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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION1 ScopeThis standard defines the content, format, and units of measurement for the electronicexchange of fingerprint, palmprint, plantar, facial/mugshot, scar, mark & tattoo (SMT), iris,deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and other biometric sample and forensic information thatmay be used in the identification or verification process of a subject. The informationconsists of a variety of mandatory and optional items. This information is primarily intendedfor interchange among criminal justice administrations or organizations that rely onautomated identification systems or use other biometric and image data for identificationpurposes.[2013a>] The subject of the transaction may be different from the subject of a recordinstance within the transaction. It may be necessary to identify other individuals inorder to attempt identification of the subject of the transaction – such as when using theDNA of a claimed or purported relative to assist in the identification of an unknowndeceased.Some transactions, such as those requesting the number of individual speakers in asingle recording by their very nature involve multiple identities, but the request isgeneric and that type of transaction is not referenced to a particular individual being thesubject of the transaction.Transactions dealing with individual identification or verification of identity shall belimited to a single subject of the transaction.[

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONA system is conformant to this standard if it is capable of generating or using transactionsthat are morphologically, syntactically and semantically conformant to the requirements ofthis standard. Transactions shall consist of one Type-1 record and one or more of the Type-2to Type-99 records. For the structure of a transaction, see Section 5.1. For a description ofthe Record Types, see Section 5.3. Prior versions of the standard only required a Type-1record.2.2 Morphological 4 (Level 1) conformanceMorpohological conformance deals with the form and structure of the internal content andverifies data structures exist and have allowable values. Specifically, it checks for thestructure and value of each field, subfield and information item in a transaction.A transaction conforms morphologically to this standard if it satisfies all of the normativemorphological requirements related to its data structure and data values, as specifiedthroughout Section 7 Information associated with several records and Section 8 Recordtype specifications. If the system claims conformance with a particular encoding, then itshall satisfy the requirements of either Annex B: Traditional encoding or Annex C:NIEM-conformant encoding rules, as appropriate.Table 1 Excerpt from Table 24: Type-4 record layoutFieldNumberMnemonic Content Description CondcodeTypeCharacterMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#4.004 FGPFRICTION RIDGEGENERALIZED POSITIONMNT=1X=1T=1X=30 < FGP < 15 orFGP = 255 integerSee Table 86 6The excerpt above is taken from Table 24 Type-4 record layout. Notice the “ValueConstraints” column. See Section 8 Record type specifications for an explanation of theentries in this type of table.This example illustrates conformance of the data values.• Valid values for Field 4.004: Friction ridge generalized position / FGP areshown in Table 24. Testing this type of conformance for Field 4.004 involvesverifying that the value for FGP is zero or that it is a positive integer less than orequal to 15 or that it is equal to 255. A value of 10 is conformant; however, a4[2013e>] Morphogological and Syntactical header labels were reversed in thesesections in the 2011 text. The explanatory text was correct. [

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION1 ScopeThis standard defines the content, <strong>for</strong>mat, and units of measurement <strong>for</strong> the electronicexchange of fingerprint, palmprint, plantar, facial/mugshot, scar, mark & tattoo (SMT), iris,deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and other biometric sample and <strong>for</strong>ensic in<strong>for</strong>mation thatmay be used in the identification or verification process of a subject. The in<strong>for</strong>mationconsists of a variety of mandatory and optional items. This in<strong>for</strong>mation is primarily intended<strong>for</strong> interchange among criminal justice admi<strong>nist</strong>rations or organizations that rely onautomated identification systems or use other biometric and image data <strong>for</strong> identificationpurposes.[2013a>] The subject of the transaction may be different from the subject of a recordinstance within the transaction. It may be necessary to identify other individuals inorder to attempt identification of the subject of the transaction – such as when using theDNA of a claimed or purported relative to assist in the identification of an unknowndeceased.Some transactions, such as those requesting the number of individual speakers in asingle recording by their very nature involve multiple identities, but the request isgeneric and that type of transaction is not referenced to a particular individual being thesubject of the transaction.Transactions dealing with individual identification or verification of identity shall belimited to a single subject of the transaction.[

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