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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.24 Record Type-99: CBEFF biometric data recordThe Type-99 record shall contain and be used to exchange biometric data that is not supportedby other ANSI/NIST-ITL records. This data is exchanged in a format that conforms to INCITS398-2005, the Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework.The CBEFF conformant Biometric Information Record (BIR) used by the Type-99 recordincludes a common Header and a Biometric Data Block (BDB). Two mandatory fields in theCBEFF Header are Format Owner and Format Type. The Format Owner field denotes thevendor, standards body, working group, or industry consortium that has defined the format ofthe biometric data (the data contained in the BDB). A CBEFF requirement is that formatowners register with the IBIA for an assigned identifier of the format owner.The BDB format is specified by the format owner. This may be a non-standard, unpublisheddata format or a data format that has been standardized by an industry group, consortium, orstandards body. It is the combined CBEFF Format Owner/Format Type value that uniquelyidentifies the BDB format. The Type-99 record provides the CBEFF fields necessary for usersto send, receive, and interpret biometric data in any registered BDB format (with the exceptionof biometric data which is exchanged using the other records in this standard). The data carriedin Field 99.999: Biometric data block / DATA is the BDB. The field’s BDB Format Owneridentifies the format of that data and BDB Format Type as described by the CBEFF standard.Table 106 Type-99 record layoutFieldNumberMnemonic Content Description CondcodeTypeCharacterMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#99.001 RECORD HEADER Mencoding specific: seeAnnex B:Traditional encodingor Annex C: NIEMconformantencoding rulesencoding specific:see Annex B:Traditionalencoding orAnnex C: NIEMconformantencoding rules1 199.002 IDCINFORMATIONDESIGNATIONCHARACTERM N 1 20 < IDC < 99integer1 199.003RESERVED FOR FUTUREUSE ONLY BY ANSI/NIST-ITLNot to be used99.004 SRC SOURCE AGENCY M U 1 * none 1 1May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 429

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonic Content Description CondcodeTypeCharacterMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#99.005 BCDBIOMETRIC CAPTUREDATEMSee Section dateencoding specific: seeAnnex B:Traditional encodingor Annex C: NIEMconformantencoding rulesSee Section dateencoding specific:see Annex B:Traditionalencoding orAnnex C: NIEMconformantencoding rules1 199.006-99.099RESERVED FOR FUTUREUSE ONLY BY ANSI/NIST-ITLNot to be used T=5;X=4 46T=4;99.100 HDV CBEFF HEADER VERSION M NX= 4 HDV = 0101 1 13 184T=8;99.101 BTY BIOMETRIC TYPE M NX=11848valueFrom Table 1071 1BDQBIOMETRIC DATAQUALITYSubfields: Repeating sets ofinformation itemsO 0 1M⇑ 1 999.102QVU quality value M⇑ N 1 30 < QVU < 100 orQVU = 254 or 255integer1 1QAValgorithm vendoridentificationM⇑ H 4 40000 < QAV

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonic Content Description CondcodeTypeCharacterMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#99.005 BCDBIOMETRIC CAPTUREDATEMSee Section dateencoding specific: seeAnnex B:Traditional encodingor Annex C: NIEMcon<strong>for</strong>mantencoding rulesSee Section dateencoding specific:see Annex B:Traditionalencoding orAnnex C: NIEMcon<strong>for</strong>mantencoding rules1 199.006-99.099RESERVED FOR FUTUREUSE ONLY BY ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITLNot to be used T=5;X=4 46T=4;99.100 HDV CBEFF HEADER VERSION M NX= 4 HDV = 0101 1 13 184T=8;99.101 BTY BIOMETRIC TYPE M NX=11848valueFrom Table 1071 1BDQBIOMETRIC DATAQUALITYSubfields: Repeating sets ofin<strong>for</strong>mation itemsO 0 1M⇑ 1 999.102QVU quality value M⇑ N 1 30 < QVU < 100 orQVU = 254 or 255integer1 1QAValgorithm vendoridentificationM⇑ H 4 40000 < QAV

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