acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ... acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONthe two fields shall be present in all instances of this record type unless Field 11.003:Audio object descriptor code /AOD is set to a value of 5 . A non-URL reference mightbe similar to: “Case 2009:1468 AV Tape 3 from Convenience Store We-Got-It-All”. It ishighly recommended that the user state the format of the external file in Field 11.051:Comment / COM .8.11.35 Field 11.995: Associated Context / ACNThis optional field refers to one or more Record Type-21 instances with the same ACN.See Section 7.3.3. Record Type-21 contains images that are NOT used to derivebiometric data but may be relevant to the collection of that data, such as an image of adocument authorizing redaction.8.11.36 Field 11.996: Hash / HASThis optional field applies to all digital audio records, whether stored in Field 11.999:Voice record data / DATA or reference to an external storage location in Field11.994: External file reference / EFR and shall contain the hash value of the data,calculated using SHA-256. See Section 7.5.2. Use of the hash enables the receiver ofthe digital data to check that the data has been transmitted correctly, and may also beused for quick searches of large databases to determine if the data already exist in thedatabase. It is not intended as an information assurance check, which is handled byRecord Type-98: Information assurance record.8.11.37 Field 11.997: Source representation / SORThis optional field refers to a representation in Record Type-20: Sourcerepresentation record with the same SRN. This may be useful if, for instance, arecorded television program is stored in its entirety at a location denoted in RecordType-20, but only a segment of it is relevant to the transaction and has been cut fromthe original for further analysis using Record Type- Field 11.998: Geographic sample acquisition / GEOThis optional field is ised to denote the geographical location where the entire samplewas collected, for instance a recording of a person talking at a particular site. Ifrecordings involve persons at multiple locations, such as a telephone call, then it isadvised to use Field 11.032: Segment geographical information / SGEO to denotethe appropriate locations of the speaker in the affected segments. Note that this fielddenotes where the source was acquired – not where it is stored. See Section Field 11.999: Voice record data / DATAIf this field is used, Field 11.994: External file reference / EFR shall not be set.However, one of the two fields shall be present in all instances of this record type unlessField 11.003: Audio object descriptor code /AOD is set to a value of 5. See Section7.2 for details. In Traditional format, this field shall be the last field in the record layout.[

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION[2013d>]8.12 Record Type-12: Forensic dental and oral recordRecord Type-12 is designed to accommodate oral biometric and forensic data basedupon the ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058 - Forensic Dental Data Set and ANSI/ADAStandard No. 1067 – Standard Functional Requirements for an Electronic DentalRecord System. This record type facilitates the exchange of data to agencies that mayuse different data storage and/or matching systems, such as NCIC, WinID, NamUS,UVIS/UDIM, and FastID.The term ‘current data’ refers to the available data for the individual in his/her currentstate, and does not necessarily mean data sampled at the present point in time. ‘Priordata’ refers to data collected when that individual was in a different, previousstate/condition than the current condition. Disaster Victim Identification and Unknown Deceased Identification Prior data (antemortem) Current data (postmortem) Person Unable (or Unwilling) to Identify Themselves Prior data (antemortem) Current data (antemortem)In the first case (which is the most common use of Type-12 record), separate Type-12records are generated for the prior (antemortem) and for the current data (postmortem).Likewise, separate Type-12 records are created for prior and current data for personsunable / unwilling to identify themselves. Data elements are included in the Type-12record to clearly distinguish the timeframe of the data collection from the subject of thetransaction. In order to minimize confusion the word antemortem is used in thisdocument instead of prior data and postmortem is used instead of current data in thosecases where identification only concerns a decedent.The Type-12 record shall contain and be used to exchange information that may beused to identify or confirm the identity of persons using dental biometrics and forensicodontological procedures. It is consistent with the ANSI/ADA Standard No. 1058 -Forensic Dental Data Set of the American Dental Association (ADA) and uses the toothnumbering system stated in ANSI/ADA Designation System for Teeth and Areas of theOral Cavity, Standard 3950.For identification of unknown deceased, as noted by the ADA in Section 6 of StandardNo. 1058: “The antemortem forensic data set should consist of:• familial data set• dental history data set• tooth data set• mouth data set268

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONthe two fields shall be present in all instances of this record type unless Field 11.003:Audio object descriptor code /AOD is set to a value of 5 . A non-URL reference mightbe similar to: “Case 2009:1468 AV Tape 3 from Convenience Store We-Got-It-All”. It ishighly recommended that the user state the <strong>for</strong>mat of the external file in Field 11.051:Comment / COM .8.11.35 Field 11.995: Associated Context / ACNThis optional field refers to one or more Record Type-21 instances with the same ACN.See Section 7.3.3. Record Type-21 contains images that are NOT used to derivebiometric data but may be relevant to the collection of that data, such as an image of adocument authorizing redaction.8.11.36 Field 11.996: Hash / HASThis optional field applies to all digital audio records, whether stored in Field 11.999:Voice record data / DATA or reference to an external storage location in Field11.994: External file reference / EFR and shall contain the hash value of the data,calculated using SHA-256. See Section 7.5.2. Use of the hash enables the receiver ofthe digital data to check that the data has been transmitted correctly, and may also beused <strong>for</strong> quick searches of large databases to determine if the data already exist in thedatabase. It is not intended as an in<strong>for</strong>mation assurance check, which is handled byRecord Type-98: In<strong>for</strong>mation assurance record.8.11.37 Field 11.997: Source representation / SORThis optional field refers to a representation in Record Type-20: Sourcerepresentation record with the same SRN. This may be useful if, <strong>for</strong> instance, arecorded television program is stored in its entirety at a location denoted in RecordType-20, but only a segment of it is relevant to the transaction and has been cut fromthe original <strong>for</strong> further analysis using Record Type- Field 11.998: Geographic sample acquisition / GEOThis optional field is ised to denote the geographical location where the entire samplewas collected, <strong>for</strong> instance a recording of a person talking at a particular site. Ifrecordings involve persons at multiple locations, such as a telephone call, then it isadvised to use Field 11.032: Segment geographical in<strong>for</strong>mation / SGEO to denotethe appropriate locations of the speaker in the affected segments. Note that this fielddenotes where the source was acquired – not where it is stored. See Section Field 11.999: Voice record data / DATAIf this field is used, Field 11.994: External file reference / EFR shall not be set.However, one of the two fields shall be present in all instances of this record type unlessField 11.003: Audio object descriptor code /AOD is set to a value of 5. See Section7.2 <strong>for</strong> details. In Traditional <strong>for</strong>mat, this field shall be the last field in the record layout.[

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