The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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'I AM COLIN 169on rings and when it ran back it uncovered a picture.face.It was the picture of a girl with a laughingShe had bright hair tied up with a blue ribbonand her gay, lovely eyes were exactly likeColin's unhappy ones, agate gray and lookingtwice as big as they really were because of the blacklashes all round them." She is my mother," said Colin complainingly." I don't see why she died. Sometimes I hate herfor doing it."" 'How queer! said Mary.'If she had lived I believe I should not havebeen illalways," he grumbled.should have lived, too.'I dare say IAnd my father would nothave hated to look at me. I dare say I shouldhave had a strongagain."back. Draw the curtainMary did as she was told and returned to herfootstool." " She is much prettier than you," she said, buther eyes are just like yourssame shape and color.Whyover her? 'He moved uncomfortably.'I made them do it," he said.I don't like to see her looking at me.at least they are theis the curtain drawn" SometimesShe smilestoo much when I am ill and miserable. Besides,she is mine and I don't want every one to see her."

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