Bf 110G-4 - Eduard

Bf 110G-4 - Eduard

Bf 110G-4 - Eduard


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A 6./NJG101, Fritzlar, Germany, 1945After occupying the airfield at Fritzlar, the Allies acquired this aircraft, coded 9W+BO. The aircraft in question was equipped with the FuG 220 SN-2c antennasystem with vertical dipoles. The camouflage scheme consisted of lower and side surfaces in RLM 76, with upper surfaces in RLM 75. The upper and lowersurfaces were complemented with irregular snake patterns of RLM 83, that served to better conceal the aircraft when on the ground from marauding alliedfighters. This aircraft carried a yellow fuselage stripe, and probably also yellow markings on the lower surfaces for some time. The port fin carried ten victorymarks, the last of which symbolized the downing of a Russian aircraft. This points to this plane serving on the Eastern front.ÈESKOU VERZI TEXTU NALEZNETE NAwww.eduard.com/s/708611 2 12 13 22+22 ? 23 7H44H417117H69371H416116H1162H133H1162H423123H41711751H4231235H44H693711 2 12 13H42312322+22 ? 23WHITEH1162YELLOWH44REDH133RLM 66H41611612RLM 76H417117RLM 75H6937RLM 83H423123RLM 70H6518WOODH3743eduard

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