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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonicContentDescriptionCondcodeCharacterTypeMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#RID redaction identifier M↑ N 0 61 < RID < 600000integer, no commas1 1TRK tracks D NS 1 2list of postiveintegers0 99 132RST relative start time M↑ N 1 111 < RST RET> RST1 1COM comment O↑ U 1 4000 none 0 1SNPSNIPPINGSEGMENTATIONO 0 111.023SGI snipping indicator M↑ N 1 1 SGI = 0 or 1 1 1SPAsnipping authorityorganization nameO↑ U 1 300 none 0 1COM comments O↑ U 1 4000 none 0 1SPD SNIPPING DIARY O 0 1Subfields:Repeating sets ofinformation itemsM↑ 1 600000SPI snip identifier M↑ N 0 61 < SPI < 600000integer, no commas1 111.024TRK tracks D NS 1 2list of positiveintegers0 99 132RST relative start time M↑ N 1 111 < RST RET> RST1 1COM comment O↑ U 1 4000 none 0 111.025 SGD SEGMENT DIARY DSubfields:Repeating sets ofinformation itemsM↑ 1 600000DAU diarization authority O↑ U 1 300 none 0 1SID segment identifier M↑ N 0 61 < SID < 600000integer, no commas1 1TRK track number list D NS 1 2 list of postiveintegers0 99 132132Note that this structure is not possible in Traditional encodingMay, 2013 DRAFT VERSION UPDATE 2013 Page 235

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonicContentDescriptionCondcodeCharacterTypeMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#RST relative start time M↑ N 1 111 < RST RET> RST1 111.026 – 11.03011.031COM comment O↑ U 1 4000 none 0 1RESERVED FORFUTURE USE ONLYBY ANSI/NIST-ITLNot to be usedTMESEGMENTRECORDING TIME D 0 1STAMPSubfield: repeating setsof information itemsM↑ 1 1200000DIA diary identifier M↑ N 1 1 DIA = 0 or 1 1 1SID segment identifier M↑ N 1 6 1 ≤ SID ≤ 600000 1 1TST tagged start time O↑ see Annex C see Annex C 0 1TET tagged end time O↑ see Annex C see Annex C 0 1ORD original recording date O↑ see Annex C see Annex C 0 1SRTsegment recording starttimeO↑ see Annex C see Annex C 0 1ENDsegment recording endtimeO↑ see Annex C see Annex C 0 1TMDtime source descriptiontextO↑ U 1 300 none 0 1COM comments O↑ U 1 4000 none 0 111.032SGEOSEGMENTGEOGRPHICALINFORMATIOND 0 1Subfield: repeating setsof information itemsM↑ 1 1200000DIA diary identifier M↑ N 1 1 DIA = 0 or 1 1 1SID segment identifiers M↑ NS 1 6list of non-negativeintegers1 600000 133SCTsegment cell phonetower codeO↑ U 1 100 none 0 1LTD latitude degree value D NS 1 9 -90 ≤ LTD ≤ 90 0 1LTM latitude minute value D NS 1 8 0 ≤ LTM < 60 0 1LTS latitude second value D NS 1 8 0 ≤ LTS < 60 0 1LGD longitude degree value D NS 1 10 -180 ≤ LGD ≤ 180 0 1LGM longitude minute value D NS 1 8 0 ≤ LGM < 60 0 1LGS longitude second value D N 1 20 ≤ LGS < 60integer0 1ELE elevation O↑ NS 1 8-442.000 < ELE

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonicContentDescriptionCondcodeCharacterTypeMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#RST relative start time M↑ N 1 111 < RST RET> RST1 111.026 – 11.03011.031COM comment O↑ U 1 4000 none 0 1RESERVED FORFUTURE USE ONLYBY ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITLNot to be usedTMESEGMENTRECORDING TIME D 0 1STAMPSubfield: repeating setsof in<strong>for</strong>mation itemsM↑ 1 1200000DIA diary identifier M↑ N 1 1 DIA = 0 or 1 1 1SID segment identifier M↑ N 1 6 1 ≤ SID ≤ 600000 1 1TST tagged start time O↑ see Annex C see Annex C 0 1TET tagged end time O↑ see Annex C see Annex C 0 1ORD original recording date O↑ see Annex C see Annex C 0 1SRTsegment recording starttimeO↑ see Annex C see Annex C 0 1ENDsegment recording endtimeO↑ see Annex C see Annex C 0 1TMDtime source descriptiontextO↑ U 1 300 none 0 1COM comments O↑ U 1 4000 none 0 111.032SGEOSEGMENTGEOGRPHICALINFORMATIOND 0 1Subfield: repeating setsof in<strong>for</strong>mation itemsM↑ 1 1200000DIA diary identifier M↑ N 1 1 DIA = 0 or 1 1 1SID segment identifiers M↑ NS 1 6list of non-negativeintegers1 600000 133SCTsegment cell phonetower codeO↑ U 1 100 none 0 1LTD latitude degree value D NS 1 9 -90 ≤ LTD ≤ 90 0 1LTM latitude minute value D NS 1 8 0 ≤ LTM < 60 0 1LTS latitude second value D NS 1 8 0 ≤ LTS < 60 0 1LGD longitude degree value D NS 1 10 -180 ≤ LGD ≤ 180 0 1LGM longitude minute value D NS 1 8 0 ≤ LGM < 60 0 1LGS longitude second value D N 1 20 ≤ LGS < 60integer0 1ELE elevation O↑ NS 1 8-442.000 < ELE

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