The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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novery little.THE SECRET GARDENBut justbefore Martha wentstairs for the tea-tray, Mary asked a question." Martha," she said," has the scullery-maid hadthetoothache again to-day?'Martha certainly started slightly." What makes thee ask that? ' she said.'Because when I waited so long for you tocome back I opened the door and walked down thecorridor to see ifyou were coming. And I heardas we heard it thethat far-off crying again, justother night. <strong>The</strong>re isn't a wind to-day, so yousee it couldn't have been the wind."" Eh !" said Martha restlessly." Tha' mustn'twalkin' about in corridors an' listenin'. Mr.goCraven, would be that there angry there's noknowin' what he'd do."I wasn't listening," said Mary." I was just*waiting for you and I heard it. That's threetimes.'"My word! <strong>The</strong>re's Mrs. Medlock's bell,"said Martha, and she almost ran out of the room.'It's the strangest house any one ever lived in,"said Mary drowsily, as she dropped her head onthe cushioned seat of the armchair near her.Fresh air, and digging, and skipping-rope hadmade her feel so comfortably tired that she fellasleep.

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