The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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A BIT OF EARTH 147better get stronger before you had a governess. 1 '" It makes me feel strong when I play and thewind comes over the moor," argued Mary." "Where do you play? he asked next." "Everywhere," gasped Mary. Martha'smother sent me a skipping-rope. I skip and runand I look about to see if things are beginningto stick up out of the earth. I don't do anyharm."" Don't look so frightened," he said in a worriedvoice." You could not do any harm, a childlike you You may do what you like."!Mary put her hand upto her throat because shewas afraid he might see the excited lump whichshe felt jump into it. She came a step nearer tohim." May I " ? she said tremulously.Her anxious little face seemed to worry himmore than ever." Don't look so frightened," he exclaimed." Of course you may.I am your guardian, thoughI am a poor one for any child. I cannot give youtime or attention. I am too ill, and wretched anddistracted; but I wish you to be happy and comfortable.I don't know anything about children,but Mrs. Medlock is to see that you have all youneed. I sent for you to-day because Mrs. Sow-

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