acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONand 13.015 shall be used. See Section and Table 8 for details.8.13.14 Field 13.014: Search position descriptors / SPDThis field shall be present if and only if the finger position code “19” appears in Field13.013: Friction ridge generalized position / FGP.• The first information item is the probable decimal finger position code / PDFtaken from Table 8, with integers 0 through 10, 16 or 17 allowed.• The second information item is finger image code / FIC. Latent images of fulllengthfingers use codes FV1 through FV4, as described in Section Otherallowable codes are EJI, TIP, PRX, DST and MED. See Table Field 13.015: Print position coordinates / PPCThis field may be present if and only if the finger position code “19” appears in Field13.013: Friction ridge generalized position / FGP. It is an optional field. Individual fullfinger or segment definitions may be entered as separate subfields. See Section details. For the case of a fingertip, the first information item shall be “TIP”, and thesecond information item shall be “NA”. The next four information items are as describedin Section Field 13.016: Scanned horizontal pixel scale / SHPSThis is an optional field. See Section for details.8.13.17 Field 13.017: Scanned vertical pixel scale / SVPSThis is an optional field. See Section for details.[2013n>]8.13.18 Field 13.018: Ruler or scale presence in image / RSPThis optional field allows the user to state whether a ruler or other known scale ispresent in the image. The field consists of four information items.• The first information item, ruler or scale units / RSU, indicates the units ofmeasurement visible on the ruler or measurement scale:IN = inchesMM = millimetersBOTH = both inches and millimeters• The second information item, ruler or scale make / RSM, lists the maker of theruler or scale (if known).• The third information item, ruler or scale model / RSO, lists the model of theruler or scale (if known).May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 305

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION• The fourth information item, standard fingerprint form number / RSF permitsentry of a standard fingerprint form number such as FD-249, FD-258 or C-216C. If RSF is specified, none of the other three information items (RSU,RSM or RSO) shall be specified. Conversely, if any of those three informationitems is present, RSF shall not appear in this field.8.13.19 Field 13.019: Resolution method / REMThis optional field states the method used for determining the pixel density of theimage. The field consists of eight information items. The second through the seventhinformation items are mandatory if MDR = RULER and are optional if MDR = FORM.They shall not be used for other values of MDR. When the known scale coordinatesare used, the resolution can be calculated as (the distance in pixels between points A andB) divided by KSL. The pixel counts used in SXA, SYA, SXB, SYB are zero-based.The top left pixel has coordinates (0,0).If the transmitted pixel density of an image in Field 13.009: Transmitted horizontalpixel scale / THPS and Field 13.010: Transmitted vertical pixel scale / TVPS differsfrom the scanned (original) pixel density stated in Field 13.016: Scanned horizontalpixel scale / SHPS and Field 13.017: Scanned vertical pixel scale / SVPS, then thevalues in this field are with respect to the scanned pixel density and shall not berecalculated to correspond to the transmitted pixel density.• The first information item, means of determining resolution / MDR,specifies whether the rsolution is calculated (from a ruler or known scale)estimated (by a human or computer), or is from a known source (such as aflatbed scanner or standard form. Enter the CODE from Table 83 Means ofdetermining resolution.• The second information item, known scale units / KSL, specifies the lengthof the known scale from point A to point B. The allowed special character isthe period.• The third information item, known scale units / KSU indicates whether theknown scales units are in inches or millimeters.IN = inchesMM = millimeters• The fourth information item, known scale x coordinate for point A / SXA isexpressed in number of pixels from the left of the image.• The fifth information item, known scale y coordinate for point A / SYA isexpressed in number of pixels from the left of the image.• The sixth information item, known scale x coordinate for point B / SXB isexpressed in number of pixels from the left of the image.• The seventh information item, known scale y coordinate for point B / SYBis expressed in number of pixels from the left of the image.• The eighth information item, comment / COM, is a UNICODE textcomment or description provided by the examiner about the resolution306

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION• The fourth in<strong>for</strong>mation item, standard fingerprint <strong>for</strong>m number / RSF permitsentry of a standard fingerprint <strong>for</strong>m number such as FD-249, FD-258 or C-216C. If RSF is specified, none of the other three in<strong>for</strong>mation items (RSU,RSM or RSO) shall be specified. Conversely, if any of those three in<strong>for</strong>mationitems is present, RSF shall not appear in this field.8.13.19 Field 13.019: Resolution method / REMThis optional field states the method used <strong>for</strong> determining the pixel density of theimage. The field consists of eight in<strong>for</strong>mation items. The second through the seventhin<strong>for</strong>mation items are mandatory if MDR = RULER and are optional if MDR = FORM.They shall not be used <strong>for</strong> other values of MDR. When the known scale coordinatesare used, the resolution can be calculated as (the distance in pixels between points A andB) divided by KSL. The pixel counts used in SXA, SYA, SXB, SYB are zero-based.The top left pixel has coordinates (0,0).If the transmitted pixel density of an image in Field 13.009: Transmitted horizontalpixel scale / THPS and Field 13.010: Transmitted vertical pixel scale / TVPS differsfrom the scanned (original) pixel density stated in Field 13.016: Scanned horizontalpixel scale / SHPS and Field 13.017: Scanned vertical pixel scale / SVPS, then thevalues in this field are with respect to the scanned pixel density and shall not berecalculated to correspond to the transmitted pixel density.• The first in<strong>for</strong>mation item, means of determining resolution / MDR,specifies whether the rsolution is calculated (from a ruler or known scale)estimated (by a human or computer), or is from a known source (such as aflatbed scanner or standard <strong>for</strong>m. Enter the CODE from Table 83 Means ofdetermining resolution.• The second in<strong>for</strong>mation item, known scale units / KSL, specifies the lengthof the known scale from point A to point B. The allowed special character isthe period.• The third in<strong>for</strong>mation item, known scale units / KSU indicates whether theknown scales units are in inches or millimeters.IN = inchesMM = millimeters• The fourth in<strong>for</strong>mation item, known scale x coordinate <strong>for</strong> point A / SXA isexpressed in number of pixels from the left of the image.• The fifth in<strong>for</strong>mation item, known scale y coordinate <strong>for</strong> point A / SYA isexpressed in number of pixels from the left of the image.• The sixth in<strong>for</strong>mation item, known scale x coordinate <strong>for</strong> point B / SXB isexpressed in number of pixels from the left of the image.• The seventh in<strong>for</strong>mation item, known scale y coordinate <strong>for</strong> point B / SYBis expressed in number of pixels from the left of the image.• The eighth in<strong>for</strong>mation item, comment / COM, is a UNICODE textcomment or description provided by the examiner about the resolution306

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