The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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214 THE SECRET GARDENand I was going to tellyouall about them. NowI won't tell you a 'single thing!She marched out of the door and closed it behindher, and there to her great astonishment shefound the trained nurse standing as if she had beenlistening and, more amazingstill she was laugh-She was a big handsome young woman whoing.ought not to have been a trained nurse at all, asshe could not bear invalids and she was alwaysmaking excuses to leave Colin to Martha or anyone else who would take her place. Mary hadnever liked her, and she simply stood and gazedupat her as shestood gigglinginto her handkerchief.What are you laughing at? " she asked her.'IAt you two young ones/' said the nurse.It's the best thing that could happento thesickly pampered thing to have some one to standup to him that's as spoiled as himself; ' and shelaughed into her handkerchief 'again. If he'dhad a young vixen of a sister to fight with it wouldhave been the saving of him."'IIs he going to die? '1 don't know and I don't care," said the nurse.(Hysterics and temper are half what ails him.""What are hysterics? asked Mary.You'll find out ifyou work him into a tantrumafter this but at any rate you've given him

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