acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ... acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.17.1 Field 17.001: Record headerThe content of this mandatory field is dependent upon the encoding used. See therelevant annex of this standard for details. See Section Field 17.002: Information designation character / IDCThis mandatory field shall contain the IDC assigned to this Type-17 record as listed inthe information item IDC for this record in Field 1.003 Transaction content / CNT. SeeSection Field 17.003: Eye Label / ELRThis mandatory field 169 shall contain an identifier for the eye represented by the image inthe record. An entry of “0” in this field indicates that it is undefined which eye is presentin this record. An entry of “1” in this field indicates that the image in this record is thesubject’s right eye. An entry of “2” in this field indicates that the image in this record isthe subject’s left eye.8.17.4 Field 17.004: Source agency / SRCThis is a mandatory field. See Section 7.6 for details. The source agency name may beentered in Field 17.993: Source agency name / SAN.8.17.5 Field 17.005: Iris capture date / ICDThis mandatory field shall contain the date that the iris biometric data contained in therecord was captured. See Section for details.8.17.6 Field 17.006: Horizontal line length / HLLThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent. SeeSection for details.8.17.7 Field 17.007: Vertical line length / VLLThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent.See Section for details.8.17.8 Field 17.008: Scale units / SLCThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent.See Section for details.169In prior versions of this standard, this field was named Feature identifier / FID.May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 351

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.17.9 Field 17.009: Transmitted horizontal pixel scale / THPSThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent.See Section for details.8.17.10 Field 17.010: Transmitted vertical pixel scale / TVPSThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent.See Section for details.8.17.11 Field 17.011: Compression algorithm / CGAThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent.Itshall specify the algorithm used to compress the transmitted color or grayscale images.See Section for a detailed description of this field. The baseline JPEG algorithm(ISO/IEC 10918) shall not be used for Type-17 iris images. It has been shown that bothfalse non-match and false match rates increase due to the presence of tiling artifactsintroduced by JPEG's discrete cosine transform. While JPEG was allowed in priorversions of this standard, it shall not be allowed for new images. Implementers may wantto support JPEG decoding for handling legacy images. If legacy images were stored inJPEG, they should be converted to PNG prior to transmission, with this transformationnoted in Field 17.902: Annotation information / ANN.8.17.12 Field 17.012: Bits per pixel / BPXThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent.See Section for details.8.17.13 Field 17.013: Color space / CSPThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent. SeeSection 7.7.10 for details. If Field 17.025: Effective acquisition spectrum / EAS is setto “NIR” this field shall be set to “GRAY”.8.17.14 Field 17.014: Rotation angle of eye / RAEThis optional field shall indicate the in-plane rotation angle of the iris. Such rotation canbe caused by head tilt, camera tilt, and also by the common natural rotation of the eyeitself. The rotation angle of the eye encoded in this field is defined here in terms of roll ofthe subject's head. The angle is defined, and measured in degrees, as the angle between aline joining the pupil or iris centers of the left and right eyes, and the horizontal axis ofthe imaging system. As shown in Figure 18, an angle is positive for counter-clockwiserotation, as seen from the camera, of this line relative to the camera’s horizontal axis.The in-plane eye rotation angle shall be recorded as angle = round (65535 * angle / 360)modulo 65535 170 . The value “FFFF” indicates that rotation angle of eye is undefined. This170In the 2007 and 2008 versions of the standard, there was a typographical error of 65536.352

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.17.9 Field 17.009: Transmitted horizontal pixel scale / THPSThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent.See Section <strong>for</strong> details.8.17.10 Field 17.010: Transmitted vertical pixel scale / TVPSThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent.See Section <strong>for</strong> details.8.17.11 Field 17.011: Compression algorithm / CGAThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent.Itshall specify the algorithm used to compress the transmitted color or grayscale images.See Section <strong>for</strong> a detailed description of this field. The baseline JPEG algorithm(ISO/IEC 10918) shall not be used <strong>for</strong> Type-17 iris images. It has been shown that bothfalse non-match and false match rates increase due to the presence of tiling artifactsintroduced by JPEG's discrete cosine trans<strong>for</strong>m. While JPEG was allowed in priorversions of this standard, it shall not be allowed <strong>for</strong> new images. Implementers may wantto support JPEG decoding <strong>for</strong> handling legacy images. If legacy images were stored inJPEG, they should be converted to PNG prior to transmission, with this trans<strong>for</strong>mationnoted in Field 17.902: Annotation in<strong>for</strong>mation / ANN.8.17.12 Field 17.012: Bits per pixel / BPXThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent.See Section <strong>for</strong> details.8.17.13 Field 17.013: Color space / CSPThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 17.999. Otherwise it is absent. SeeSection 7.7.10 <strong>for</strong> details. If Field 17.025: Effective acquisition spectrum / EAS is setto “NIR” this field shall be set to “GRAY”.8.17.14 Field 17.014: Rotation angle of eye / RAEThis optional field shall indicate the in-plane rotation angle of the iris. Such rotation canbe caused by head tilt, camera tilt, and also by the common natural rotation of the eyeitself. The rotation angle of the eye encoded in this field is defined here in terms of roll ofthe subject's head. The angle is defined, and measured in degrees, as the angle between aline joining the pupil or iris centers of the left and right eyes, and the horizontal axis ofthe imaging system. As shown in Figure 18, an angle is positive <strong>for</strong> counter-clockwiserotation, as seen from the camera, of this line relative to the camera’s horizontal axis.The in-plane eye rotation angle shall be recorded as angle = round (65535 * angle / 360)modulo 65535 170 . The value “FFFF” indicates that rotation angle of eye is undefined. This170In the 2007 and 2008 versions of the standard, there was a typographical error of 65536.352

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