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acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ... acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonic Content Description CondcodeTypeCharacterMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#99.90199.902 ANNRESERVED FOR FUTUREUSE ONLY BY ANSI/NIST-ITLANNOTATIONINFORMATIONSubfields: Repeating sets ofinformation itemsNot to be usedO 0 1M⇑ 1 *GMT Greenwich mean time M⇑See Section meantime (coordinateduniversal time –UTC) / GMTencoding specific: seeAnnex B:Traditional encodingorAnnex C: NIEMconformantencoding rulesSee Section meantime (coordinateduniversal time –UTC) / GMTencoding specific:see Annex B:Traditionalencoding orAnnexC: NIEMconformantencoding rules1 1NAVprocessing algorithmname / versionM⇑ U 1 64 none 1 199.903 DUI99.904MMSOWN algorithm owner M⇑ U 1 64 none 1 1PRO process description M⇑ U 1 none 1 1DEVICE UNIQUEIDENTIFIERMAKE/MODEL/SERIALNUMBERO ANS 13 16first character= M or P0 1O 0 1MAK make M⇑ U 1 50 none 1 1MOD model M⇑ U 1 50 none 1 1SER serial number M⇑ U 1 50 none 1 199.905-99.992RESERVED FOR FUTUREUSE ONLY BY ANSI/NIST-ITLNot to be used99.993 SAN SOURCE AGENCY NAME O U 1 125 none 0 199.994RESERVED FOR FUTUREUSE only by ANSI/NIST-ITLNot to be used99.995 ASC ASSOCIATED CONTEXT O 0 1Subfields: Repeating sets ofinformation itemsM⇑ 1 255May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 431

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonic Content Description CondcodeTypeCharacterMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#ACN associated context number M⇑ N 1 31 < ACN < 255positive integer1 1ASPassociated segmentpositionO⇑ N 1 21 < ASP < 99positive integer0 199.996 HAS HASH O H 64 64 none 0 199.997 SORSOURCEREPRESENTATIONSubfields: Repeating sets ofinformation itemsO 0 1M⇑ 1 255SRNsource representationnumberM⇑ N 1 31 < SRN < 255positive integer1 1RSPreference segmentpositionO⇑ N 1 21 < RSP < 99positive integer0 199.998GEOGEOGRAPHIC SAMPLEACQUISITION LOCATIONO 0 1UTE universal time entry O⇑See Section meantime (coordinateduniversal time –UTC) / GMTencoding specific: seeAnnex B:Traditional encodingorAnnex C: NIEMconformantencoding rulesSee Section meantime (coordinateduniversal time –UTC) / GMTencoding specific:see Annex B:Traditionalencoding orAnnexC: NIEMconformantencoding rules0 1LTD latitude degree value D NS 1 9 -90 < LTD < 90 0 1LTM latitude minute value D NS 1 8 0 < LTM < 60 0 1LTS latitude second value D NS 1 8 0 < LTS < 60 0 1LGD longitude degree value D NS 1 10 -180 < LGD < 180 0 1LGM longitude minute value D NS 1 8 0 < LGM < 60 0 1LGS longitude second value D NS 1 8 0 < LGS < 60 0 1ELE elevation O NS 1 8-422.000 < ELE

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonic Content Description CondcodeTypeCharacterMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#ACN associated context number M⇑ N 1 31 < ACN < 255positive integer1 1ASPassociated segmentpositionO⇑ N 1 21 < ASP < 99positive integer0 199.996 HAS HASH O H 64 64 none 0 199.997 SORSOURCEREPRESENTATIONSubfields: Repeating sets ofin<strong>for</strong>mation itemsO 0 1M⇑ 1 255SRNsource representationnumberM⇑ N 1 31 < SRN < 255positive integer1 1RSPreference segmentpositionO⇑ N 1 21 < RSP < 99positive integer0 199.998GEOGEOGRAPHIC SAMPLEACQUISITION LOCATIONO 0 1UTE universal time entry O⇑See Section meantime (coordinateduniversal time –UTC) / GMTencoding specific: seeAnnex B:Traditional encodingorAnnex C: NIEMcon<strong>for</strong>mantencoding rulesSee Section meantime (coordinateduniversal time –UTC) / GMTencoding specific:see Annex B:Traditionalencoding orAnnexC: NIEMcon<strong>for</strong>mantencoding rules0 1LTD latitude degree value D NS 1 9 -90 < LTD < 90 0 1LTM latitude minute value D NS 1 8 0 < LTM < 60 0 1LTS latitude second value D NS 1 8 0 < LTS < 60 0 1LGD longitude degree value D NS 1 10 -180 < LGD < 180 0 1LGM longitude minute value D NS 1 8 0 < LGM < 60 0 1LGS longitude second value D NS 1 8 0 < LGS < 60 0 1ELE elevation O NS 1 8-422.000 < ELE

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