The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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THE MISSEL THRUSH 139be done with mine first. I'll get some more workdone before I start back home."He sat down with his back against a tree." "I'll call th' robin up," he said, and givehim th' rind o' th' bacon to peck at. <strong>The</strong>y likesa bit o' fat wonderful."Mary could scarcely bear to leave him. Suddenlyit seemed as if he might be a sort of woodfairy who might be gone when she came into the<strong>garden</strong> again. He seemed too good to be true.She went slowly half-way to the door in the walland went back.and then she stopped" Whatever happens, you you never wouldtell? " she said.His poppy-colored cheeks were distended withhis first big bite of bread and bacon, but he managedto smile encouragingly." If tha' was a missel thrush an' showed mewhere thy nest was, does tha' think I'd tell any"one?Tha' art as safe asNot me," he said.a missel thrush."And she was quite sure she was.

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