acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ... acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONField ID Mnemonic XML element name Cardinality19.004 SRC nc:OrganizationIdentification 1..119.993 SAN nc:OrganizationName 0..119.017 SVPS biom:CaptureVerticalPixelDensityValue 0..119.030 DMM biom:CaptureDeviceMonitoringModeCode 0..119.020 COM biom:ImageCommentText 0..119.011 CGA biom:ImageCompressionAlgorithmText 0..119.006 HLL biom:ImageHorizontalLineLengthPixelQuantity 0..119.009 THPS biom:ImageHorizontalPixelDensityValue 0..119.008 SLC biom:ImageScaleUnitsCode 0..119.007 VLL biom:ImageVerticalLineLengthPixelQuantity 0..119.010 TVPS biom:ImageVerticalPixelDensityValue 0..119.003 IMP biom:FingerprintImageImpressionCaptureCategoryCode 1..119.013 FGP biom:PlantarPositionCode 1..119.018 AMP biom:PlantarImageMissingArea 0..8" FRAP biom:PlantarPositionCode 1..1" ABC biom:PlantarMissingAreaReasonCode 1..119.024 FQM biom:PlantarImageQuality 0..9" FRMP biom:PlantarPositionCode 1..1" QAP biom:QualityAlgorithmProductIdentification 1..1" QAV biom:QualityAlgorithmVendorIdentification 1..1" QVU biom:QualityValue 1..119.019 FSP biom:PlantarImageSegmentPositionPolygon 0..5" FRSP biom:PlantarPositionCode 1..1" NOP biom:PositionPolygonVertexQuantity 1..1" - biom:PositionPolygonVertex 3..99" HPO biom:PositionHorizontalCoordinateValue 1..1" VPO biom:PositionVerticalCoordinateValue 1..119.046 SUB 0..1“ SSC 0..1“ SBSC 0..1“ SBCC 0..119.047 CON 0..1Type-20Field ID Mnemonic XML element name Cardinalityitl:PackageSourceRepresentationRecord 0..*20.001 - biom:RecordCategoryCode 1..120.002 IDC biom:ImageReferenceIdentification 1..1May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 545

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONField ID Mnemonic XML element name Cardinality20.100-20.900-itl:UserDefinedFields 265 0..*20.902 ANN biom:ProcessAnnotation 0..*" GMT biom:ProcessUTCDate 1..1" NAV biom:ProcessName 1..1" OWN biom:ProcessOwnerText 1..1" PRO biom:ProcessDescriptionText 1..120.995 ASC biom:AssociatedContext 0..255" ACN biom:ContextIdentification 1..1" ASP biom:ImageSegmentIdentification 0..120.996 HAS biom:ImageHashValue 0..120.003 CAR biom:SourceRecordCardinalityCode 1..120.014 AQS biom:SourceAcquisition 1..9" AQT biom:AcquisitionSourceCode 1..1" A2D biom:AcquisitionDigitalConversionDescriptionText 0..1" FDN biom:AcquisitionFormatDescriptionText 0..1" AQSC biom:AcquisitionSpecialCharacteristicsText 0..120.015 SFT biom:SourceFileFormat 1..1" FTY biom:SourceFileCategoryText 1..1" DEI biom:SourceFileDecodingInstructionsText 0..120.020 COM biom:SourceCommentText 0..120.021 SRN biom:SourceIdentification 1..120.994 EFR biom:SourceExternalFileReferenceText 0..1- biom:SourceImage 266 0..1 267- biom:SourceAudio 268 0..1- biom:SourceVideo 269 0..120.999 DATA nc:BinaryBase64Object 0..120.012 BPX biom:ImageBitsPerPixelQuantity 0..1- biom:BiometricCaptureDetail 270 0..1- biom:ImageCaptureDetail 266 0..120.998 GEO biom:CaptureLocation 0..1" GRT nc:LocationDescriptionText 0..1" - nc:LocationGeographicElevation 0..1" ELE nc:MeasurePointValue 1..1265This element is abstract and must be substituted with a user-defined element.266Use this element if the source is a still image.267One and only one of biom:SourceImage, biom:SourceAudio or biom:SourceVideomust appear.268Use this element if the source is an audio file.269Use this element if the source is a video file.270Use this element if the source is a video or audio file.546

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONField ID Mnemonic XML element name Cardinality20.100-20.900-<strong>itl</strong>:UserDefinedFields 265 0..*20.902 ANN biom:ProcessAnnotation 0..*" GMT biom:ProcessUTCDate 1..1" NAV biom:ProcessName 1..1" OWN biom:ProcessOwnerText 1..1" PRO biom:ProcessDescriptionText 1..120.995 ASC biom:AssociatedContext 0..255" ACN biom:ContextIdentification 1..1" ASP biom:<strong>Image</strong>SegmentIdentification 0..120.996 HAS biom:<strong>Image</strong>HashValue 0..120.003 CAR biom:SourceRecordCardinalityCode 1..120.014 AQS biom:SourceAcquisition 1..9" AQT biom:AcquisitionSourceCode 1..1" A2D biom:AcquisitionDigitalConversionDescriptionText 0..1" FDN biom:AcquisitionFormatDescriptionText 0..1" AQSC biom:AcquisitionSpecialCharacteristicsText 0..120.015 SFT biom:SourceFileFormat 1..1" FTY biom:SourceFileCategoryText 1..1" DEI biom:SourceFileDecodingInstructionsText 0..120.020 COM biom:SourceCommentText 0..120.021 SRN biom:SourceIdentification 1..120.994 EFR biom:SourceExternalFileReferenceText 0..1- biom:Source<strong>Image</strong> 266 0..1 267- biom:SourceAudio 268 0..1- biom:SourceVideo 269 0..120.999 DATA nc:BinaryBase64Object 0..120.012 BPX biom:<strong>Image</strong>BitsPerPixelQuantity 0..1- biom:BiometricCaptureDetail 270 0..1- biom:<strong>Image</strong>CaptureDetail 266 0..120.998 GEO biom:CaptureLocation 0..1" GRT nc:LocationDescriptionText 0..1" - nc:LocationGeographicElevation 0..1" ELE nc:MeasurePointValue 1..1265This element is abstract and must be substituted with a user-defined element.266Use this element if the source is a still image.267One and only one of biom:Source<strong>Image</strong>, biom:SourceAudio or biom:SourceVideomust appear.268Use this element if the source is an audio file.269Use this element if the source is a video file.270Use this element if the source is a video or audio file.546

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