acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ... acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.17.21 Field 17.022: Scanned horizontal pixel scale / SHPSThis is an optional field. See Section for details.8.17.22 Field 17.023: Scanned vertical pixel scale / SVPSThis is an optional field. See Section for details.8.17.23 Field 17.024: Image quality score / IQSThis optional field shall be used to specify one or more different metrics of image qualityscore data for the image stored in this record. Each set of three information items shall becontained in a separate subfield. See Section 7.7.7 for details on the information items.8.17.24 Field 17.025: Effective acquisition spectrum / EASThis optional field indicates the acquisition spectrum used in capturing the iris image.The acquisition spectrum is the effective acquisition spectrum, which is limited by boththe lighting spectrum and the spectrum limitations of the acquisition device: it is definedby the overlap of the two spectra. This field contains an alphabetic entry selected fromthe column “Value” in Table 89.Table 89 Effective acquisition spectrum codesValue Description SpectrumNIR Near-infrared acquisition Approx. 700–900 171 nmDEFINED Defined acquisition spectrum, in range of nanometers rounded tothe nearest 10nm, e.g. 800 to 830. This option provides themeans to specify the acquisition spectrum when known withprecision. When this value is used, Field 17.027: Specifiedspectrum values / SSV shall accompany it. The format of thetwo information items in that field shall be a 3 or 4-digit integerspecifying the minimum of the spectrum range in nanometers,followed by a 3 or 4-digit integer specifying the maximum of thespectrum range in nanometers. The minimum value shall be lessthan or equal to the maximum value.VISVisible full-spectrum acquisitionNOTE:Visible images cannot usually be matched against nearinfraredimages because either no detail, or different detail, ofthe iris texture is present in a visible light image.Interoperability between VIS and NIR images remains aresearch issue. VIS images are supported by this standard forsupplemental, forensic, and research purposes only. Such useApprox. 380–750 nm171The 2007 and 2008 versions of the standard had a range of 700-850 for NIR; 380 to 740 for VIS. REDwas not specified in earlier versions of the standard.May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 355

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONValue Description Spectrumcases may extend to the peri-ocular region.RED Red portion of visible full-spectrum illuminationNOTE: Red light visible images cannot usually be matchedApprox. 620–750 nmagainst near-infrared images because no detail, noisy detail, ordifferent detail, of the iris texture is present in a red light image.Interoperability between VIS and RED images remains aresearch issue. RED images are supported by this standard forsupplemental, forensic, and research purposes only. Such usecases may extend to the peri-ocular region.UNDEFINED This value shall be used when the effective spectrum is unknownor unavailable, and is not better described by one of the othervalues.8.17.25 Field 17.026: Iris diameter / IRDThis optional field shall specify the expected iris diameter in pixels. The diameter of theiris should not be less than 140 pixels.8.17.26 Field 17.027: Specified spectrum values / SSVThis field shall only be present if Field 17.025: Effective acquisition spectrum / EAShas a value of 'DEFINED' It is comprised of two information items:The first information item is is spectrum lower bound / LOW. It is a three or four digitentry indicating the lower frequency bound in nm. (rounded to the nearest 10 nm.).The second information item is spectrum upper bound / HIG. It is a three or four digitentry indicating the upper frequency bound in nm. (rounded to the nearest 10 nm.).8.17.27 Field 17.028: Damaged or missing eye / DMEThis optional field shall specify if one or both eyes are unable to provide usable irisimages. The eye position is specified in Field 17.003: Eye Label / ELR . This fieldshall contain a code from Table 90. “UC” should be entered if the eye is physicallypresent, but a usable iris image cannot be captured. An example is when the eye isswollen shut due to injury.Table 90 Missing and damaged eye codesDescriptorMissing or artificial eyeUnable to capture imageCodeMAUC356

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.17.21 Field 17.022: Scanned horizontal pixel scale / SHPSThis is an optional field. See Section <strong>for</strong> details.8.17.22 Field 17.023: Scanned vertical pixel scale / SVPSThis is an optional field. See Section <strong>for</strong> details.8.17.23 Field 17.024: <strong>Image</strong> quality score / IQSThis optional field shall be used to specify one or more different metrics of image qualityscore data <strong>for</strong> the image stored in this record. Each set of three in<strong>for</strong>mation items shall becontained in a separate subfield. See Section 7.7.7 <strong>for</strong> details on the in<strong>for</strong>mation items.8.17.24 Field 17.025: Effective acquisition spectrum / EASThis optional field indicates the acquisition spectrum used in capturing the iris image.The acquisition spectrum is the effective acquisition spectrum, which is limited by boththe lighting spectrum and the spectrum limitations of the acquisition device: it is definedby the overlap of the two spectra. This field contains an alphabetic entry selected fromthe column “Value” in Table 89.Table 89 Effective acquisition spectrum codesValue Description SpectrumNIR Near-infrared acquisition Approx. 700–900 171 nmDEFINED Defined acquisition spectrum, in range of nanometers rounded tothe nearest 10nm, e.g. 800 to 830. This option provides themeans to specify the acquisition spectrum when known withprecision. When this value is used, Field 17.027: Specifiedspectrum values / SSV shall accompany it. The <strong>for</strong>mat of thetwo in<strong>for</strong>mation items in that field shall be a 3 or 4-digit integerspecifying the minimum of the spectrum range in nanometers,followed by a 3 or 4-digit integer specifying the maximum of thespectrum range in nanometers. The minimum value shall be lessthan or equal to the maximum value.VISVisible full-spectrum acquisitionNOTE:Visible images cannot usually be matched against nearinfraredimages because either no detail, or different detail, ofthe iris texture is present in a visible light image.Interoperability between VIS and NIR images remains aresearch issue. VIS images are supported by this standard <strong>for</strong>supplemental, <strong>for</strong>ensic, and research purposes only. Such useApprox. 380–750 nm171The 2007 and 2008 versions of the standard had a range of 700-850 <strong>for</strong> NIR; 380 to 740 <strong>for</strong> VIS. REDwas not specified in earlier versions of the standard.May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 355

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