acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ... acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.15.11 Field 15.011: Compression algorithm / CGAThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 15.999. Otherwise it is absent. Itshall specify the algorithm used to compress the transmitted grayscale images. See Table15 for a list of the codes, and Section Field 15.012: Bits per pixel / BPXThis field is mandatory if an image is present in Field 15.999. Otherwise it is absent.See Section for details.8.15.13 Field 15.013: Friction ridge generalized position / FGPThis mandatory field shall contain the palm print position that matches the palmprintimage. Valid codes range from 20 to 38, or 81 to 84. See Table 8. See Section details.8.15.14 Field 15.016: Scanned horizontal pixel scale / SHPSThis is an optional field. See Section for details.8.15.15 Field 15.017: Scanned vertical pixel scale / SVPSThis is an optional field. See Section for details.8.15.16 Field 15.018: Amputated or bandaged / AMPThis optional field shall specify if a hand is amputated or bandaged. Multiple subfieldsmay be entered and each shall contain two information items.• The first item is the friction ridge amputated or bandaged position / FRAPbetween 21 and 38 or 81 through 84 as chosen from Table 8. This informationitem is called the friction ridge amputated or bandaged position / FRAP todifferentiate it from FGP.• The second item is the amputated or bandaged code / ABC, also known as theAMPCD. Table 85 is a list of allowable indicators for the AMPCD.If an entire hand is missing, either 83 (right full palm, including writer's palm) or 84 (leftfull palm, including writer's palm) shall be entered for FRAP. A partially scarred palmshould be printed. XX shall be used only when a partial print exists due to amputation;therefore it contains some friction ridge detail. UP shall be used with the complete blockwhere an image was to be transmitted, but there is no image due to amputation or totallack of friction ridge detail (such as with a bandage). An image with a scar should not bemarked XX or UP.8.15.17 Field 15.020: Comment / COMThis is an optional field. See Section 7.4.4 for details.May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 333

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.15.18 Field 15.024: Palm quality metric / PQMThis optional field is used to specify one or more different metrics of the print imagequality score data for the image stored in this record. Each subfield is comprised of fourinformation items. The first information shall be the friction ridge metric position /FRMP for the image stored in this record. Valid codes range from 20 to 38, 81, 82, 83 or84. See Table 8. See Section 7.7.7 for a description of the remaining three informationitems.8.15.19 Field 15.030: Device monitoring mode / DMMThis is an optional field. See Section for details.[2013n>]8.15.20 Field 15.046: Subject / SUBThis field is optional. This field is particularly useful if the image is obtained from adeceased person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. SUB iscomprised of the following information items:• The first information item is mandatory if this field is present. It is subjectstatus code / SSC. Possible entries are:0 = Status of individual unknown1 = Data obtained from a living person – such as a victim orpersons unable to identify themselves2 = Data obtained from a decedent – such as an unknowndeceased• The second information item shall be entered if SSC is 2. It is subject bodystatus code / SBSC. Its purpose is to indicate whether the informationrelates to an entire corpse or a separate body part. The numeric value isselected from the descriptors below:1 = Whole2 = Fragment• The third information item shall be entered if SSC is 2. It is subject bodyclass code/ SBCC. The numeric value is selected from the descriptorsbelow:1 = Natural Tissue2 = Decomposed3 = Skeletal8.15.21 Field 15.047: Capture organization name / CONThis field is optional. Note that this can be different from the agency entered in Field334

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.15.18 Field 15.024: Palm quality metric / PQMThis optional field is used to specify one or more different metrics of the print imagequality score data <strong>for</strong> the image stored in this record. Each subfield is comprised of fourin<strong>for</strong>mation items. The first in<strong>for</strong>mation shall be the friction ridge metric position /FRMP <strong>for</strong> the image stored in this record. Valid codes range from 20 to 38, 81, 82, 83 or84. See Table 8. See Section 7.7.7 <strong>for</strong> a description of the remaining three in<strong>for</strong>mationitems.8.15.19 Field 15.030: Device monitoring mode / DMMThis is an optional field. See Section <strong>for</strong> details.[2013n>]8.15.20 Field 15.046: Subject / SUBThis field is optional. This field is particularly useful if the image is obtained from adeceased person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. SUB iscomprised of the following in<strong>for</strong>mation items:• The first in<strong>for</strong>mation item is mandatory if this field is present. It is subjectstatus code / SSC. Possible entries are:0 = Status of individual unknown1 = Data obtained from a living person – such as a victim orpersons unable to identify themselves2 = Data obtained from a decedent – such as an unknowndeceased• The second in<strong>for</strong>mation item shall be entered if SSC is 2. It is subject bodystatus code / SBSC. Its purpose is to indicate whether the in<strong>for</strong>mationrelates to an entire corpse or a separate body part. The numeric value isselected from the descriptors below:1 = Whole2 = Fragment• The third in<strong>for</strong>mation item shall be entered if SSC is 2. It is subject bodyclass code/ SBCC. The numeric value is selected from the descriptorsbelow:1 = Natural Tissue2 = Decomposed3 = Skeletal8.15.21 Field 15.047: Capture organization name / CONThis field is optional. Note that this can be different from the agency entered in Field334

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