The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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NEST BUILDING 197down from its branch and settled quietly on hisshoulder.This is th' little fox cub," he said, rubbing the"little reddish animal's head. It's named Captain.An' this here's Soot. Soot he flew acrossth' moor with me an' Captain he run same as if th'hounds had been after him. <strong>The</strong>y both felt sameas Idid."Neither of the creatures looked as if he werethe least afraid of Mary. When Dickon beganto walk about, Soot stayed on his shoulder andCaptain trotted quietly close to his side.'''See here ! said Dickon. See how thesehas pushed up, an' these an' these ! An' Eh ! look'at these here !He threw himself upon his knees and Marywent down beside him. <strong>The</strong>y had come upon awhole clump of crocuses burst into purple andorange and gold. Mary bent her face down andkissed and kissed them." You never kiss a person in that way," she saidwhen she lifted her head. Flowers are so dif-'ferent."He looked puzzled but smiled.'"he said, I've kissed mother many a" Eh!time that way when I come in from th' moor aftera day's roamin' an' she stood there at th'th' sun, lookin' so glad an' comfortable."door in

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