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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONEmotional state description Emotionalstate codeAngry 4Fearful 5Agitated /Combative 6Defensive 7Crying 8Variable 9Other 10ooThe eleventh information item (vocal effort scale number / VES) is an optionalinteger between 0 (very low vocal effort) and 5 (screaming/crying) whichreports the subjective, perceived vocal effort of the subject across the identifiedsegments. Only one value is allowed for this item in each subfield.The twelfth information item (vocal style code / VSC) is an optional integerassessing the subjective predominant vocal style of the data subject across theidentified segments. The vocal style code shall be chosen from Table 78 VocalStyle Codes. Only one value is allowed for this item in each subfield.Table 78 Vocal Style CodesVocal style descriptionVocal stylecodeUnknown 0Spoken 1Whispered 2Sung 3Chanted 4Rapped 5Mantra 6Falsetto/Head voice 7Spoken with laughter 8Megaphone/Public Address System 9Shouting/yelling 10Other 11ooThe thirteenth information item (recording awareness indicator / RAI) isoptional and indicates whether the data subject is aware that a recording is beingmade. 0 indicates unknown, 1 indicates aware and 2 indicates unaware.The fourteenth information item (script text / SCR) is optional and may be usedto give the script used for read, prompted or repeated speech.May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 263

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONoThe fifteenth information item (comments / COM) is optional and may be usedto give additional information about the characteristic assessment process,including a description of any characteristic assessment algorithms used, noteson any known external stresses applicable to the data subject, such as extremeenvironmental conditions or heavy physical or cognitive load, and a descriptionof how the values in the items of this subfield were assigned. If the sixthinformation item indicates read or prompted speech, this item may contain theread or prompted text. This item may have up to 4,000 characters.8.11.28 Field 11.038: Segment channel / SCHThis field contains subfields, each referring to a segment identified in either Field11.024: Snipping diary / SPD or the segment diary Field 11.025: Segment diary /SGD. Each subfield describes the transducer and transmission channel within theidentified segments. This field shall only be present if Field 11.024: Snipping diary /SPD or Field 11.025: Segment diary / SGD appears in this record.264oooThe first information item (diary identifier / DIA) is mandatory and is anindicator of the diary to which this subfield refers. If this item refers to asegment in Field 11.024: Snipping diary / SPD, the value is 0. If this itemrefers to a segment in Field 11.025: Segment diary / SGD, the value is 1.The second information item (segment identifiers / SID) is a mandatory list ofintegers and gives the segment identifiers from the diary to which the values inthis subfield pertain. There may be up to 600,000 values in this item. A value of0 in this item indicates the segment content information in this subfield shall beconsidered the default value for all segments not specifically identified in othersubfields of this field.The third information item (audio capture device type code / ACD) is optional.It is an integer with attribute values given in Table 79 Audio Capture DeviceType Codes. A value of “2” indicates that more than one type of microphone isbeing used simultaneously to collect the audio signal. It is recognized that formost of the acquisition sources in Field 11.008: Acquisition source / AQS, asspecified by Table 101 Acquisition source, the audio capture device type andmicrophone type code (MTC) shall be known.Table 79 Audio Capture Device Type CodesDevice type descriptionDevice typecodeUnknown 0Array 1Multiple style microphones 2Earbud 3Body Wire 4Microphone 5Handset 6Headset 7

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONEmotional state description Emotionalstate codeAngry 4Fearful 5Agitated /Combative 6Defensive 7Crying 8Variable 9Other 10ooThe eleventh in<strong>for</strong>mation item (vocal ef<strong>for</strong>t scale number / VES) is an optionalinteger between 0 (very low vocal ef<strong>for</strong>t) and 5 (screaming/crying) whichreports the subjective, perceived vocal ef<strong>for</strong>t of the subject across the identifiedsegments. Only one value is allowed <strong>for</strong> this item in each subfield.The twelfth in<strong>for</strong>mation item (vocal style code / VSC) is an optional integerassessing the subjective predominant vocal style of the data subject across theidentified segments. The vocal style code shall be chosen from Table 78 VocalStyle Codes. Only one value is allowed <strong>for</strong> this item in each subfield.Table 78 Vocal Style CodesVocal style descriptionVocal stylecodeUnknown 0Spoken 1Whispered 2Sung 3Chanted 4Rapped 5Mantra 6Falsetto/Head voice 7Spoken with laughter 8Megaphone/Public Address System 9Shouting/yelling 10Other 11ooThe thirteenth in<strong>for</strong>mation item (recording awareness indicator / RAI) isoptional and indicates whether the data subject is aware that a recording is beingmade. 0 indicates unknown, 1 indicates aware and 2 indicates unaware.The fourteenth in<strong>for</strong>mation item (script text / SCR) is optional and may be usedto give the script used <strong>for</strong> read, prompted or repeated speech.May, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 263

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