acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ... acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONmodification of features.Table 47 EFS codes for methods of feature detectionCodeAUTOREVEDITMANUsageThe features were detected and encoded by an automated process without anypossibility of human editing. The algorithm shall be noted in the appropriateinformation item.The features were detected and encoded by an automated process, and manuallyreviewed without the need for manual editing. The algorithm and examiner’s nameshall be noted in the appropriate information items.The features were detected and encoded by an automated process, but manuallyedited. The algorithm and examiner’s name shall be noted in the appropriateinformation items.The features were manually detected and encoded. The examiner’s name shall benoted in the appropriate information item. Field 9.351: EFS comments / COMThis optional text field contains additional information not noted in other fields. This mayinclude unformatted text information such as location, background information, ordescriptive information. If comments need to be made about specific portions of theimpression, use Field 9.324: EFS distinctive features / DIS or Field 9.332: EFSminutiae ridge count algorithm / MRA. Field 9.352: EFS latent processing method / LPMThis optional text field contains one or more three-letter codes 94 from Table 48 indicatingthe technique(s) used to process the latent fingerprint. This field is only used for latentimages. Unprocessed impressions (patent images visible to the naked eye) shall belabeled VIS. Multiple methods should be marked by separate subfields. Methods shouldonly be marked if they contributed substantively to the visualization of the image, andshall not be a list of all methods attempted. Field 9.353: EFS examiner analysis assessment / EAAThis optional text field indicates an examiner’s assessment of the value of the singleimpression delineated by Field 9.300: EFS region of interest / ROI. See also Field9.362: EFS examiner comparison determination / ECD for comparisondeterminations. This field consists of seven information items, of which the first five aremandatory:• The first information item (value assessment code / AAV) indicates thevalue of the impression, from Table 49.94[2013e>] Text corrected to correspond to Table 30 Type-9 Fields for EFS occurrence maximum forthis field [

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION• The second information item (examiner last name / ALN) shall containthe surname (last name) of the fingerprint examiner.• The third information item (examiner first name / AFN) shall contain thefirst name (given name, or first and middle names) of the fingerprintexaminer.• The fourth information item (examiner affiliation / AAF) shall containthe employer or organizational affiliation of the examiner.• The fifth information item (date and time / AMT) shall contain the dateand time that the determination was made, using Greenwich Mean Time(GMT). See Section• The sixth information item is optional (comment / ACM), and containsadditional clarifying information for the examiner analysis assessment.• The seventh information item is optional (analysis complexity flag /CXF). It is only used when the examiner determines that the analysis wascomplex as defined in Standards for examining fraction ridge impressionsand resulting conclusions. (See Normative references) In that case, anentry of “COMPLEX” is made. This decision is based on the availablequality of features, low specificity of features, significant distortion, ordisagreement among examiners. This information item is included for usein quality assurance / quality control processes. Field 9.354: EFS evidence of fraud / EOFThis text field indicates that there is basis for determination that the image may befraudulent. This field consists of two information items:• The first information item (type of fraud / FRA) indicates the potentialtype of fraud attempted as determined from the impression, using thevalues in the “Code” column from Table 50.• The second information item (comment / CFD) is optional. It containstext that provides clarifying information regarding the assessment ofpotential evidence of fraud. Field 9.355: EFS latent substrate / LSBThis field is used to define the substrate, or surface on which the friction ridge impressionwas deposited. If multiple substrates are present, they are represented by separatesubfields consisting of the following information items:• The first information item (code / CLS) indicates the type of substrate,from the Code column of Table 51.174

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSION• The second in<strong>for</strong>mation item (examiner last name / ALN) shall containthe surname (last name) of the fingerprint examiner.• The third in<strong>for</strong>mation item (examiner first name / AFN) shall contain thefirst name (given name, or first and middle names) of the fingerprintexaminer.• The fourth in<strong>for</strong>mation item (examiner affiliation / AAF) shall containthe employer or organizational affiliation of the examiner.• The fifth in<strong>for</strong>mation item (date and time / AMT) shall contain the dateand time that the determination was made, using Greenwich Mean Time(GMT). See Section• The sixth in<strong>for</strong>mation item is optional (comment / ACM), and containsadditional clarifying in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> the examiner analysis assessment.• The seventh in<strong>for</strong>mation item is optional (analysis complexity flag /CXF). It is only used when the examiner determines that the analysis wascomplex as defined in Standards <strong>for</strong> examining fraction ridge impressionsand resulting conclusions. (See Normative references) In that case, anentry of “COMPLEX” is made. This decision is based on the availablequality of features, low specificity of features, significant distortion, ordisagreement among examiners. This in<strong>for</strong>mation item is included <strong>for</strong> usein quality assurance / quality control processes. Field 9.354: EFS evidence of fraud / EOFThis text field indicates that there is basis <strong>for</strong> determination that the image may befraudulent. This field consists of two in<strong>for</strong>mation items:• The first in<strong>for</strong>mation item (type of fraud / FRA) indicates the potentialtype of fraud attempted as determined from the impression, using thevalues in the “Code” column from Table 50.• The second in<strong>for</strong>mation item (comment / CFD) is optional. It containstext that provides clarifying in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding the assessment ofpotential evidence of fraud. Field 9.355: EFS latent substrate / LSBThis field is used to define the substrate, or surface on which the friction ridge impressionwas deposited. If multiple substrates are present, they are represented by separatesubfields consisting of the following in<strong>for</strong>mation items:• The first in<strong>for</strong>mation item (code / CLS) indicates the type of substrate,from the Code column of Table 51.174

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