The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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MAGIC 299realize that, queer as he was, Colin had read abouta great many singular things and was somehow avery convincing sort of boy. When he held uphis head and fixed his strange eyes on you itseemed as ifyou believed him almost in spite ofyourself though he was only ten years old goingon eleven. At this moment he was especiallyconvincing because he suddenly felt the fascinationof actually making a sort of speech like agrown-up person.<strong>The</strong> great scientific discoveries I am going tomake," he went on," will be about Magic.Magicis a great thing and scarcely any one knows anythingabout itexcept a few people in old booksand Mary a little, because she was born in Indiawhere there are fakirs. I believe Dickon knowssome Magic, but perhaps he doesn't know heknows it. He charms animals and people. Iwould never have let him come to see me if hehad not been an animal charmer which is aboy charmer, too, because a boyis an animal. Iam sure there isMagic in everything, only we havenot sense enough to get hold of it and make itdo things for us like electricity and horses andsteam.'This sounded so imposingthat Ben Weatherstaffbecame quite excited and really could not keepstill.

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