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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFN : value Ua S… value bGSIf subfield count = 1FN : value aGS[

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONMSB LSB MSB LSBFirst ByteLast ByteMost Significant ByteLeast Significant ByteMost Significant Byte Least Significant ByteMost Significant Byte Within a Block Transmitted FirstMostSignificantBitByte of DataLeastSignificantBitMost Significant Bit Within a Byte Transmitted FirstB.1.2Date formatDates shall appear as eight digits in the format YYYYMMDD. The YYYY characters shallrepresent the year of the transaction; the MM characters shall be the tens and units values ofthe month; and the DD characters shall be the day in the month. For example, “20070103”represents January 3, 2007. See Section 7.7.2 Date and time.B.1.3Agency CodesThe 2007 version of the standard included only agency identifier fields (See Section 7.6).The 2008 version added the option of entering an organization name. This capability of the2008 version is retained in this version of the standard by adding new fields (Field 1.017Agency names / ANM and Fields xx.993 Source agency name / SAN)B.1.4GMT/UTC Date/Time formatGMT/UTC shall be represented as YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ, a 15-character string that isthe concatenation of the date with the time and concludes with the character “Z”. The YYYYcharacters shall represent the year of the transaction. The MM characters shall be the tensand units values of the month. The DD characters shall be the tens and units values of theday of the month. The HH characters represent the hour; the MM the minute; and the SSrepresents the second. See Section Greenwich mean time (coordinated universaltime – UTC) / GMT.B.1.5Record layoutFor the Type-1, Type-2, Type-9 through Type-99 records, each information field that is usedshall be numbered in accordance with this standard. The format for each field shall consistof the logical record type number followed by a period “.”, a field number followed by acolon “:”, followed by the information appropriate to that field. The field number may beany one to nine-digit number occurring between the period “.” and the colon “:”. It shall beinterpreted as an unsigned integer field number. This implies that a field number of “2.123:”is equivalent to and shall be interpreted in the same manner as a field number of448

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONMSB LSB MSB LSBFirst ByteLast ByteMost Significant ByteLeast Significant ByteMost Significant Byte Least Significant ByteMost Significant Byte Within a Block Transmitted FirstMostSignificantBitByte of DataLeastSignificantBitMost Significant Bit Within a Byte Transmitted FirstB.1.2Date <strong>for</strong>matDates shall appear as eight digits in the <strong>for</strong>mat YYYYMMDD. The YYYY characters shallrepresent the year of the transaction; the MM characters shall be the tens and units values ofthe month; and the DD characters shall be the day in the month. For example, “20070103”represents January 3, 2007. See Section 7.7.2 Date and time.B.1.3Agency CodesThe 2007 version of the standard included only agency identifier fields (See Section 7.6).The 2008 version added the option of entering an organization name. This capability of the2008 version is retained in this version of the standard by adding new fields (Field 1.017Agency names / ANM and Fields xx.993 Source agency name / SAN)B.1.4GMT/UTC Date/Time <strong>for</strong>matGMT/UTC shall be represented as YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ, a 15-character string that isthe concatenation of the date with the time and concludes with the character “Z”. The YYYYcharacters shall represent the year of the transaction. The MM characters shall be the tensand units values of the month. The DD characters shall be the tens and units values of theday of the month. The HH characters represent the hour; the MM the minute; and the SSrepresents the second. See Section Greenwich mean time (coordinated universaltime – UTC) / GMT.B.1.5Record layoutFor the Type-1, Type-2, Type-9 through Type-99 records, each in<strong>for</strong>mation field that is usedshall be numbered in accordance with this standard. The <strong>for</strong>mat <strong>for</strong> each field shall consistof the logical record type number followed by a period “.”, a field number followed by acolon “:”, followed by the in<strong>for</strong>mation appropriate to that field. The field number may beany one to nine-digit number occurring between the period “.” and the colon “:”. It shall beinterpreted as an unsigned integer field number. This implies that a field number of “2.123:”is equivalent to and shall be interpreted in the same manner as a field number of448

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