The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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CHAPTER XXIV" LET THEM LAUGH"HTHE <strong>secret</strong> <strong>garden</strong> was not the only one Drckon*worked in. Round the cottage on the moorthere was a piece of ground enclosed by a low wallof rough stones. Early in the morning and latein the fading twilight and on all the days Colinand Mary did not see him, Dickon worked thereplanting or tending potatoes and cabbages, turnipsand carrots and herbs for his mother. In thecompany of his " creatures " he did wonders thereand was never tired of doing them, it seemed.While he dug or weeded he whistled or sang bitsof Yorkshire moor songs or talked to Soot orCaptain or the brothers and sisters he had taughtto help him.We'd never get on as comfortable as we do/'Mrs. Sowerby said," if it wasn't for Dickon's<strong>garden</strong>. Anything '11 grow for him. His 'tatersand cabbagesis twice th' size of any one else'san' they've got a flavor with 'em as nobody's has.' 1When she found a moment to spare she likedto go out and talk to him. After supper there310

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