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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONsimultaneously, and that there is little possibility of a mistaken fingerprint code. The SCFis a 1-based numeric index that is incremented for each simultaneously captured set ofimages, and shall be omitted otherwise. See Section Field 14.027: Stitched image flag / SIFThis field signifies that images captured separately were stitched together to form a singleimage. This field is mandatory if an image has been stitched, and the value shall be set to'Y'. Otherwise, this field shall not appear in the record. Examples:• If the right and left thumb images were captured separately, but combined prior totransmission to create a single artificial two-thumb image (using FGP = 15 in Field14.013: Friction ridge generalized position / FGP) then this field shall appear witha value of 'Y'. It is recommended that stitching not be done, and that the separatelycaptured thumb images be transmitted as separate Type-14 records using FGP codes11 and 12.• If a two-finger capture device is used to simultaneously capture the index andmiddle fingers and separately capture the ring and pinky of the same handsimultaneously, but the two images were stitched to create an artificial 'four fingerslap image' then this field shall be in the record with a value of 'Y'. It isrecommended that instead of creating an artificial 'four finger slap image' (FGP =13 or 14 in Field 14.013: Friction ridge generalized position / FGP) that FGPcodes 43 and 45 (for the left hand) or FGP codes 40 and 42 (for the right hand) beused to separately transmit the two-finger images without stitching.• A device may capture individual finger images from non-adjacent platenssimultaneously. In that case, Field 14.026: Simultaneous capture / SCF shall beused to designate such a capture. It is recommended that the images be transmittedin separate Type-14 records (having FGP codes 2, 3, 4 and 5 or codes 7, 8, 9 and10), using the same value for SCF value. If, however, the images had been stitchedtogether to create a single artificial 'four finger slap image' (FGP = 13 or 14 in Field14.013: Friction ridge generalized position / FGP), then this field shall appearwith a value of 'Y'.8.14.27 Field 14.030: Device monitoring mode / DMMThis is an optional field. See Section for details.8.14.28 Field 14.031: Subject acquisition profile – fingerprint / FAPThis optional field lists the FAP levels associated with fingerprint acquisition devices.See Section7.7.5.2 for details. This field was new for the 2011 version of the standard.[2013n>]8.14.29 Field 14.046: Subject / SUBMay, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 323

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONThis field is optional. This field is particularly useful if the image is obtained from adeceased person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. SUB iscomprised of the following information items:• The first information item is mandatory if this field is present. It is subjectstatus code / SSC. Possible entries are:0 = Status of individual unknown1 = Data obtained from a living person – such as a victim orpersons unable to identify themselves2 = Data obtained from a decedent – such as an unknowndeceased• The second information item shall be entered if SSC is 2. It is subject bodystatus code / SBSC. Its purpose is to indicate whether the informationrelates to an entire corpse or a separate body part. The numeric value isselected from the descriptors below:1 = Whole2 = Fragment• The third information item shall be entered if SSC is 2. It is subject bodyclass code/ SBCC. The numeric value is selected from the descriptorsbelow:1 = Natural Tissue2 = Decomposed3 = Skeletal8.14.30 Field 14.047: Capture organization name / CONThis field is optional. Note that this can be different from the agency entered in Field14.004: Source agency / SRC and Field 14.993: Source agency name / SAN. SRCand SAN describe the agency that created the record. Since the record may have beenforwarded by another agency to the final destination, Field 1.008 Originating agencyidentifier / ORI is used to indicate the transmitting organization. See Section 7.6 fordetails about SRC, SAN, and ORI. For example,• The friction ridge prints are taken from a decedent's body in a morgue. Thecoroner's office or medical examiner's office would be CON.• The local police department that would create the actual ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 conformant record. Such an organization’s code would be entered inField 14.004: Source agency / SRC (for example NA54-X) and its name inField 14.993: Source agency name / SAN ( for example New ArtichokePolice )In many implementation domains, there are a limited number of transmissionorganizations that can send data. Therefore, the agency listed in SRC may send thetransaction to another location that has access rights to the final destination. This324

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONThis field is optional. This field is particularly useful if the image is obtained from adeceased person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. SUB iscomprised of the following in<strong>for</strong>mation items:• The first in<strong>for</strong>mation item is mandatory if this field is present. It is subjectstatus code / SSC. Possible entries are:0 = Status of individual unknown1 = Data obtained from a living person – such as a victim orpersons unable to identify themselves2 = Data obtained from a decedent – such as an unknowndeceased• The second in<strong>for</strong>mation item shall be entered if SSC is 2. It is subject bodystatus code / SBSC. Its purpose is to indicate whether the in<strong>for</strong>mationrelates to an entire corpse or a separate body part. The numeric value isselected from the descriptors below:1 = Whole2 = Fragment• The third in<strong>for</strong>mation item shall be entered if SSC is 2. It is subject bodyclass code/ SBCC. The numeric value is selected from the descriptorsbelow:1 = Natural Tissue2 = Decomposed3 = Skeletal8.14.30 Field 14.047: Capture organization name / CONThis field is optional. Note that this can be different from the agency entered in Field14.004: Source agency / SRC and Field 14.993: Source agency name / SAN. SRCand SAN describe the agency that created the record. Since the record may have been<strong>for</strong>warded by another agency to the final destination, Field 1.008 Originating agencyidentifier / ORI is used to indicate the transmitting organization. See Section 7.6 <strong>for</strong>details about SRC, SAN, and ORI. For example,• The friction ridge prints are taken from a decedent's body in a morgue. Thecoroner's office or medical examiner's office would be CON.• The local police department that would create the actual ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> con<strong>for</strong>mant record. Such an organization’s code would be entered inField 14.004: Source agency / SRC (<strong>for</strong> example NA54-X) and its name inField 14.993: Source agency name / SAN ( <strong>for</strong> example New ArtichokePolice )In many implementation domains, there are a limited number of transmissionorganizations that can send data. There<strong>for</strong>e, the agency listed in SRC may send thetransaction to another location that has access rights to the final destination. This324

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