The secret garden

The secret garden

The secret garden


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90 THE SECRET GARDENshe began fumblin' in her pocket an' she says to me,'Martha, tha's brought me thy wages like a goodlass, an' I've got four places to put every penny,.but I'm just goin' to take tuppence out of it to buy\ that child a skippin'-rope,' an' she bought one an*here it is."She broughtitout from under her apron andexhibited itquite proudly. It was a strong,slender rope with a striped red and blue handle ateach end, but Mary Lennox had never seen a skipping-ropebefore. She gazed at it with a mystifiedexpression.What is it for? " she asked curiously." For!" cried out Martha." Does tha' meanthat they've not got skippin'-ropes in India, forall they've got elephants and tigers and camels !No wonder most of 'em's black. This is whatit's for; just watch me."And she ran into the middle of the room and 7taking a handle in each hand, began to skip, andskip,turned in her chair toand skip, while Marystare at her, and the queer faces in the old portraitsseemed to stare at her, too, and wonder whaton earth this common little cottager had the impudenceto be doing under their very noses. ButMartha did not even see them. <strong>The</strong> interest andcuriosity in Mistress Mary's face delighted her,

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