acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...

acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ... acknowledgements for ansi/nist-itl 1-2011 - NIST Visual Image ...
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ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonicContentDescriptionCondcodeCharacterTypeMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#RFFEFS RIDGE FLOW MAPFORMATO 0 19.311SFQ sampling frequency M⇑ N 1 21 < SFQ < 41positive integer1 1RDF ridge flow data format M⇑ AN 3 3RDF = UNC orB64See Table 341 19.312RWMEFS RIDGE WAVELENGTHMAPSubfields: Repeating values M⇑ AN 1O 0 1100,000string containing 2digit positiveintegers or XXcharacters1ROUND-UP(EHI ÷FWS)63RWFEFS RIDGE WAVELENGTHMAP FORMATO 0 19.313FWS sampling frequency M⇑ N 1 21 < FWS < 41integer1 1FDF data format M⇑ A 3 3 FDF = UNC 1 19.314 TRV EFS TONAL REVERSAL O A 1 1TRV = N or Psee Table 360 19.315 PLREFS POSSIBLE LATERALREVERSALO A 1 1PLR = L or Usee Table 370 1FQMEFS FRICTION RIDGEQUALITY METRICSubfields: Repeating sets ofinformation itemsO 0 1M⇑ 1 90 < QVU < 1009.316QVU quality value M⇑ N 1 3integer or QVU =254 or 2551 1QAValgorithm vendoridentificationM⇑ H 4 40000 < QAV ] Correct character type is Base 64. [

ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonicContentDescriptionCondcodeCharacterTypeMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#TGS growth or shrinkage type M⇑ A 1 1TGS = G, S or Bsee Table 381 1CGSgrowth or shrinkagecommentO⇑ 65 U 1 1000 none 0 65 19.318-9.319RESERVED FOR FUTUREUSE only by ANSI/NIST-ITLNot to be usedCOR EFS CORES D 0 1Subfields: Repeating sets ofinformation itemsM⇑ 1 *CXC X coordinate M⇑ N 1 50 < CXC < EWIinteger1 19.320CYC Y coordinate M⇑ N 1 50< CYC < EHIinteger1 1CDI direction O⇑ N 66 1 30 < CDI < 359 66 0 1RPUradius of positionuncertaintyO⇑ N 1 3 0 < RPU < 999 0 1DUY direction uncertainty O⇑ N 1 30 < DUY < 180integer0 19.321 DEL EFS DELTAS D 0 1Subfields: Repeating sets ofinformation itemsM⇑ 1 *DXC X coordinate M⇑ N 1 5DYC Y coordinate M⇑ N 1 50 < DXC < EWIinteger0< DYC < EHIinteger1 11 1DUP direction up O⇑ N 1 3DLF direction left O⇑ N 1 3DRT direction right O⇑ N 1 30 < DUP < 359 67 0 10 < DLF < 359 67 0 10 < DRT < 359 67 0 1DTP type O⇑ AN 1 3RPU radius of positionuncertainty65[2013e>] Changed to Optional to correspond to text [

ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITL 1-<strong>2011</strong> - UPDATE 2013 DRAFT VERSIONFieldNumberMnemonicContentDescriptionCondcodeCharacterTypeMIn#Max#ValueConstraintsOccurrenceMIn#Max#TGS growth or shrinkage type M⇑ A 1 1TGS = G, S or Bsee Table 381 1CGSgrowth or shrinkagecommentO⇑ 65 U 1 1000 none 0 65 19.318-9.319RESERVED FOR FUTUREUSE only by ANSI/<strong>NIST</strong>-ITLNot to be usedCOR EFS CORES D 0 1Subfields: Repeating sets ofin<strong>for</strong>mation itemsM⇑ 1 *CXC X coordinate M⇑ N 1 50 < CXC < EWIinteger1 19.320CYC Y coordinate M⇑ N 1 50< CYC < EHIinteger1 1CDI direction O⇑ N 66 1 30 < CDI < 359 66 0 1RPUradius of positionuncertaintyO⇑ N 1 3 0 < RPU < 999 0 1DUY direction uncertainty O⇑ N 1 30 < DUY < 180integer0 19.321 DEL EFS DELTAS D 0 1Subfields: Repeating sets ofin<strong>for</strong>mation itemsM⇑ 1 *DXC X coordinate M⇑ N 1 5DYC Y coordinate M⇑ N 1 50 < DXC < EWIinteger0< DYC < EHIinteger1 11 1DUP direction up O⇑ N 1 3DLF direction left O⇑ N 1 3DRT direction right O⇑ N 1 30 < DUP < 359 67 0 10 < DLF < 359 67 0 10 < DRT < 359 67 0 1DTP type O⇑ AN 1 3RPU radius of positionuncertainty65[2013e>] Changed to Optional to correspond to text [

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