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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONThe formats all store sampled pixel data from rectilinear images. The data shall be encodedas a raw array of intensity values, a raw array of red green blue color values, or as losslesslycompressed or lossy-compressed versions thereof. Two of the formats are specialized forsmall record sizes; these are achieved by cropping and masking the images to supportefficient compression (see Field 17.032: Iris storage format / ISF).Table 88 Type-17 record layoutFieldNumberMnemonic Content Description Condcode17.001 RECORD HEADER MCharacterTypeMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsencoding specific:encoding specific: seesee Annex B:Annex B: TraditionalTraditional encodingencoding or Annex C:or Annex C: NIEMconformantNIEM-conformantencoding rulesencoding rulesOccurrenceMIn#Max#1 117.002 IDCINFORMATIONDESIGNATION CHARACTERM N 1 20 < IDC < 99integer1 117.003 ELR EYE LABEL M N 1 1 ELR = 0, 1 or 2 1 117.004 SRC SOURCE AGENCY M U 1 * None 1 117.005 ICD IRIS CAPTURE DATE MSee Section dateencoding specific:see Annex B:Traditional encodingor Annex C: NIEMconformantencodingrulesSee Section dateencoding specific: seeAnnex B:Traditional encodingor Annex C: NIEMconformantencoding rules1 117.006 HLL HORIZONTAL LINE LENGTH D N 2 517.007 VLL VERTICAL LINE LENGTH D N 2 510 < HLL < 99999positive integer10 < VLL < 99999positive integer0 10 117.008 SLC SCALE UNITS D N 1 117.009 THPS17.010 TVPSTRANSMITTEDHORIZONTAL PIXEL SCALETRANSMITTED VERTICALPIXEL SCALE17.011 CGA COMPRESSION ALGORITHM D AN 3 40 < SLC < 2integer0 1D N 1 5 positive integer 0 1D N 1 5 positive integer 0 1CGA =NONE, PNG, JP2 orJP2L0 117.012 BPX BITS PER PIXEL D N 1 2 8 < BPX < 99 166 0 1May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 345

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonic Content Description CondcodeCharacter17.013 CSP COLOR SPACE D A 3 4TypeMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsvalues fromTable 16OccurrenceMIn#Max#0 117.014 RAE ROTATION ANGLE OF EYE O H 1 4 0000 < RAE < FFFF 0 117.015 RAU ROTATION UNCERTAINTY D H 1 4 0000 < RAU < FFFF 0 117.01617.017 DUI17.01817.019IPC IMAGE PROPERTY CODE O 0 1IHO horizontal orientation code M⇑ N 1 10 < IHO < 2integer1 1IVO vertical orientation code M⇑ N 1 10 < IVO < 2integer1 1IST specific scan type M⇑ N 1 1 IST = 0 or 1 1 1MMSDEVICE UNIQUEIDENTIFIERDeprecated; See ANSI/NIST-ITL1-2007 or ANSI/NIST-ITL 2-2008 for a description of thisfieldMAKE/MODEL/SERIALNUMBERO ANS 13 16first character= M or P0 1Not to be used for any new transactions claiming conformance to this version ofthe standard.O 0 1MAK make M⇑ U 1 50 none 1 1MOD model M⇑ U 1 50 none 1 1SER serial number M⇑ U 1 50 none 1 117.020 ECL EYE COLOR O A 3 3value fromTable 170 117.021 COM COMMENT O U 1 126 none 0 117.022 SHPSSCANNED HORIZONTALPIXEL SCALEO N 1 5 positive integer 0 117.023 SVPSSCANNED VERTICAL PIXELSCALEO N 1 5 positive integer 0 1IQS IMAGE QUALITY SCORE O 0 1Subfields: Repeating sets ofinformation itemsM⇑ 1 917.024QVU quality value M⇑ N 1 3QAValgorithm vendoridentificationQAPalgorithm productidentification0 < QVU < 100 orQVU = 254 or 255integer1 1M⇑ H 4 4 0000 < QAV < FFFF 1 1M⇑ N 1 51< QAP < 65535positive integer1 117.025 EASEFFECTIVE ACQUISITIONvalue fromO ASPECTRUM3 9Table 890 117.026 IRD IRIS DIAMETER O N 2 410 < IRD < 9999positive integer0 117.027SPECIFIED SPECTRUMSSVVALUESD 0 1LOW spectrum lower bound M⇑ N3 4500 < LOWpositive integerevenly divisible by 100 1166[2013>] Specific bounds added for clarity [

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONThe <strong>for</strong>mats all store sampled pixel data from rectilinear images. The data shall be encodedas a raw array of intensity values, a raw array of red green blue color values, or as losslesslycompressed or lossy-compressed versions thereof. Two of the <strong>for</strong>mats are specialized <strong>for</strong>small record sizes; these are achieved by cropping and masking the images to supportefficient compression (see Field 17.032: Iris storage <strong>for</strong>mat / ISF).Table 88 Type-17 record layoutFieldNumberMnemonic Content Description Condcode17.001 RECORD HEADER MCharacterTypeMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsencoding specific:encoding specific: seesee Annex B:Annex B: TraditionalTraditional encodingencoding or Annex C:or Annex C: NIEMcon<strong>for</strong>mantNIEM-con<strong>for</strong>mantencoding rulesencoding rulesOccurrenceMIn#Max#1 117.002 IDCINFORMATIONDESIGNATION CHARACTERM N 1 20 < IDC < 99integer1 117.003 ELR EYE LABEL M N 1 1 ELR = 0, 1 or 2 1 117.004 SRC SOURCE AGENCY M U 1 * None 1 117.005 ICD IRIS CAPTURE DATE MSee Section dateencoding specific:see Annex B:Traditional encodingor Annex C: NIEMcon<strong>for</strong>mantencodingrulesSee Section dateencoding specific: seeAnnex B:Traditional encodingor Annex C: NIEMcon<strong>for</strong>mantencoding rules1 117.006 HLL HORIZONTAL LINE LENGTH D N 2 517.007 VLL VERTICAL LINE LENGTH D N 2 510 < HLL < 99999positive integer10 < VLL < 99999positive integer0 10 117.008 SLC SCALE UNITS D N 1 117.009 THPS17.010 TVPSTRANSMITTEDHORIZONTAL PIXEL SCALETRANSMITTED VERTICALPIXEL SCALE17.011 CGA COMPRESSION ALGORITHM D AN 3 40 < SLC < 2integer0 1D N 1 5 positive integer 0 1D N 1 5 positive integer 0 1CGA =NONE, PNG, JP2 orJP2L0 117.012 BPX BITS PER PIXEL D N 1 2 8 < BPX < 99 166 0 1May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 345

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