acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ... acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION• The seventh information item is conditional upon the value of ALL being 1. It isthe allele call 2 / AL2. This is the allele call for the locus reference as indicatedby the value of DLR. It contains up to 4 characters, such as “11” or “23.3”. It mayappear only if AL1 is used; since there are cases with only one allele in a call, it ispossible that AL1 will have a value in this field and AL2 will not have a value. Itshall be empty if AL1 is empty.• The eighth information item is optional but shall not appear unless ALL = 1. It isthe allele call 3 / AL3. This is the allele call for the locus reference DLR. Itcontains up to 4 characters, such as “11” or “23.3”. This is not used for mixtures,but is for the rare case of a tri-allele. The information item allele call 3 / AL3shall only appear if information items AL1 and AL2 are present.• The ninth information item is the batch ID / BID. This optional information itemshall contain an identifier for the batch to which a locus belongs. This may bereferred to as the gel or plate identifier. A specimen may have loci from multiplebatches. The BID shall be up to 32 Unicode characters.• The tenth information item is optional. It is called the electropherogram crossreference / ECR and has the same value as the electropherogram imagereference / EIR from the appropriate subfield of Field 18.019:Electropherogram description / EPD that is associated with the information inthis field and particular subfield instance (if there is such an electropherogrampresent in this instance of the record).• The eleventh information item is optional. It is called the ladder cross reference /LCR and has the same value as the ladder image reference / LIR from theappropriate subfield of Field 18.023: Electropherogram ladder / EPL that isassociated with the information in this field and particular subfield instance (ifthere is such a ladder present in this instance of the record).• The twelfth information item is the kit ID / KID. This mandatory informationitem contains a number that references the kit used to process the DNA describedin this record. The numeric values for specific kits are contained in the list of kitsmaintained by NIST at: The valuesto be entered are those in the “Reference Number” column. The KID value shallbe represented as 0 for a non-listed kit. If a non-listed kit is used (KID = 0), thenthe following three 175 information items are mandatory.• The thirteenth information item is the kit name / KNM. This is an alphanumericvalue of up to 32 Unicode characters. KNM shall be entered if KID = 0.• The fourteenth information item is the manufacturer / KMF. It is an175[2013a>] changed wording to indicate the following information items arereferenced in the sentence [

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONalphanumeric value of up to 32 Unicode characters.KID = 0.KMF shall be entered if• The fifteenth information item is the description of the kit (with part or catalognumber) / KDS. This is up to 128 Unicode characters. KDS shall be entered ifKID = Field 18.017: Mitochondrial DNA data / DMDTo accommodate the differences in how mtDNA types are derived (differences fromreference), the interpretation issue is avoided in this standard by dividing the controlregion into 2 regions (even though HV3 exists) to ensure any insertions / deletions/ C-stretches are included. 176 This method enables any receiver of the data to use it in a wayto which they are accustomed (either using the full sequence or interpreting the fullsequence according to their own methodology). The resultant data use would then befully consistent with the receiver’s database and enable processing. This is an optionalfield, but if it is entered, all information items are mandatory. This field is only present ifField 18.011: Sample typing information / STI has a subfield with the value 1.• The first information item is the mito control region 1 / MT1. It is defined asinclusive of HV1, starting at 16024 and ending at 16569. [2013n>] The stringmay have up to 400 insertions [] Up to 400insertions may be specified[] or a sequence value: A,G, C or T. [] Mitochondiral DNA is a continuous circle with 16569 bases – each having a unique markerlocation. These locations are numbered from 00001 to 16569. The area from 16024 through 00576 is themost useful for analysis. Studies are often conducted using three subregions of this range: HV1 (definedas 16024 to 16365), HV2 (defined as 00073 to 00349) and HV3 (defined as 00438 to 00574) [] The sequence values were correctly specified in Table 92 Type-18 record layout but were notmentioned in the text of the 2011 version [

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONalphanumeric value of up to 32 Unicode characters.KID = 0.KMF shall be entered if• The fifteenth in<strong>for</strong>mation item is the description of the kit (with part or catalognumber) / KDS. This is up to 128 Unicode characters. KDS shall be entered ifKID = Field 18.017: Mitochondrial DNA data / DMDTo accommodate the differences in how mtDNA types are derived (differences fromreference), the interpretation issue is avoided in this standard by dividing the controlregion into 2 regions (even though HV3 exists) to ensure any insertions / deletions/ C-stretches are included. 176 This method enables any receiver of the data to use it in a wayto which they are accustomed (either using the full sequence or interpreting the fullsequence according to their own methodology). The resultant data use would then befully consistent with the receiver’s database and enable processing. This is an optionalfield, but if it is entered, all in<strong>for</strong>mation items are mandatory. This field is only present ifField 18.011: Sample typing in<strong>for</strong>mation / STI has a subfield with the value 1.• The first in<strong>for</strong>mation item is the mito control region 1 / MT1. It is defined asinclusive of HV1, starting at 16024 and ending at 16569. [2013n>] The stringmay have up to 400 insertions [] Up to 400insertions may be specified[] or a sequence value: A,G, C or T. [] Mitochondiral DNA is a continuous circle with 16569 bases – each having a unique markerlocation. These locations are numbered from 00001 to 16569. The area from 16024 through 00576 is themost useful <strong>for</strong> analysis. Studies are often conducted using three subregions of this range: HV1 (definedas 16024 to 16365), HV2 (defined as 00073 to 00349) and HV3 (defined as 00438 to 00574) [] The sequence values were correctly specified in Table 92 Type-18 record layout but were notmentioned in the text of the <strong>2011</strong> version [

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