it was an unnatural appetite," answeredColin.Mary was sittingon her stool nearby and shesuddenly made a very queer sound which she triedso violently to repress that she ended by almostchoking.u What is the matter? " said Dr. Craven, turningto look at her.Mary became quite severe in her manner." It was something between a sneeze and acough," she replied with reproachful dignity," and it got into my throat."" But" she said afterward to Colin," I couldn'tstop myself. It just burst out because all at onceI couldn't help remembering that last big potatoyou ate and the way your mouth stretched whenyou bit through that thick lovely crust with jamand clotted cream on it."" Is there any wayin which those children canget food <strong>secret</strong>ly? 'Dr. Craven inquired of Mrs.Medlock.<strong>The</strong>re's no way unless they dig itout of theearth or pickit off the trees," Mrs. Medlock answered.<strong>The</strong>y stay out in the grounds all day"and see no one but each other. And if they want

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