acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ... acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.9.7.51 Field 9.372: EFS skeletonized image / SIMThis optional field contains a skeletonized image, also known as a ridge tracing, whichreduces the friction ridge impression to an image with thinned representations of each ridge.Incipient ridges, dots, ridge discontinuities, and protrusions are not included in the skeleton.The skeletonized image is a 2-tone image with a white background and a black single-pixelwidethinned representation of each ridge. Each black pixel may have 1, 2, or 3 neighboringblack pixels; other values (0, 4-8) are errors. The same information may alternatively berepresented using Field 9.373: EFS ridge path segments / RPS. For more informationabout skeletonized images, See Annex F F.6.8 Ridge path: skeletonized image and ridgepath segments.The skeletonized image is stored as a 1-bit grayscale PNG compressed image, bit-packed 6bits per character using Base-64 representation (See Annex A: Character encodinginformation). The entire PNG 100 -formatted image is included as a single data entry /information item. Interlacing, alpha transparency, and color palettes shall not be used. . Theskeletonized image’s dimensions shall be identical width and height of the ROI (See Field9.300: EFS region of interest / ROI). The resolution of the skeletonized image shall be thesame as the original image, and shall be set in the PNG header. Field 9.373: EFS ridge path segments / RPSThis optional field contains an alternate representation of the same skeletonized image datacontained in Field 9.372: EFS skeletonized image / SIM. Each ridge path segment issaved as an open path (ordered set of vertices). See Section Multiple segmentsmay be included in this field. Incipient ridges, dots, ridge discontinuities, and protrusions arenot included in the ridge path representation. Each skeletonized ridge segment is stored as aseparate subfield. Each endpoint of a ridge segment is either shared by three ridge segments(at a bifurcation) or is unique to a single ridge segment (at a ridge ending). For moreinformation about ridge path segments, See Annex F F.6.8 Ridge path: skeletonizedimage and ridge path segments.[2013a>] In Traditional encoding, the two special characters allowed are hyphen andcomma.[

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.9.7.53 Field 9.380: EFS temporary lines / TPL[2013n>] This field is used by a latent examiner to annotate a friction ridge image withtemporary lines, generally for use as reference points in making a comparison. Theselines are solely for the individual examiner's use and reference – there is no impliedsemantics through the use of this field. This field has subfields, each of which describesa line segment. Each subfield is comprised of six mandatory information items.• The first information item, x coordinate point A / TXA, is expressed in units of10 micrometeers (0.01 mm).• The second information item, y coordinate point A, TYA, is expressed in units of10 micrometeers (0.01 mm).• The third item, x coordinate point B / TXB, is expressed in units of 10micrometeers (0.01 mm).• The fourth information item, y coordinate point B, TYB, is expressed in units of10 micrometeers (0.01 mm).• The fifth information item, line color / TLC, is an RGB color value expressed asa hexadecimal number. 101 Some basic colors are red (FF0000), yellow(FFFF00), blue (0000FF), green (008000), black (000000) and white (FFFFFF).Leading zeros are required.• The sixth information item, line thickness / TLT, is expressed as a positiveinteger. Thickness is expressed in units of 0.01 mm Any value from 1 through99 is acceptable; suggested values are 3 (thin); 6 (medium); 9 (thick), and 15(bold). [] This field enables a latent print examiner to annotate individual features withcolor for display and / or comment. It consists of multiple subfields, each containingfour information items. The first two information items are mandatory. One or both ofthe thrid or fourth information items shall be present in each subfield.• The first information item, feature - field number / FTF, indicates the field whichis annotated with color for display and / or comment. This information item isselected from the Field number column of Table 57 EFS codes for fieldnumbers used for feature color.• The second information item, feature – field occurrence / FTO, indicates whichrepeating subfield of the specified field the label is applied to. Note that this is a1-based index, not a 0-based index. Occurrences are numbered starting with 1.• The third information item, feature – color / FTC, is an RGB color valueexpressed as a hexadecimal number. 101 Some basic colors are red (FF0000),yellow (FFFF00), blue (0000FF), green (008000), black (000000) and white(FFFFFF). Leading zeros are required.101[2013n>] See for a tool to assist in theselection of hexadecimal values for colors. [

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION8.9.7.53 Field 9.380: EFS temporary lines / TPL[2013n>] This field is used by a latent examiner to annotate a friction ridge image withtemporary lines, generally <strong>for</strong> use as reference points in making a comparison. Theselines are solely <strong>for</strong> the individual examiner's use and reference – there is no impliedsemantics through the use of this field. This field has subfields, each of which describesa line segment. Each subfield is comprised of six mandatory in<strong>for</strong>mation items.• The first in<strong>for</strong>mation item, x coordinate point A / TXA, is expressed in units of10 micrometeers (0.01 mm).• The second in<strong>for</strong>mation item, y coordinate point A, TYA, is expressed in units of10 micrometeers (0.01 mm).• The third item, x coordinate point B / TXB, is expressed in units of 10micrometeers (0.01 mm).• The fourth in<strong>for</strong>mation item, y coordinate point B, TYB, is expressed in units of10 micrometeers (0.01 mm).• The fifth in<strong>for</strong>mation item, line color / TLC, is an RGB color value expressed asa hexadecimal number. 101 Some basic colors are red (FF0000), yellow(FFFF00), blue (0000FF), green (008000), black (000000) and white (FFFFFF).Leading zeros are required.• The sixth in<strong>for</strong>mation item, line thickness / TLT, is expressed as a positiveinteger. Thickness is expressed in units of 0.01 mm Any value from 1 through99 is acceptable; suggested values are 3 (thin); 6 (medium); 9 (thick), and 15(bold). [] This field enables a latent print examiner to annotate individual features withcolor <strong>for</strong> display and / or comment. It consists of multiple subfields, each containingfour in<strong>for</strong>mation items. The first two in<strong>for</strong>mation items are mandatory. One or both ofthe thrid or fourth in<strong>for</strong>mation items shall be present in each subfield.• The first in<strong>for</strong>mation item, feature - field number / FTF, indicates the field whichis annotated with color <strong>for</strong> display and / or comment. This in<strong>for</strong>mation item isselected from the Field number column of Table 57 EFS codes <strong>for</strong> fieldnumbers used <strong>for</strong> feature color.• The second in<strong>for</strong>mation item, feature – field occurrence / FTO, indicates whichrepeating subfield of the specified field the label is applied to. Note that this is a1-based index, not a 0-based index. Occurrences are numbered starting with 1.• The third in<strong>for</strong>mation item, feature – color / FTC, is an RGB color valueexpressed as a hexadecimal number. 101 Some basic colors are red (FF0000),yellow (FFFF00), blue (0000FF), green (008000), black (000000) and white(FFFFFF). Leading zeros are required.101[2013n>] See <strong>for</strong> a tool to assist in theselection of hexadecimal values <strong>for</strong> colors. [

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