acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...


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ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONmethod.Table 83 Means of determining resolutionCodeFLATBEDFIXEDRULERFORMEST-HUMANEST-AUTODefinitionResolution is known since the image was acquired from a flatbedscanned with a fixed resolutionResolution is known since the image was acquired from a fixed-resolutioncapture device other than a flatbed scannerResolution was calculated based upon a ruler present in the imageResolution was capculated based upon the use of a standard <strong>for</strong>m with aknown scaleResolution was estimated by a humanResolution was estimated by an automated process. It is recommendedthat the process be described in comment / COM[]8.13.22 Field 13.046: Subject / SUBThis field is optional. This field is particularly useful if the image is obtained from adeceased person. However, its use is not limited to such circumstances. SUB iscomprised of the following in<strong>for</strong>mation items:• The first in<strong>for</strong>mation item is mandatory if this field is present. It is subjectstatus code / SSC. Possible entries are:0 = Status of individual unknown1 = Data obtained from a living person – such as a victim orpersons unable to identify themselves2 = Data obtained from a decedent – such as an unknownMay, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 307

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